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Disaster Games


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I just read a thread in the Black Templar forum named "Disaster games" and couldn't find one here so here we go.


What's your disaster games been like?


Recently I played some 2000 pts Alpha legion vs IG.

My opponent gained the initiative, Getting a lucky hit on my Land Raider with his Manticore. Blowing it up the first thing he does. I moan and watch as he lands another lucky shot with his second Manticore, destroying a Rhino. The Marines in it stumble out and meet a hail of indirect fire. Killing some.


I advance with what i have. Driving my Predator into cover as i blast one of his Manticores with it. Glancing it with no apparent effect. My dreadnaught goes Fire crazy and Multi meltas a Rhino, blowing it up. The Marines stumble out.


My two remaining Rhinos unload their Marines in some craters and close to a building where they scramble for cover.


The Manticores land some more missiles on top of my exposed Marines, killing most of them. And the ones that don't die get blasted by his Valkyrie Vendetta. His Leman Russ tanks blast away at my Predator, destroying a weapon, and something imobilizes my Predator, then destroying it's second las cannon.


My Demons arrive and assault an infantry platoon. 30 S4 attacks kills about... 5 Guards, his Commisar starts chopping up demons just in time to see my Terminators Deep Strike in and blast away. Missing most of their shots. My Predator keeps firing it's Autocannon at the Manticore, imobilising it. My Remaining Rhinos makes road blocks for his Tanks, but get blown up by Las Cannon teams.


My Dreadnaught gets shot in the back by a Leman Russ. Exploding in a spectacular ball of fire. The IG Platoon chops through most of my demons and his Vendetta blasts away killing three of my Terminators. The Manticores and some infantry blasts away at my Marines who take cover in craters and ruined buildings.


My remaining terminators and my lord assault the IG platoon fighting the demons, but are made short work of by some power weapon wielding segeants and a commisar. My Lord gets killd by his own Daemon weapon.


And that's about where the game ends.


Scattered remains of my once glorious army remain on the battle field. No working vechicles. No more than 2-3 marines left in each squad, and I renamed my Dreadnaught "Team Killer".


Most of my opponents army remained intacts. One immobilized manticore and some random infantry killed was all i could muster up as my kill toll.

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One of the low marks for my cell 379 started off against daemons with a lucky bolt hit on a rhino, boom, explodes! NINE hits on the marines inside...SIX dies including a melta guy and the champ...


...the rest of the battle just went downhill from there...

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Had a game like that just today. Turns 1 and 2 I was doing great against the Dark Angels, putting major pressure on both his flanks while his lascannon Razorback spam was bouncing off my Rhinos and Oblits. Turn 3, my Tzeentch DP flubs his Warptime roll thanks to Ezekiel's hood, then charges a Razorback to the tune of NO hits while my Slaanesh Sorcerer and his Plague buddies go after Ezekiel's squad. . .and all die in CC. The next Dark Angel turn, two Razorbacks and two combat squads bolter down my DP, who suddenly can't make a 3+ Save. The left flank collapses, while on the right Azrael and his death squad, backed up by their Land Raider and a Dreadnought, crush one 10-man squad of Tzeentch-icon CSMs and drive a second squad off the board with a failed Ld test. By the time it was all said and done, I had three immobilized Rhinos, an immobilized Land Raider, and seven Plague Marines left. I only managed to kill one Dreadnought, a combat squad of five guys, and a couple of Azrael's retinue in six turns of combat. I blame Ezekiel. Stupid Librarians.
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Yes, actually. I had a game when I was first starting to play World Eaters against a suit-heavy Tau army, and got a scenario where all your mechanized units had to come in from reserve. Everything I had in that army was mechanized. So needless to say, I started with nothing on the table and as everything entered on turns two thru five, it got destroyed piecemeal.


That's most of why I stopped playing World Eaters when 4th Edition came out; the scenario book added Escalation, which was one of two built-in nerfs to mechanized lists. The other was forced dismounting and pinning if a transport took a penetrating hit.


Sometimes, I get the feeling that the 4th edition rulebook and codex were designed the way they were just because Chaos did so well in the Eye of Terror campaign under the 3.5 codex.

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Well I havn't won a game in the 8 years since I started...or maybe 9 years.


Anyway, my latest battle was a 1050pt game against my housemate's new necrons.


My forces were:

Chaos Sorcer in TDA

10-man tac squad w/ MoN

9-man thousand sons


5-man raptors


His forces were:

The Stormlord

A overlord

5 Lychguard

6-man warriors squad

5-man warriors squad



Before the game even starts my sorcerer is insta-gibbed by the Stormlord's storm. That felt amazing.

Turn one the Monolith shoots the building with the 1kSons in it. I lose the Sorcerer and the building collapses killing a rubric.

Turn 2 the Stormlord and the Lychguard teleport from across the map to the monolith and assault my 1kSons. My Raptors are killed, leaving the Asp. Champ to run off the board. The rubrics take 3 casualties and one more from No Retreat!

The Tactical squad is shot up by the 5-man warriors and the Monolith. The banner bearer and guy with heavy bolter survive...then run off the board. The overlord is assaulted by the Defiler and is pounded flat. He did not get back up.

My Defiler then assaults the Stormlord and Lychguard. Over 2 turns it smashes them all into the crater of the destroyed building, all while the Monolith tries to use the Portal of Exile. It immobolised the Monolith in my final turn...but my housemate had 2 objectives and I had none.

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Faced off against an IG list with three punishers...it was all over on turn two...


29 S5 shots against daemon princes...means dead DPs...he also glanced the damn rhinos to death...and killed off my marines with insane ease...

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In one of the games I played with my Fabius Bile army against Blood Angels had all my enhanced warrior squads roll a 1. I lost a significant amount of my army before the game even began. Then my army was eaten by Mephiston.
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