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New Legion Codex


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I know there have been a few threads discussing the proposed new legion codex, I read through some and they seemed to be "semi-official rumors", I wanted to start one as a wish list in the hopes someone from GW may see it and find some good ideas. I would like to see each Legion with individual attributes. I am an Iron Warrior players, I know one attribute I would like to see is "Iron Within, Iron Without". This would give each character and squad bionics and infer the "Feel No Pain" special rule. As long as each IC or squad has bionics represented, they could use the rule for a point cost. For the Alpha Legion could have something akin to Infiltrate for their entire army and a potential 3rd HQ choice to represent the head of the snake. One HQ dies and another can "walk on the next round" or something like that.


I am not looking for crazy advantages, just enough to make them competitive and fun to play.


Please let me know what you think.

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Being a Bearer of the Word, I would personaly like to see a few things added to be honest. I would like to see Cultist rules and miniatures, proper Daemon rules again, Dark Apostle rules, possibly Coryphaus and First Acolyte rules too. I would love to see bonus' for Word Bearers assaulting certain armies like the Space Marines as they are the Dark Gods favoured Sons!


Also, the Word Bearers have their own Forge World, so I would love to see Word Bearers specific vehicles such as 'War Cathedrals' or weaponry such as 'Impurity flame-throwers' or something along those lines (I know this would never happen but you cant blame a guy for dreaming).



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My main thoughts are more about the Chaos Space Marines as a whole. I'd like to see WS5 chosen, marines with veteran skills (that they can choose from), lords with WS7, new 'lesser' champions (like Exalted Champions or something) and generally just stiff to show that most chaos marines have been around for over ten thousand years.


Legion wise, I want lots if new Word Beaer stuff (TLS sums it up pretty well), cult terminators, new sorcerors for Thousand Sons (as in better sorcerors), cult chosen (so for TS they would be a coven of Aspiring Sorcerors, for WE they would be crazy killers, sort of like lesser Khârn, EC and DG would have maybe a sorceror for sergeant and their unique equipment) and well as dread claws. I really want dread claws.

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This little thing landed on warseer earlier after some discussion about thousand sons:

I can't say that the Thousand Sons basic troop will get heavy weapons per say, but their new psychic upgrades will pretty much "counts as".

Very interesting...

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An FoC like this:








All of which can take greater marks of chaos, and tonnes of gifts including daemon weapons and daemonic stature




Thousand sons

-option to be terminators

Plague marines

Noise marines (possibly heavy support)

Chosen (WS 5, W2)

Chosen terminators


Cultists (moderately good stats, lots of skills, hordes of slaves are elsewhere)

"Warriors of Chaos" Flexible choice that can be used to represent chaos scouts, feudal/daemon world warriors/cavalry, or powerful human champions

Daemonic cavalry

dreadnaughts? (maybe support?)

chaos vanguard

-stealth and infiltrate


cult troops have mark of chaos, which can be given to chosen also. Chosen make wolfguard look like necrons in terms of options.




-can take lesser obliterator virus, lesser marks, or maybe possessed squad mates?

traitors (Guard, with marks of chaos available)


-can take MoN to become zombies

Daemons of chaos


Cult troops can be taken as troops with the appropriate mark













Yeah, I haven't though out this slot yet



Daemon engines




Land raider/variants

some absurd ancient tech

Daemonic cannons?



noise marines?


Haven't fully fleshed this out yet

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Being an Alpha Legion player i'd like to see cultists/operatives, and possibly the "For the Emperor" special item/rule what ever. At the beginning of the game the Alpha Legion player nominates a character/squad leader in the opponents army and gives him the "For the Emperor" ability. This rule would come in affect much like reserves. And when it's activated the Alpha Legion player takes command of the squad, and rolls a d6 to determine what he can do with the charater: Move a squad, do nothing or even fire upon his own men if he succeeds with a Ld test. That would be pretty awesome.


Other than that i'd like to see new daemon rules, new and awesome daemon engines... and other cool chaosy stuff. And more tentacles! Chicks with tentacles.

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Being an Alpha Legion player i'd like to see cultists/operatives, and possibly the "For the Emperor" special item/rule what ever. At the beginning of the game the Alpha Legion player nominates a character/squad leader in the opponents army and gives him the "For the Emperor" ability. This rule would come in affect much like reserves. And when it's activated the Alpha Legion player takes command of the squad, and rolls a d6 to determine what he can do with the charater: Move a squad, do nothing or even fire upon his own men if he succeeds with a Ld test. That would be pretty awesome.

actually, that does sound way cool. I'd love to see something like that.

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This is a little hard, as I have some things that could go either way, so I'll just leave it as Chaos Wishlist:


Chaos HQ Armory massively expanded, especially for Daemon Princes.


Return of the Chaos Lieutenant and Lesser Sorcerer. These guys are better than the Aspiring Champions and Sorcerers that lead the Troops, but not as expensive as the Lords. Maybe in a 2:1 HQ slot ala Wolf Guard Battle Leaders.


Chaos Terminators merged with Chosen. Chosen then come with Infiltrate and can swap it for TDA, Jump Packs, Bikes, or another Vet Skill. They also can take a Champion upgrade. Each PA can be armed with power weapons, combi-weapons, and Special Weapons. Rhinos and Land Raiders as DTs, plus anything else that comes down the pipe.


Possessed may purchase powers again (not limited, but if you want to sink that many points in...).


Sorcerer's Coven. Think a Space Marine version of a Battle Psyker Squad. 'Nuff said.


Downgrade the Icon to being just a Warping Beacon for Daemons and Terminators.


Dreadclaw and modifiable Blight Drones, need I say more? More Daemon Engines, too.


Would be cool if certain units could have their AChampion gain an upgrade that let's them Deep Strike like the Terminators...

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Ahh, yes I thought of a couple of other rules, copied from WHFB: Will of Chaos, all CSM are allowed to reroll failed Ld Tests and IoCG would make them stubborn. And an Eye of The Gods table, where HQs and Champions can roll when they kill something awesome. Like a Tank, an HQ, monstrous critter and the like. An Aspiring Champion killing a chapter master should be rewarded by the gods...
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I suppose those of you hoping for dreadclaw pods have read the new IA book in person?


FW putting chaos drop pods into indentical wording as the Space Marine pods is a dead giveaway.


So that said, I'd like to see some pods.. more defensive psychic powers.. 2 wounds back on thousand sons.


Oh and I suppose ATSKNF would be nice to ALL units too ;)

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looking at the idea of possessed marines in the current fluff. such as Vandred, Argel Tal, etc. the demons enhance their physiological size (make them bigger, stronger faster, scarier etc. i think the possessed could be really overhauled, make them more like space wolf lone wolves, buy upgrade powers and make them obliterator sized (scale wised) like the close combat monsters they are supposed to be. why do they need to be a squad of 5+? perhaps they could then also make them an option to attach them to chaos marine units as leaders (to keep the Word Bearers happy).
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Ahh, yes I thought of a couple of other rules, copied from WHFB: Will of Chaos, all CSM are allowed to reroll failed Ld Tests and IoCG would make them stubborn. And an Eye of The Gods table, where HQs and Champions can roll when they kill something awesome. Like a Tank, an HQ, monstrous critter and the like. An Aspiring Champion killing a chapter master should be rewarded by the gods...


I already had the Will of chaos in my fandex for chaos units, but I was stuck on what the mark of chaos undivided should do, so I may have to pilfer your idea. :D


Also, if GW want to give us some gimmicky drop pod equivalent like the 'nids, I'd give us warp portals which are placed before the game begins, but any unit can be brought through another's portal. Though the portals may only be used once, or scatter, or are dripping yellow madness or some nonsense.

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looking at the idea of possessed marines in the current fluff. such as Vandred, Argel Tal, etc. the demons enhance their physiological size (make them bigger, stronger faster, scarier etc. i think the possessed could be really overhauled, make them more like space wolf lone wolves, buy upgrade powers and make them obliterator sized (scale wised) like the close combat monsters they are supposed to be. why do they need to be a squad of 5+? perhaps they could then also make them an option to attach them to chaos marine units as leaders (to keep the Word Bearers happy).


That would be an interesting take on the Possessed, kind of like Mini-Princes. While Obliterators work as gun bunnies, these guys run as melee monsters... It has potential until we consider one thing, the Possessed box is one of the most recent in the Chaos Marines group...


Screw it, I still think it's a great idea. Leave the current Possessed box in (though, maybe more wings, please?), and then add the mini-Princes in (but what would we call them?) so we have the best of both worlds.

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Greater Champions? I mean, that's basically what they'd be. And I agree, possessed in the fluff seem a lot more like mini-princes. Maybe Lone Wolves are the wrong idea, as the constraints placed on them are a little...much. Maybe treat them like Wolf Guard? That way, you can still do the cluster, or you can out-source the daemonic goodness. Except, leave the option open (in some way) for the guys to go-it-alone, without becoming an IC.
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Greater Champions? I mean, that's basically what they'd be. And I agree, possessed in the fluff seem a lot more like mini-princes. Maybe Lone Wolves are the wrong idea, as the constraints placed on them are a little...much. Maybe treat them like Wolf Guard? That way, you can still do the cluster, or you can out-source the daemonic goodness. Except, leave the option open (in some way) for the guys to go-it-alone, without becoming an IC.


Not if we're incorporating the Possessed rules into that unit to make him a mini-me to your Daemon Prince. From the fluff, Possessed tend to be somewhat dead ends, never really advancing beyond that point in the Legion.

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Not if we're incorporating the Possessed rules into that unit to make him a mini-me to your Daemon Prince. From the fluff, Possessed tend to be somewhat dead ends, never really advancing beyond that point in the Legion.



Not true. Several possessed have been ascended to daemonhood. From Aurelian (or at least what I got out of it):

Argel Tal being one of them.


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Not if we're incorporating the Possessed rules into that unit to make him a mini-me to your Daemon Prince. From the fluff, Possessed tend to be somewhat dead ends, never really advancing beyond that point in the Legion.



Not true. Several possessed have been ascended to daemonhood. From Aurelian (or at least what I got out of it):

Argel Tal being one of them.



Hence the 'tend' part of my statement.

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Oh and I suppose ATSKNF would be nice to ALL units too :P


This will never happen. Not because Chaos marines shouldn't have a similar rule (though I guess stubborn/fearless might make more sense) but because GW had kept this as the difference between Chaos and loyalists for a very long time now. In third edition there was even a silly non-rule called "Corrupted" which took away the ATSKNF that was never given to Chaos in the first place.


Anyway, what I want is something akin to the GK codex minus the silly baby carrier dreadknights and other spawn of Matt's fever dreams. So a very low model count, very elite army that represents 10,000 year old Heresy vets. Alternately they can do something like keep CSM as they are, but make Chosen 2 wound power weapon equipped takers of names/ kickers of asses that can take vet skills if undivided or relevant Chaos marks to boost them further along with a lord upgrade that allows you to take Chosen as troops. Oh how I would love that.

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