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Beginner looking for advice


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Hi Guys,


I'm a long-time Warhammer player just about to start playing Warhammer 40K and I'm looking for some advice. I originally fell in love with the Blood Angels back in 2007 with the White Dwarf rules and article, but I could never find any W40K player. This didn't stop me from collecting and painting a BA army, and thankfully a friend of mine is finally going to start playing too (Dark Eldars and Daemons).


My current army is a bit of a mix & match, as I mostly bought figs that I liked or whenever I saw a good deal on Ebay. I would thus welcome any advice: what can I do with my current fig, what do I still need, what is a must-have etc. If you have any advice for 1000 pts/1500 pts armies, some tactical tips, feel free.

Please note that nearly 90% of the army is already painted to nice standards, so I can't really swap weapons, dorsal reactors etc. My budget will also be fairly limited. Thanks a lot in advance ;)


Current figs :

HQ :

- 1 captain with stormbolter and power sword

- 1 Lemartes (converted old figurine)


Tactical marines:

- 14 tactical marines with bolters

- 2 marines with flamers, one with meltagun, one with plasma gun

- 1 marine with laser, 1 with heavy bolter, one with ML

- 3 sergeants: 2 with PF, one with just pistol & chainsword



- 5 marines with bolters

- 2 marines with laser, 2 with ML

- 1 sergeant with bolter


Assault marines :

- 8 marines with jump packs, converted to look like veterans, with 2 power fists and a combiweapon


Death company :

- 7 DC with jump packs, pistols & chainsword, including 2 power weapons



- 2 attack bikes with multimelta

- 1 dreadnought furioso (a bit converted, so could pass as venerable)

- 1 whirlwind

- 1 rhino (upgradable to Razorback with TL HB)

- 1 rhino (upgradable to Razorback with TL lasers)

- 1 predator with TL lasers and HB sponsons


I also have left 5 figs that could pass as some kind of honour guard on foot: three sergeants (one with a PF, one with a banner), the captain from AOBR, some kind of Apothecary conversion




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depending on your intendig play style you could eitherget a libarian and add him to you assault squad, and get more assault marines to join them. maby try the death o as assault marines as jumppacks really arnt worth it on them. at 7 guys your packs are costing you over 100 points.you could get them a rhino and an attack bike for that. if you do take them as death co add the chaplin to them(rerolls to hit and wound on the charge) also start small and work your way up gaming to seewhat you like. an assault squad, tactical with razorback andthechaplin should bea good place to start.
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