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What are the current most comeptitive Chaos Space Marine arm


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What are all the current most competitive builds for chaos space marines?


I'm trying to build up a comptitive list from the stuff I own.

I'm assuming that double lash princes with 2 or 3 demolishers are still at the top of the chaos competitive lists or has that been completely neutered by the advent of vehicle heavy armies?


I havent played CSM in like a year so please do post any knowledge you may have ;)


This is what i currently own (not planning on buying new stuff)


1 Abaddon the Despoiler

1 Ahriman

2 Aspiring Sorcerer

2 Chaos Lord

1 Chaos Lord

1 Chaos Lord - Jump Pack

95 Chaos Space Marines

55 Chaos Space Marines - Close Combat Weapon

8 Chaos Space Marines - Plasma gun

5 Chaos Space Marines - Meltagun

5 Chaos Space Marines - Flamer

9 Chaos Space Marines - Heavy Bolter

5 Chaos Space Marines - Lascannon

8 Aspiring Champion

1 Chaos Terminator Sorcerer

2 Daemon Prince

1 Fabius Bile

1 Huron Blackheart

1 Khârn the Betrayer

36 Khorne Berzerkers

32 Khorne Berzerkers

4 Skull Champion

1 Lucius the Eternal

3 Obliterators

7 Plague Marines

5 Plague Marines

1 Plague Marines - Plasma gun

1 Plague Champion

2 Predator

6 Rhino

20 Terminator

16 Thousand Sons

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The answer is always the same :


Oblits (Maxed)

DP (Maxed Wings, Nurgle, Warptime)

PM (SMU in Rhinos mostly Melta a few Plasma)


Remaining points spend into Termicides


No Defiler, No Vindic, No LR (Oblits are plain better)

No Fast Attacks (troops are better)

No Lash

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I'm assuming that double lash princes with 2 or 3 demolishers are still at the top of the chaos competitive lists or has that been completely neutered by the advent of vehicle heavy armies?

vindicators were never base of top tier chaos lists . not even in 4th ed .



as others said . its oblits , DPs , then either pm mini max for more scoring and more melta or a pm/zerker list for a more short range hth army .

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This arm is probably the most competitive:





Jokes aside, as others have said:


2xDP, wings and either lash or MoN WT

MSU PM with melta and some plasmas

perhaps a squad of zerkers with a fist

all troops in rhinos

Max Oblits


...that's it for being competitive...

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