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Conquer the universe! Pre-heresy space marines.

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Damn, I was only considering getting one of these before but it's just become a must have! Great job so far.

Yeah sorry man, I blame Templarscrusade01 ;)


This is truly an epic thread! I couldn't keep my mouth closed the entire time I was reading and looking at this, and now I am just awed by your awesome conversions and painting skills! I hope to see more of this, and keep us updated brother, and have a happy new year of killing the heretics and xenos!

Thanks a lot, I'll try and keep them xenos and heretics away so you can have some updates ;)

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yes I hope you do, I myself is now going to build a Pre-heresy army, though they will be Night Lords. So come by and check them out when you have time I would always like to know what I can improve on so I can stalk you guys fromt he shadows! Cheers mate, and as said earlier wonderful minis that are beyond words!
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Lovely work on the Typhon :tu: You make it look so much better than the Forge World painted Typhon, even at a WIP stage! I might have to get one too... some day...


Anyway, Merry Yule to you and I wish you all the best! ;)



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Thanks guys, there'll be more tanks soon, but for now Angron is nearly done, only a few details left ;)











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Thanks a lot guys, I really loved painting this miniature which is now finished :D







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Fantastic Agron mate ! Especially the gold of his armour. How did you do it ?


The Typhon Siege Tank is awesome as well.



Thanks man, I can strongly recommend both models to everyone :huh: The gold was a very organic process where I laid a good foundation of airbrush work and then improved upon it with around 10-20 stages of shading/colour tinting with washes (mainly sepia, brown and green) and highlighting till I got a result I was happy with, it's hard to go into any more detail than that.


Breathtaking! When they get around to doing Russ, I just might have to commission you to do one for me...

Thanks mate, and feel free to contact me about that in a few years when you are blessed with a FW release of your Primarch :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've been out of the posting game for a while, plus side is I've actually made a lot of progress :D


First an interior shot of my Spatan, it's horrible to put together but I still love the model :P Also it's not as bad as putting together a Thunderhawk (nothing I've tried really is)



And then I've gotten some paint on my rhinos and my predator too, none are finished, but it's getting there :D

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