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Dragon shoulder pads

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I just checked the US site and they have them still. Click on the bitz tab in Chaos Space marines. 10 for $8.25. Course I can tell you form using Iron warrior pads that they do look small on current minis. I would try making an impression of the symbol and adding it to blank pads if you like it.

ShinyRhino: Thanks for the link.


Olgerth Istaarn: As for making an icon and then trying to "add" it to a shoulderpad, I've found in my experience that the end result usually looks just like that. That's why I went the route i did. The post that was linked to above explains how I got to the point of casting them.


Jofus was right too, the metal ones are slightly smaller than the plastic ones, but that's isn't an issue if you use the plastic as your base to cast from.


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