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Suitable modells for Cultists/Renegades?


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I'm at the point in my army building that i'm considering starting to add some cultists/renegades to it. being the Alpha legion player that i am.

But i'm wondering a little what would be suitable modells to use. At first I had my eyes set on some Cadians, possibly convering them a little, but they look a bit too... well organized and militaristic. Not as much as a secret group of renegades/cultists who raise against their planetary rulers (even though i think it's very possible for entire PDFs to rebell. But I want them to look like bad a** rebells. So I have set my eyes on some of them bulky Catachan jungle guys. Unfortunately i gave away all my Steel Legion minis to a guy some time ago. I think they would have looked pretty neat.


The plan is to, in due time, add a platoon (3-4 squads) of cultists with some armour support. And I want them to look at least like a semi organized para military force. And i don't want to buy the FW conversion kits as they all look like nurgle worshipers.


Any ideas on what to use?

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My first thought was flagellants although they don't look like a military force and probably won't even with conversions. Still, I think I'd pick up a box since there are a lot of good "crazy cultist" bits and pieces in there that might be added to ie Imperial Guard models with good results.


I'd stay away from the plastic Catachans -they're terribly dated and they're hard to really do a lot with ime.

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My first thought was flagellants although they don't look like a military force and probably won't even with conversions. Still, I think I'd pick up a box since there are a lot of good "crazy cultist" bits and pieces in there that might be added to ie Imperial Guard models with good results.


I'd stay away from the plastic Catachans -they're terribly dated and they're hard to really do a lot with ime.



Flagellants always works as "Workers Rabble" but i doubt they would look like anything but crazed peasants with pitchforks and shotguns, no matter what you do to with them.

What else is out there? WHFB and 40K wise?

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How about picking up some Necromunda gangers?

Or get some Catachans and Cadians and make some renegades using parts from both.

Depending on the look you're going for, you could always use some fantasy battle miniatures (Empire or Chaos) armed with lasguns...

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My first thought was flagellants although they don't look like a military force and probably won't even with conversions. Still, I think I'd pick up a box since there are a lot of good "crazy cultist" bits and pieces in there that might be added to ie Imperial Guard models with good results.


I'd stay away from the plastic Catachans -they're terribly dated and they're hard to really do a lot with ime.



Flagellants always works as "Workers Rabble" but i doubt they would look like anything but crazed peasants with pitchforks and shotguns, no matter what you do to with them.

What else is out there? WHFB and 40K wise?

Well, I do think they have some very nice bits, especially the heads. But yes, like I said they don't (and probably won't) look like a military force on their own. The "bodies" are too raggedy and "low tech" for lack of a better term.


I think I'd go for Cadians with bits from flaggies and possibly other kits. The Cadian kit is the only really good plastic "soldier guy" kit out there as far as I'm concerned. Plus they're not really all *that* hi-tech or hard to convert satisfactorily. Shaving off imperial eagles is easy and gets you a long way, especially if you add in a few headswaps and the like (spikes, chaos symbols, a mutation here and there etc.).

You could also look into this for a somewhat more "icky" set of heads than the standard Cadian ones.


But of course, the Catachan kit is a possibility as well. I just remember not being all that thrilled with them back in the day when they were a new kit and I was doing a jungle fighter force (and that's what? 12 years ago?).

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How about picking up some Necromunda gangers?

Or get some Catachans and Cadians and make some renegades using parts from both.

Depending on the look you're going for, you could always use some fantasy battle miniatures (Empire or Chaos) armed with lasguns...



Necromunda gangers is a thought. I like the ones in trenchcoats...


Perhaps Dark Elf warriors could be combined with Catachans... hmm...

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Dark elves with catachans would look weird, skinny arms on muscular bodies ( or the other way round ) i would rather suggest using chaos marauders with catachans, both seem to have approximatively the same anatomy. The easiest way must be Necromunda gangers.
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned these guys yet.





Probably because i mentioned i wasn't interested in them since i think they all look like nurgle worshipers... ;-)


But they do have some nice bits except for the vigilante hood-heads.

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My first thought was flagellants although they don't look like a military force and probably won't even with conversions. Still, I think I'd pick up a box since there are a lot of good "crazy cultist" bits and pieces in there that might be added to ie Imperial Guard models with good results.


I'd stay away from the plastic Catachans -they're terribly dated and they're hard to really do a lot with ime.



Flagellants always works as "Workers Rabble" but i doubt they would look like anything but crazed peasants with pitchforks and shotguns, no matter what you do to with them.

What else is out there? WHFB and 40K wise?

Bodies(or these bodies if you like GSing)+weapons+heads=? :tu:


The only reason I haven't done them yet is because I'm out of cash...


But I would probably throw these into the mix as well if I had the cash...

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Probably because i mentioned i wasn't interested in them since i think they all look like nurgle worshipers... ;-)


But they do have some nice bits except for the vigilante hood-heads.

ForgeWorld has an shameless obsession with Khorne and Nurgle.


If you want different heads, I've seen a few by some bitz makers that should be able to fit with minimal modification. There's one set I liked that had Morion- style helmets and Japanese Tengu masks. Although IMO there's no real point in taking cultists, because you'll have to use two org charts like you would if you were fielding a list with functional daemons instead of the useless herp-a-derp ones in the codex.

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Probably because i mentioned i wasn't interested in them since i think they all look like nurgle worshipers... ;-)


But they do have some nice bits except for the vigilante hood-heads.

ForgeWorld has an shameless obsession with Khorne and Nurgle.


If you want different heads, I've seen a few by some bitz makers that should be able to fit with minimal modification. There's one set I liked that had Morion- style helmets and Japanese Tengu masks. Although IMO there's no real point in taking cultists, because you'll have to use two org charts like you would if you were fielding a list with functional daemons instead of the useless herp-a-derp ones in the codex.



I just want the cultists for fluff reasons. And i'm growing a bit tired of painting Power Armour...

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My first thought was flagellants although they don't look like a military force and probably won't even with conversions. Still, I think I'd pick up a box since there are a lot of good "crazy cultist" bits and pieces in there that might be added to ie Imperial Guard models with good results.


I'd stay away from the plastic Catachans -they're terribly dated and they're hard to really do a lot with ime.



Flagellants always works as "Workers Rabble" but i doubt they would look like anything but crazed peasants with pitchforks and shotguns, no matter what you do to with them.

What else is out there? WHFB and 40K wise?

Bodies(or these bodies if you like GSing)+weapons+heads=? :)


The only reason I haven't done them yet is because I'm out of cash...


But I would probably throw these into the mix as well if I had the cash...



Could look very awesome, and could be the most expensive cultists around. But they do have potential. They do, they do.

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I just want the cultists for fluff reasons. And i'm growing a bit tired of painting Power Armour...

I recognize this...and my renegade pdf force is growing as we speak...still have to paint them though...unfortunately I'm an EXTREMELY slow painter...


Though a positive thing: The guard sprues contain lots of extra weapon arms to convert with...and the heads from pig iron are very cheap...


Here is an old WIP squad I have been working on(forgive the crap painting) just to show that the different heads do a lot to differentiate them from normal cadians...besides, cadian type equipment is "standard" and should exist just about everywhere in the galaxy...



I still have to paint some arrows and markings on them...all in due time... :)



Though, I suggest you buy a pack of heads from pig iron though, they are really well made and come with helmets as well if you want...

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned these guys yet.





Probably because i mentioned i wasn't interested in them since i think they all look like nurgle worshipers... ;-)


But they do have some nice bits except for the vigilante hood-heads.



Oops, must have missed that. My bad. ;)

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I just want the cultists for fluff reasons. And i'm growing a bit tired of painting Power Armour...

I recognize this...and my renegade pdf force is growing as we speak...still have to paint them though...unfortunately I'm an EXTREMELY slow painter...


Though a positive thing: The guard sprues contain lots of extra weapon arms to convert with...and the heads from pig iron are very cheap...


Here is an old WIP squad I have been working on(forgive the crap painting) just to show that the different heads do a lot to differentiate them from normal cadians...besides, cadian type equipment is "standard" and should exist just about everywhere in the galaxy...



I still have to paint some arrows and markings on them...all in due time... B)



Though, I suggest you buy a pack of heads from pig iron though, they are really well made and come with helmets as well if you want...


These look very good!

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