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wounded attack bike question


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so, during a game this week, an issue came up about the rules concerning attack bikes. the rules state you may fire one weapon for each model on the bike, so an attack bike can have the rider shoot the TL bolters, and the passenger fire the multi melta.


but if that attack bike takes a wound, may it still fire both weapons?


i always played it as no, and will only fire 1 weapon from that point onwards, but my opponent was beligerent and stating you still get to fire both because my reading of the rules is a "fluff way of reading it". but i thought its much like IG heavy weapon teams where you can have one model fires the heavy weapon, and the other models get to fire their little las weapons.


who's right on this issue?

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Unlike weapon teams and other "weapon platforms" the models on the bike are not separate and one can't be taken away as a casualty so they both remain until the attack bike as a whole is removed as a casualty.


Fluff wise you could say one of the riders are mortally wounded but is still capable of firing the weapons in their injured state (like the last stand perk in modern warfare).

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i always played it as no, and will only fire 1 weapon from that point onwards, but my opponent was beligerent and stating you still get to fire both because my reading of the rules is a "fluff way of reading it". but i thought its much like IG heavy weapon teams where you can have one model fires the heavy weapon, and the other models get to fire their little las weapons.

Just as an aside - IG HW teams are a W2 model armed with a Lasgun and a heavy weapon option. Regardless of the number of wounds the model has remaining it may only fire its heavy weapon or its lasgun, not both.

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