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The Big 'Un - 3k (2x1500) Doubles Tourney


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Hey guys. The final tournament of the year is the Big Un.


A double header of 2x 1500 points vs 2x 1500 points.


I'm playing with my buddy Mike, and due to lack of preparation we have fielded the same list Level and I used for the last double header that we won.


We have had 3 games so far - and won two, lost one. The one we lost was entirely thanks to having the initiative seized on us! ><; Final tally was 11kp to 9kp - so still quite close.


Game 1 vs- GK/Eldar

Game 2 vs- Wolves/Wolves

Game 3 vs- Chaos/IG


We have two more games tomorrow, will keep you posted on how they go!











Priest - PW, JP

Furioso - Talons, Extra Armour

10 RAS - 2MG, 1IP, PF

5 Sang Guard- IP, Banner

3 Attack Bikes- 1HB, 2MM

2 Attack Bikes -2MM

2 Attack Bikes -2MM

Storm Raven - Extra Armour, TLMM, TLLC





5 RAS - MG, PW

Razor - TLPG, LC

5 RAS - MG, PW

Razor - TLPG, LC

5 RAS - Flmr, PW

Razor - TLLC

8 DC - Hammer, PF

Rhino - Dozer

DC Dread

Storm Raven - Extra Armour, TLMM, TLPC

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Third day of gaming and its all done. Longest most grueling and toughest tourney i've ever played in.


My buddy Mike and I came out tops in the end though.


Rock on BA!











Pics and batreps up soon.

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Rock on. Congrats on the win.


I'm not familiar with the list you and Mike ran, but IIRC it was a fairly mech-heavy list. Looks like only the Wolves players were similar. Do you see tournies like this that can use any army combo play any better than two players using the same codex?


There's a similar three day tourney here in a month or two. I just don't feel I can endure that many games in such a short time, especially if travel is involved. I envy your physical and mental stamina! ;)

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Rock on. Congrats on the win.


I'm not familiar with the list you and Mike ran, but IIRC it was a fairly mech-heavy list. Looks like only the Wolves players were similar. Do you see tournies like this that can use any army combo play any better than two players using the same codex?


There's a similar three day tourney here in a month or two. I just don't feel I can endure that many games in such a short time, especially if travel is involved. I envy your physical and mental stamina! :)

Check my sig for the batreps- and check out Dragonfire. I'll repost it here again when I'm not on my phone.



The thing with these doubles is that there is zero army interaction. So, no rules effect your team mate and vice versa- they are for all intents and purposes two separate lists. So, based on that alone, there's no big difference in the combos. The trick however is synergy.


For those that play doubles or team games, you'll probably know that the trick is not to build two good independent lists, but to build a total list that gets you where you want. 2x1500 allows for some heavily broken combos. Having two balanced lists is not gonna cut it. You need to dominate certain phases entirely, or struggle.


I believe that BA along with most of the new dexes are generally very balanced or tough to "break" at 1500/1750 level. Scale that up and the potential for nastiness increases exponentially. So, again based on what I said above, if you plan to make a 3K list rather than 2x1500 you are golden. Some multi-race lists synergise perfectly, others not so much- the slaanesh/ig list for example was awesome. As was the IG/nids.


I think we had over 20 hours of gaming that weekend. And bar 1 game, evry game was a mental slog.


Keep the questions and thoughts and comments coming! Don't be shy to ask.


Batreps later tonight!

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Thanks for your reply Morticon.


I agree that the synergies are what is important, and looking at your opponents, it looks like they agree. I'm curious as to how those opponents failed to capitalize. I still wonder if it is a matter of the armies being too different, one army's strengths being nullified or simply not enough time playing together. I also agree that some armies play better at certain points levels. For example, beyond 1750, I think it is hard for Tau to win much. Conversely, Grey Knights probably play better at 2.5 - 3.0K than 1500.


I think that teams that still use the same codex has a better grasp on how to work together better and therefore easier to coordinate a game plan. For example, throwing in one unit on one side of the board near your 'mate's, may not be the best idea, especially if the army's special powers don't work together.


Just my thoughts. Curious as to how others see it as well.

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Game 1 - Pitched Battle - Annihilation


vs: Eldar / Grey Knights


List (from what i can remember:)



Grand Master

3x Henchmen - 6Sanctioned Psykers, 3/4 Acolytes

1x 4 Sanctioned Pskyers, 3 Plasmacannon guys, acolytes

1x 10 Interceptors Squad (fast guys?)

1x 10 Purgation ? (shoot through wall guys - with 4 psycannons)

2x 5man Strike Squads



Farseer - runes

2x10 Guardians - EML

3x5 Reapers - Exarch -> CrackShot, Tempest

2x2 Vypers - BLs




We won set up and chose to go first. We made sure to get decent board coverage with the ravens, expecting them to take a certain piece of terrain.




They did -here




They deployed 1 viper squad into reserve along with 1 strike squad.

The rest over here:





Then, out of nowhere the bastards steal the initiative. Didn't even need Big C's re-roll for it- first time.


Thankfully, their long range firepower was limited to 3 blast templates, a set of 3 plascannons, 2 EMLs and 2 BLs - most on BS3 platorms.


As it happens, our opponent rolls like a complete champ.

2 BLs hit - pen and blow up raven one. O_o OUCH. That would hurt.

Next, plasma cannons on the other ravens.

Hit - pen - blow up.




Errr.....we're in for a rough time now. Especially considering both Mephy and the Sang Guard were in the Ravens (with dreads).


With both our scalpels down and out we've got to fight tooth and claw to come back. We use the BA speed to reposition our army on the left flank, and focus everything we can on the amassed KP on that side.




Zoom up! We do a little bit of damage here and there, but nothing particularly notable.


Their next turn sees us take some more casualties here and there- mainly with the bikes.

Mephiston had also thrown caution to the wind and gambled one of his wounds to get closer. Luckily it paid off, and his wings worked..and he zoomed closer to the enemy.


Our opponent had made a mistake in not retreating Eldrad back a bit further, and the 2"disembark allowed us to get into range of Eldrad and his squad with a 5man RAS. Mike was concerned that Eldrad with fotune would be around for ages- and I told him not to worry - we make light work of him the way we should.


As expected, we won combat by targeting the guardians and chased down Eldrad giving us a nice boost. Corbs had helped too by boosting along next to the charging squad to give em FC.




Again, we focus on the left, and keep pushing, trying to avoid the horrible S9 Ap1 templates flying our way. The SG go to ground to avoid being totally destroyed.

The DC rhino gets drilled, and the poor DC start taking tons of fire.


In our turn, Mephy decides hes hungry for blood and again tempts fate to try get into combat with wings. He fails and perils - thankfully Corbulo's reroll comes in handy and the reroll allows us to pass and get up to where we need to be!


Mephy charges in and takes out the 5man strike squad, while the DC sadly fail their charge with a 2 and 1 on the DT.


We had made one fatal error this game. I had moved the furioso dready out to lure some shots. However, we'd put him too far forward and into range of the purgation squad ? (is that the name?) the 4 Psycannons shooting through terrrain. He got nailed. That would wind up bringing us down.


The subsequent turn saw mephy get ganked by Corteas, the GKM, the squad and the 5man remnant squad.


I passed sword though, and was hoping to nuke Corteas and the GKM- both of whom were in BTB -providing i survive till Init1.


I survived the GKM attacks - but the 5man strike squad did 2 wounds, and mephy duffed his hood roll.


In the next few turns the DC dread came to help out, and the DC fought valiantly to help clear out the bad guys - dante and the RAS also arrived in and moved up asap to help clear out too!



It was getting close to the 5th turn, and they had launched a desperate attempt to reclaim some KPs - it seemed neck and neck. The 10man interceptors launched out and targeted a downed razor for easy KP.

They didnt get it- allowing us to counter with the Sang Guard remnants 2 biker squads and 2 other RAS squads!


They wouldnt have come close had our dready been there.


In what could be the final turn, we shot with what we could, but didnt shoot with everything on account of risking removal from charge range. They took one or two casualties. We charged in - but sadly the one RAS didnt make it in meaning all the halberds went straight into the SG - nuking them before they could strike back. We then had 2 bikers break from that combat too.





The game ended with that combat, and the result 9 KP to 11 KP ><;


So close, and all came down to that last combat.




First game - FAIL !

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Game 2 - Capture Control - Dawn of War


vs. Wolves / Wolves




Wolf Lord Cav -bling

Wolf Lord Cav -bling

Rune Priest - Jaws/something




3 ThunderCav - 1hammer, 1shield, 1MB

6x10 - WG Fist, 1MG,1 cmbi, Wulfen


1x5 - Long Fangs - 4MM


2x5 Long Fangs - 4MLs



Our opponents won first turn, and instead of playing a reactionary game to our initial movement, decided to slow us down with their pods and go first. They had also placed their objective on our right of the board way back on their line, so we deployed our objective in line with that on our side, meaning that the whole battle would take place on 1/3 of the board.

To avoid having the logan MM squad come in first and obliterate Mephy, we elected to go off the board and bring everyone on in 1st turn, save for the jumpers who would come in from reserve.


Our opponent tried to lure us off to engage the majority of his pods which dropped to the left of our objective- some scattered further than theyd like. They created a funnel hoping their fangs, bjorn and the thunder cav would take whatever else came through the gap. My partner however saw through the ploy and suggested we just ignore them and set our eyes on the prize.


As a result we sped off into the distance leaving 40 or so pups to run after and play catch up.



The bikers moved on and shot up one squad as much as they could.



One more pod came down in their turn, and again tried to block us, with one squad marchin on from the back.






They downed one raven, but one still remained. Thankfully Logan didnt come on yet.


Unfortunately for our opponents, the positioning of terrain and the size of the bases meant that mephy and the dready (DC) would be engaged, but the wolf lord would only get into BTB with the Dread and the other wolf lord would not make BTB with anyone.

This allowed mephy and the dready to make light work of the squad - and force a whole stack of wounds onto the last lord- taking the squad out in one foul swoop.

The Furioso was also engaging another squad while the bikers were shooting what they could.



In the next few turns, the RAS and SG came down, and with the help of the ravens took out bjorn and then the Fangs. Bjorn had charged the RAS - along with a hunter squad - but dantes hit and run took them out of combat and then melta took care of Bjorn.

Logan came down and focussed on what they could, but it was too late. The back of their army had been broken and the BA were running amok - holding 2 objectives now in the enemy quadrant.


By the end of 6th turn, they were all but wiped out with just 2 pods in their army remaining.







note: The one raven stand had been amateurly left at home ><; So, we used the other base as a marker until a spare become available! I wasnt placing it low down and then high up at a later stage!

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Game 3 - Board Quarter Capture - Pitched Battle


(Board quarter capture is like old school 4th ed - the only difference is only scoring Troops may claim or contest).


vs: IG/ Chaos


Note: The IG user was Ash - the top U18 player in the country. And one of my tourney nemeses. (you guys may recall his name/armies).




Lash Prince

Lash Prince

3x 7/8 Noise Marines - Blast Master, 5 Sonic Blasters, PW

2 Oblits

2 Defilers


Lord Commissar


Officer of the fleet


Leman Russ - Executioner- plasma sponsons

2x HydraS


and a crap ton of guardsmen.

There were no special weapons, but i think 4 lascannon teams maybe 5, and about 6 Autocannon teams.

All in all, there were around 120 guardsmen.




We won the roll off and now had a tough call. Either lose the last grab at objectives in an attempt to cover ground, or face heavy firepower coming in piecemeal. We took the obvious decision to go first and go full out.




Our opponents set up like such ->






We were NOT suited for this kind of match up.


Thankfully BA speed made them crap themselves a tiny bit.

This was our first turn movement:




Also, we got very lucky with our ravens, both of them getting a good bead on some targets and with the help of a corbulo reroll on a MM pen result, we nuked the Russ and one defiler.


In their turn they did what damage they needed to, taking down both ravens:


But the cargo was still in tact.


They failed to get either lash off, meaning we were safe for a little bit.

The DC disengaged and went to take care of the one lash prince (in retrospect, not the best idea - and we lost a few too many guys - but killed the prince)


Mephy went for the biggest threat - the blits. And sadly the DC dread had been wrecked. The furioso launched into the guardsmen.


The fury duffed a few rolls, and didnt wipe out the squad, but the guardsmen in a stunning display of resilience rolled snake eyes to stay locked in combat. PERFECT for us!!! ;)

However, the next turn, the luck turned around, and the furioso again duffed a lot of his rolls, meaning there was 1 member in the squad left and again, they rolled low enough to stay in combat ><;

Mephy had also survived the barrage of shots from dozens and dozens of guardsmen !!!


The last defiler charged through the area terrain to take care of the final 3 DC, but our opponent had made a bit of a novice error and forgotten that since hed rolled DT he was striking same init as the DC. The thunderhammer luckily blew up the last Defiler with his final blow!



Next turn we could get our guys out of razors and try get into the lines.



Again we had stuffed this up a bit, with some stunned razors meaning our angles of attack were limited, allowing us to only engage one unit at a time.


Mephy went off to try engage a lascannon team (not realising how potent the noise marines can be with all their short range firepower!).


Corbs also helped out where he could!



Our RAS eventually came down and split up, taking the two back quadrants while everything else moved up. (Dante, the priest and the Sang Guard came down to help take out the second prince that had taken out our bikes on the left flank and was moving towards our scoring 5man jumpers!





We had successfully pushed them back for 4 turns. The enemy was now needing to push forward into our lines or risk losing. We were claiming 2 and contesting 1 - with a squad set to contest a 2nd.


The Sang Guard then took the brunt of the fire losing a few men unluckily. They engaged the squad that had moved down the left flank to try get into our quadrant and wiped it out- only to suffer a stupid amount of return fire.


However, in one volley i had to make 2 saves on each of the remaining models in the squad (dante + 2 SG - the priest had died in combat :tu: )

I rolled a 1 for each of the SG saves (different models) and lost them both, meaning I could no longer contest that side.


This was now in the 6th turn!!!!


The battle then shifted to our right, with most of our forces being depleted in the center. We would win a combat, then be shot up.

The enemy pushed foward again with their noise marines in the center and started running for a left quarter contest!

The noise marines on the right also pushed forward attempting to engage a 5man RAS squad that looked to be straddling quarters.


The game continued till the 7th turn.


The noise marines continued to fight it out with the RAS. For 4 combats we fought it out. Eventually- on the last turn of the game, the BA sarge was the last man standing!! He consolidated into the enemy quadrant.


We measured the other marchine noise marine squad, and thanks to a run roll of 1 inch the majority of the squad were out of the BA quadrant!!!!


Thanks to one sarge and a few inches, we had contested one quarter, and claimed two with our enemy being successfully pushed back to only claim 1 quarter.


Our losses were severe, but our tactics paid off.


This (and the game before) is also case in point of why I put power weapons on my 5man RAS !!


note: For what its worth- that was one of the tightest, most stressful games i've ever played! It literally came down to the result of that one combat!

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