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World Eaters using bolters


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Did all the world eaters turn into berserkers and only use chain axe and bolt pistol or where they world eaters that still used bolt gun


Silly question i know, but i wanted to know if when i build a world eater army i could use models with bolters


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Acroding to the background from the 3rd edition onwards that would be the case. Older background had them with devastator squads even.

2nd edition had this theme, too. So it was only really Slaves to Darkness that made mention of these World Eater devastators, the Teeth of Khorne.

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...build a world eater army...with bolters

JUST DO IT! your plastic, your choice :P

This is always a valid point ZONKEY, if you want to use bolters and heavy weaponry in your own army, go right ahead, it's your money, and your artistic expression.


By the way, even though they aren't World Eaters, the Blood Pact is a massive warband of humans and aliens that worships Khorne, and many members use ranged weaponry. Here's the link, from Lexicanum:



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The Index Astartes, which is basically the basis of all modern fluff for the various First Foundings specifically said that after they turned to Khorne worship they killed all of their Librarians and disposed of all ranged weapons in favor of pistols and chainaxes/swords. The "Teeth of Khorne" thing is very old fluff, from back when the Night Lords worshiped Khorne and Perturabo was some kind of space pirate, it's long since not been canon.
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Forgive me in what way did the NL worship Khorne.. just by killing?

In Slaves to Darkness, Night Lords generally worshipped Khorne. Iron Warriors worshipped Slaanesh as well, for that matter.


(All IIRC, of course.)

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Forgive me in what way did the NL worship Khorne.. just by killing?


If memory serves there was no fluff on the Night Lords at all back then beyond them being 1st Founding and having been one of the Isstvan V turncoats. They were just always depicted with khornate markings.


Iron Warriors worshiping Slaanesh is debatable, I think even GW weren't sure which is why they and the Alpha Legion were omitted from the chaos squad size table for Space Hulk.


"The "Teeth of Khorne" thing is very old fluff, from back when" the World Eaters were a Renegade Space Marine Chapter that worshiped the god slaughter as opposed to a fragmented band of frothing lunatics. Personally I prefer the former hands down.

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I'd say go for it, since it makes tactical sense... give your bolter packing squads the MoK... have "Teeth of Khorne" Havok squads with autocannon & heavy bolters & MoK. As they all have pistol & CCW, you don't lose any attacks. Maybe even go so far as getting the world eater shoulder pads & rabbit ear heads.
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To me the idea of berzekers with flamers = cool! (Metaphorically speaking!)


Havocs + MoK + flamers + rhino... It may not be the best choice but it is sweet in my mind... even if you think Heavy weapons are unfluffy, assault weapons are good right?

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Yeah well not a lot was "specified" back then, including that there was any difference between chapters and legions, and the Chaos Legions were all just referred to as chapters and were characterized more or less like how the Red Corsairs and whatnot are now. Basically ragtag pirates doing bad things for fun. As far as modern 40k is concerned it can pretty much just be disregarded.
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As far as modern 40k is concerned it can pretty much just be disregarded.


Certainly true, but on the same note GW quite frequently resurrect old snippets from the distant past so there's no reason you can't do the same.

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I run two squads of 10. I also have some heavy bolter and Autocannon havocs in the making too.

My take on the concept is that World Eaters are a warband. They do not simply have bezerkers, full stop. To do such a thing is tactical suicide. A commander will utilise ranged support and zerks too.

If your looking at it in a fluff perspective, then look at khorne units - you have bezerkers, but also the super-heavy ranged stuff like the Doomhammer and Tower of skulls - or the lord of battles. To think that a Khornate warband will field no-one with bolters is ludicrous in my opinion.

The concept of Khorne is one of bloodletting/killing, that is without doubt. However, it is not mindless charging at the enenmy with pistols - there is a process and the Khornate mindset is also one of martial prowess, whether that be ritualised duels with chain weapons or ranged weaponry.

Unfortunately we don't have as much love as the other legions in how we make war, but I like to look at the Sabbat Worlds books as a reference. Although they don't use WE warbands as an example, the concept of a Khornate approach to war is certainly there.

Hope that helps - I can't speak highly enough of a mixed infantry approach when using a WE warband!


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Like someone already said, "Your plastic." But if you're looking for encouragement from the fluff department you can always look at "Conquest for Armageddon", it mentions a WE Termie with an assualt cannon. And like everyone else has said, the fluff, official and unofficial jeeps changing. There was a short story in "Let the Galaxy Burn" Omnibus that said the Alpha Legion were followers of Tzeentch. Now we have to face the possibility of them being undercover CIA-like agents who failed in their assignment and are taking it out on the galaxy at large.
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