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Brotherhood of a Thousand redux


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Hey all. Been awhile since I posted anything here work wise because I have spent some time changing up my plan for my beloved Brotherhood. So here are the results:






Parts list:

Standard Space Marine plastics

MAS 'Ruins' bases

pads created with a friends' help on Shapeways

Paint list:

Duplicolor Hot Rod Grey Primer

downspray of AP Uniform grey

AP Dark Tone Quickshade

GW Deneb Stone

Vallejo Gunmetal Grey

Vallejo Fluo Orange

GW Mechrite Red

PPress Thamar Black

PPres Wurm Green

GW Iyanden Darksun

PPress Morrow White

and various matte and mixing mediums

Dullcote varnish.

My concept here is simply that i want to get a tabletop worthy army on the field. Too long have i spent agonizing over minis that i keep treating like im trying to win a GD. Just wanna get playing with nice looking models. Seeing as this squad was completed in about two weeks, i think i am on the right track :cuss (i hope)

As always, C&C is very welcome!

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Finally! Great to see a Brotherhood of a Thousand project. And such a good one. I really your chapter bagedes, great work.





Thanks:) Cant take all the credit for the badge creation though; had a friend on shapeways render me a graphic and had them 3d printed. Normally, if you look at my albums, i would use decals. But my time needed to be cut down some for hobby work (sadly) and the decal application became most of the time i spent on each mini haha.


More will be coming, i have a 5 man scout squad in the works, as well as a drop pod. The pod will feature badges done in brass etch. Also in the works is my 'counts as' Calgar clone.


Glad you and everyone here likes them:) Far cry from my original concept heh.

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They really look good mate :) I really like the eyes as you can really make them out and the Chapter badges are great, so kudos to their creator!


Any more coming along?




i have a five man squad of scouts on the desk now, which need some more blocking in of color before their QS bath and detail touch up. hope to have them done within a week or two:)



Any tips on those awesome eyes?



the eyes are done as follows:


fill in the eye with GW Mechrite Red or Crimson Red (Reaper HD color). Actually, any brick red will work.

carefully add a white line, dot, teardrop or whatever shape into the eye with you smallest brush. dont worry if its not perfect, as all lenses will not reflect light the same way

take Vallejo Fluo Orange and fill in the white. be sure the paint is either thinned or use a damp brush because that color comes out the bottle like toothpaste hehe.

once thats done, you can clean up any mistakes with the crimson red around the edges.

for extra 'pop' factor, you can experiment with a yellow glaze or perhaps a dot of yellow at the brightest point of the eye.


give it a try and post some results!

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Could be wrong but dont the 1kB have gold rims, unless this is 5th compan, nice work, good to see the lesser chapters getting represented



yes, most of the pictures seen of them show 2nd Company gold/yellow rims. I simply went with 5th company color for ease of painting. Thanks for the compliments ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Well, took a little while longer than i expected, but here the latest addition to my slowly growing army.




Used the same limited palette as i did with the tactical marines.

Bits list for this lot are:

scout legs

standard marine torsos and Sgt head

classic metal scout bolters from the old scout bike set

BA heads

GK heavy weapon, arms and hands

various pouch and grenade bits

my custom rendered pads

MAS bases

hope you all enjoy. as always C&C most welcome!

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hehe thanks :no: yeah im not happy how the current scout models look, so i dug into my collection and came up with this concept.

i have plans for a second squad that will be cc based using the same idea. i tossed around trying to convert some fancy sniper rifles, but no brainstorms on that yet...

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