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Okay I am all for new characters but 42 pounds sterling (65 US before shipping) is a wee bit over the top for my spending.


I would have liked to have seen him with buffed out Wulfen Rules showing that he has gained more control over the wolf within over the centuries he has lived.


As far as the 1st founding or Second founding we the true wolves know the answer. Who cares what anybody else thinks, because in the end does it really matter what our enemies think, no they are DEAD!!

No, but if you look on page 109 the Space Wolves are listed as second founding...


The author should be shot


Well the Author is a woman.




I'm going to have to obtain the Space Wolves relevant info somehow. I'm not going to pay for so much useless information.


What has that have to do with anything? Please read the rules:


No derogatory terms (particularly those dealing with ethnicity or sexual orientation)


I was being sarcastic? Hence the :lol: symbol.


I thought we Space Wolves were meant to be renowned for our sense of humour?

he loses his armour? jeez, this is promissing him to become a real space werewolf. remember the normal wulfenkind still fit in their armour. i'm guessing someone at GW took a look at the rackam wolves and said, damn that would be a kick as wolflord....

i'm holding of untill i see the redmaw model published but i'm pretty sure i'll need to repaint my entire bran redmaw company. damn you forgeworld! :rolleyes:

No, but if you look on page 109 the Space Wolves are listed as second founding...


The author should be shot


Well the Author is a woman.




I'm going to have to obtain the Space Wolves relevant info somehow. I'm not going to pay for so much useless information.


What has that have to do with anything? Please read the rules:


No derogatory terms (particularly those dealing with ethnicity or sexual orientation)


I was being sarcastic? Hence the :P symbol.


I thought we Space Wolves were meant to be renowned for our sense of humour?


Sorry little brother, I am with Jarl Ragnarok on this one.


Casual sexism (or racism) has nothing to do with having a sense of humour or not.


Happy New Year

i think some of you guys are too caught up on this "team jacob" thing, what do you fear? Why dont you associate werewolves with the lycans from underworld, surely those are kick ass bunch you'd be proud to be a part off.


also im more than sure the LGS would let you add the MC rule to "the red maw" just so he couldnt get cover saves

Edited by skoll
i think some of you guys are too caught up on this "team jacob" thing, what do you fear? Why dont you associate werewolves with the lycans from underworld, surely those are kick ass bunch you'd be proud to be a part off.


also im more than sure the LGS would let you add the MC rule to "the red maw" just so he couldnt get cover saves


Also with the old wulfen models and the fluff that suggest that you know... certain giant wolves might actually have been Human natives, Space Wolves or aspirants at one point isn't it a little late to complain about the werewolf thing now... at least you guys don't glitter and you should be thankful that you don't need to use the chaos codex :tu:

i think some of you guys are too caught up on this "team jacob" thing, what do you fear? Why dont you associate werewolves with the lycans from underworld, surely those are kick ass bunch you'd be proud to be a part off.


also im more than sure the LGS would let you add the MC rule to "the red maw" just so he couldnt get cover saves

Funny you should mention "Team Jacob". It's the name of the achievement I wrote for defeating Blood Angels with Codex: Space Wolves, lol. ;P

And honestly.. I try not to get offended when people are being "smart". Especially when they start calling my army "Space Furries". Honestly? I take it as a compliment, because my army is undefeated and it means that they are either afraid or jealous of them.


I also don't thing why you guys are getting too caught up with Bran Redmaw's transformation. He's one out of 12/13 Wolf Lord and each Wolf Lord represents a certain characteristic of the Space Wolves, just like the 20 chapters represent different characteristics of the Emperor.

Agreed again. Now, lets move on....


What do people think about using Bran as a good substitute for 13nth company lists?


I like the rules, canny foes will be trying to take him out before he changes and the Grey Hunter squad behind enemy lines is cool. Chesey players will note that this allows you to sidestep the ruling that bans a terminator WG from using the wolf scout rules.

skoll said:
i think some of you guys are too caught up on this "team jacob" thing, what do you fear? Why dont you associate werewolves with the lycans from underworld, surely those are kick ass bunch you'd be proud to be a part off.

there's a big difference between a wulfen and a werewolf from my point of view:





a wulfen becomes a mindless beserker, losing control to the inner wolf and undergoing chainges that extend his hands and nails into claws and somewhat change his face etc. it's a bit like semi werewolf at it's worst in my opinion. note that not a single wulfen is ever mentioned to grow so much his complete armour gives away! in fact every wulfen marine still wears his armour. if PA can't handle it i'm pretty sure the wolf lord would just take terminator armour instead. it will hold....


what does forgeworld do, they make a character that shapeshifts into a complete werewolf (i've yet to wait for the model but i'm pretty sure it'll be similar to what i posted...) while losing his armour and everything.



the second problem: the curse of the wulfen isn't a good or i want to be a wulfen-thing.once a marine turns wulfen he goes beserk, friend or foe, he'll attack them all. in the novel wolf's honour we have a wolf guard battle leader turning wulfen and only the voice of his wolf lord i believe can calm him down enough to shackle the inner wolf again.


now what did forgeworld do? shapeshifting bran goes wulfen all the time,almost as if he's mastered the curse to work at his will. sure it's an explanation but i don't see it happening that easy.


the way i see it is that the author didn't research the curse of the wulfen enough and instead just went with the easy way: lets make a gaint werewolf!

Edited by Brother Tyler
Broken link removed

I am disapointed that he loses his armour. It makes him much easier to torrent down and wear down in melee combat. Plus where the hell is his rend?


Aside from that, he looks a very interesting character. His wolven form is a gigantic department to his normal form and his deployment features makes him interesting. Sounds very much like he can more reliably setup for drop podding armies. Heheh.

Yes, he loses his armor but gets T6, Eternal Warrior and a FnP for his survivability. Most generic HQ's won't be able to do anything against him. Sure, he may not have power weapons and such, but he gets like 6 S7 attacks on the charge. Like a mentioned before in my blog, he is a utility HQ with some close combat potential. Emphasis on utility.

In my opinion he is totally worth it and with a proper list you army can function like a pseudo-Alpha Legion with tons of backstabbing, outflanking and trickery.

Hmm.. i really like his rules. Shame he has that Werewolf thing though. It just does not seam useful to me without an armor save and inv save. Maybe if it was MC but he drops that axe too? Meh. Ill use the figure though i think, ive been working on a new Wolf Lord figure. Might even have to add one into my list now! >_>

It does seem pretty silly that he loses his armour (really goes against the fluff of the wulfen to suggest he'd be bursting out of it :D ) but like Skarvald says, T6, EW & FnP should go a long way to helping him survive once he flips.


I like the rules, canny foes will be trying to take him out before he changes and the Grey Hunter squad behind enemy lines is cool. Chesey players will note that this allows you to sidestep the ruling that bans a terminator WG from using the wolf scout rules.


I guess the most cheesy way this could potentially be exploited would be to OBEL a Wolf Guard pack Leader in TDA with a Cyclone Launcher with a squad of fully kitted-out, double-meltagun Grey Hunters. This'd give 4 S8 shots at 12", more than enough to smash the rear armour of most vehicles, and if you rolled a 1 or 2 for your board-edge entry when you OBEL and ended up a stranded a long way from the action the Cyclone Launcher could still provide some long range fire support while the squad footslogged towards a new target.


Even if its allowed by RAW I'm pretty sure most people'd agree it's definitely not in the spirit of the rules (though the idea of a Space Wolf stomping around in Tactical Dreadnought Armour, hiding behind trees etc. to sneak up behind the enemy makes for an interesting mental image ;) )

Though to be fair, even a Space Wolf in power armor is something that should not be able to be sneaky. At all. LOL

I wouldn't call it cheesy, however. Keyvaan Shrike can make entire units of Terminators infiltrate and I'm pretty sure he also give them fleet or something.. soo..


It's also important to note here that The Redmaw is way better at killing Vehicles than Bran. A bunch of S7 attack before his Fenrisian wolves get to attack are going to be super useful! Immobilize that vehicle and then tear it apart with auto-hitting Wolves!

In Prospero Burns the Wulfen are depicted as giant WOLVES. Not wolfmen or werewolves in PA nut full blown oversized wolves. I kinda figured this was the description of a complete and total fall to the wolf within. Whilst the Wulfen we know and love are the still somewhat controlled kind, able to at least direct the power of the beast within at their enemy. In BotF a bloodclaw goes wulfen and resists the urge to kill everyone telling his packmate to go on while he handles the 1k Sons. So is it really so hard to believe that a Wolf Lord with several centuries of expreience in dealing with the Beast could master and learn to conrtol it completely and like true son of Russ uses this "skill" to its maximum potential?
Yes, he loses his armor but gets T6, Eternal Warrior and a FnP for his survivability. Most generic HQ's won't be able to do anything against him. Sure, he may not have power weapons and such, but he gets like 6 S7 attacks on the charge. Like a mentioned before in my blog, he is a utility HQ with some close combat potential. Emphasis on utility.

In my opinion he is totally worth it and with a proper list you army can function like a pseudo-Alpha Legion with tons of backstabbing, outflanking and trickery.


Main issue is he losses FNP vs anything that would naturally ignore armour. Most HQ's tend to have that function to deal with other HQ's, even the non-combat specialists, and losing the 2+ armour save is a gigantic bummer. Though that being said, I don't disagree that he is quite a good figure. He has been the only balienced HQ since Logan who hasn't made my eyebrow rise, and can actually fit in the transport of space wolves. Not that he needs to, considering he can either outflank or grigantic inval saves to units in cover. Fen wolves with 3+ save suddenly looks more marine like, superior non-scoring blood claws I say and can produce some fantastic cover to whoevers following behind this convoy, leaving him to disengage and allow them to speed off when they get into CC. 8 points a piece helps migrate Redmaws cost quite nicely to spend on more guys in your codex.


As for the terminators appearing, I think it would be fine, after all, they are simply laying in wait really and in the end, a pair of scout squads and a Grey Hunter squad with a Cyclone termie or just, 10 man + Wolf Guard provides 3 special weapons, standard and power fist coming up their behind is enough to really start ripping into the rear units or onto an objective and maxmise the probablity of something kicking off early on. Only issue is the probability of arriving piecemeat.

I must say I like him.


At slower point games you do not need him, but at around 1500+ he starts to come into play.


He converts one of you grey hunters into a scout unit. So you get an "exstra" elite slot. Scouts in power armour. And they are scoring and you do not loose the alite slot (since we "only have 2" to beging with.) You can even have the full 10 man grey hunter + wolf guard since you do not need to worry about that rhino transport. While I will not do this, you can even have an outflanking TDA. I really like that. And you can use your transport as eather a lazorback or a cheap heavy bolter to give your whirldwind a "hull down" save. That is worth some points.


As for running Bran Redaw himself there are two ways to use him: Outflanking or in a Landraider.


He is kick ass in combat until his transformation, so you should rush him up in a landraider and get him to start ripping out as soon as you can. (Team hi up with grey hunters or wolf guard, what ever you fancy.) This is of course verys hamefull as someone with the saga of the hunter should not start upon the table.


If you are outflanking him then you can put him with eather scouts or the greyhunter squad. (Some rule laywors should help me out of they lose behind enemy lines then.) How ever, if you put him with some fenrisian wolves then they also gain outflank! While not a mutch used unit this is very cool. Giving them outflank and some good leadership (the redmaw) really makes them that utch better. If he comes onto the tale late in the game then he will usualy transform and he gains fleet and you can make the wolves go after one unit and make hi go after other targets.


PS: If he gets FAQ'ed to becoming and MC when the transforms then he will be truly awsome!




Personally I have just gotten 6 drop pods. He fits very good into my drop pod plan. (I will probably use him as a count as as my SW are purple and orange! :D )

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