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Havoc Style Chaos Marines


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After playing for a couple of years here, my Chaos Marines have proved to be blood brilliant shots but utterly hopeless in the assault. When Khorne Berserkers shoot better than they assault, you know your Chaos Marines are better at doing a bit of ranged death.


Saying that, what are you thoughts on a shooting Chaos Space Marine army and what weapons and units would you take for such a long range death dealing army?

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I'm envisioning a certain amount of specialization. I'd give your Troops squads -- be they Plague Marines or standard CSMs -- anti-infantry weapons like flamers or plasma guns, and stock up on Havocs and Obliterators to provide your anti-armor punch. But that's just me.
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I think it could be quite effective. Especially loading out on combi weapons for the Lords/Termies, Obliterators and Defilers.

Although I would say such a force would be heavily inflienced by Nurgle. Have you considered making your own warband with IoN liberally spread about.


It would be pretty difficult to take down, and adding in a couple of squads of Plague Marines to break the inevitable assaults should be useful also.

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After playing for a couple of years here, my Chaos Marines have proved to be blood brilliant shots but utterly hopeless in the assault. When Khorne Berserkers shoot better than they assault, you know your Chaos Marines are better at doing a bit of ranged death.


Nothing wrong with a majorly shooty CSM army (though Noise Marines are extremely expensive for such), but I'm trying to figure out your reasoning behind using Berserkers as your example, when against SMs they hit on 3s and Wound on 3s on the charge in Assault, which by numbers is better than their shooting capability.

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Although I would say such a force would be heavily inflienced by Nurgle. Have you considered making your own warband with IoN liberally spread about.


I'm not sure why you'd want to do this. Icon of Nurgle is bad (it's FNP that makes plagues good.) More bodies > Icon of nurgle.


As for actual shooting lists, I suggest avoiding thousand sons due to point inefficiency. Marine squads with double plasma guns are nice (glory is good, champion not always needed.) but plague marines with double plasma will usually be better. Oblits are the obvious choice for heavies of course, and Lash to keep things away from you.


Ah crap, I just described EVERY OTHER CHAOS MARINE LIST.


The current codex can't really do gunline armies. If you want something more shooting oriented, I would suggest combi plasma terminator bombing. 5 terminatord with combi plasma, a fist, and glory is ~200 pts, and they hit very very hard. You'll struggle to make a top tier tournament competitive list, but that's going to be true of any build other than Lash Princes/Plagues/Oblits.

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