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Hidden DC Gem


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Well the other day, i was playing with dc in very small game (750p).


I don’t want to talk about its effectiveness or similar. In that game i realized "hidden gem" that any dc unit out of transport offers.


As following the rage rule you have to move to the closest enemy model, to assure which one is closest you can measure distances from your dc unit, if placed smart, you can measure distances that might be later on used for either shooting or making sure you are in right position for charge.


Is this way too cheese or against the rules? Because in my opinion, it is quite cheap and handy tool, to be able to see what is in range or not for just 60p.



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Well the other day, i was playing with dc in very small game (750p).

Is this way too cheese or against the rules? Because in my opinion, it is quite cheap and handy tool, to be able to see what is in range or not for just 60p.


Typically it will be quite obvious what units are likely candidates (or even which unit is the candidate) and so measuring to far distant units to figure out ranges for other units is bad form, this is a gentle(wo)manne's game after all :lol:. But it can be a useful tool every so often sure. Its certainly not worth 60pts because it shouldnt do all that much but it might come in handy if you are taking the unit anyway. Its much the same with say the new realm of battle tiles, using them to determine ranges is fine but you'd probably be best not to bring massive attention to it since its a touch rude.

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Hidden Gem? This is almost blatant cheating. :D In a game that does not allow pre-measuring, you are basically pre-measuring. Sometimes you have to measure to see which is closest, and there is no helping it. Measuring from DC to 3-4 units though... that's pretty unfair, and something I wouldn't do.


Here's the rub though: Do you share the distance measured with your opponent? Or do you play "The rulebook doesn't tell me to, so I'm not going to tell you." :confused:

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I use DC in nearly every game I use my BA. In a pickup game if my opponent and I can't decide where the dc go we just play it by ear and pick which way they should go. Never even diced off, let alone measured. Measuring is bad form I think. Might be legal, but that doesn't make it right. In all but the most cut throat tournaments I wouldn't play anyone pulling those shennanigans again.


On the measuring with long range units and using it to check range for other units, would get bad looks from half the players around here. I think it's a douchey move personnaly but I'm not a "thems the rules" kind of guy. If its a rule that's obviously intended to be a certain way, we play it that way. A lot of our stricter raw/waac players are having hard times getting games with anyone but the new guys. Sure, ard' boyz is one thing (i disagree, but whatever) but we don't feel a need to do that nonsense year round.


I digress - measuring dc that way won't make you any friends. Read that grey box at the front of the rule book again. The one that talks about it being a fun game.

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Learn to judge distances by eye instead. Its not hard - especially with RoB board - and instead of grovelling and calling you a "cheat" and a "rules lawyer", people will marvel at your awesome and superhuman talents :tu:


And ditch that awful rules lawyering habit of yours. You're only encouraging your opponents to go this route themselves, and in the end this will just reduce your games to heated debates - and you don't need minis for those ;)

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Learn to judge distances by eye instead. Its not hard - especially with RoB board - and instead of grovelling and calling you a "cheat" and a "rules lawyer", people will marvel at your awesome and superhuman talents ^_^


Was playing a game last night and needed to move two Vindicator's away from potential charges whilst still keeping them in range to shoot. Moved them both, nominated the firing point for each, checked the range - 24" exactly on both vindis - and neither scattered :Troops:

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My arm from elbow to pinky finger is exactly 18 inches, so I can sometimes use to to make sure may units get into range. I don't use it to measure exactly, but to assist in my impressive eyeballing skills. I don't put my arm over my opponents models, but when moving my own, just compare and flip the distance in my mind. If I know that I will just be in range for assault, then no shots at all. If I'm well within range of several models, then I fire. I would only allow measuring for DC distance if targets were clearly debatable, and only to those that would be possible. We have enough trouble with people extending their tape measures out 12" when they are moving their guys only 6" for movement. Basically measuring for their assault ahead of time and to try to get as many guys in range to do so.
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What's the saying about what DC should be used for? "Point, click, laugh"? I really don't think GW invented this incarnation of the DC so that you could sneakily check ranges, I think they made them this way so that BA players had an (in my experience) incredibly effective and incredibly fun unit to toy with.


I never leave home without at least an eight-strong DC in a LRR. Players in my local area appear to be utterly terrified of them and will shoot everything they have at the LRR to stop them, usually to no avail.


Luckily I haven't faced DE yet, I guess that 'tactic' won't hold up when I'm racing at a Dark Lance gunline.

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