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World Eaters using bolters


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While it's more about a Khorne Chaos world than a warband- Ben Counter's Hammer of Daemons might be a good source. The followers of Khorne vary greatly in their approach to fighting- they aren't all charge-in berserkers- some are capable of considerable subtlety.
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Nothing wrong with Bolter armed WE.

I personally use a 10 man (MoK,Skull Champ,PF,2xMG) squad in a Rhino to grab/contest objectives whilst the Berzerkers charge off into the distance.


Mine are a mix of Berzerker and CSM parts some with Bolters in two hands but most are true grit style with a Chainsword in their other hand.

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But would it follow the world eater theme

No offence really meant, but if you think it fits the theme, then go for it! You seem really hesitant about "fitting the theme". To be honest, if you like it, then go for it! And to reply to your question, yes, I think it does fit the theme really well! :P



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  • 3 months later...
But would it follow the world eater theme




Okay, i took the time to do the research and there is a warband in IA7 (Seige of Vraaks pt3, pg 138) called "The Sanctified" clearly depicted as armed with a bolter, and who use advanced daemoncracy to open the warp portal to Vraaks and allow the Daemonic incursion to escalate, and eventually summon The Unbound, mightiest of Khornes Daemons.


They are described as "having possible ties to the Word Bearers legion" BUT who are credited as one of "Three Khorne worshipping warbands, all World Eater sub-factions: Lord Zhufors Skulltakers..the Sanctified and the Berserkers of Skallathrax".


As we can see, teh Sanctified ARE astartes of the World Eaters Legion who use bolters and are so favoured by Khorne as to be able to summon his hosts.Clearly the WE have always been able to use bolters, s infered by the Sanctified being WE and therefore already lobotomized and so ALL WE and berzerkers are most likely able to use bolters.


Happy hunting :)

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Okay, i took the time to do the research and there is a warband in IA7 (Seige of Vraaks pt3, pg 138) called "The Sanctified" clearly depicted as armed with a bolter, and who use advanced daemoncracy to open the warp portal to Vraaks and allow the Daemonic incursion to escalate, and eventually summon The Unbound, mightiest of Khornes Daemons.


They are described as "having possible ties to the Word Bearers legion" BUT who are credited as one of "Three Khorne worshipping warbands, all World Eater sub-factions: Lord Zhufors Skulltakers..the Sanctified and the Berserkers of Skallathrax".


As we can see, teh Sanctified ARE astartes of the World Eaters Legion who use bolters and are so favoured by Khorne as to be able to summon his hosts.Clearly the WE have always been able to use bolters, s infered by the Sanctified being WE and therefore already lobotomized and so ALL WE and berzerkers are most likely able to use bolters.


Happy hunting :)


I disagree with this (although not with World Eaters having bolters, I like the idea and have no particular objections to it). That list doesn't make a whole lot of sense as it lists The Purge is listed as a Death Guard sub-faction, but there is no conclusive evidence to their origins. The main obstacle I see though, is that every other piece of fluff points at a Word Bearers off shoot, and it is one that makes sense given their speciality of daemonancy and their use of sorcerers. I think the list in IA6 was poorly made, as it lists The Faithless and the Black Brethren as "non aligned" when they are obviously aligned to their own legion. To me it makes more sense if you think of them as not "sub-factions", but rather as aligned with that Legion. Just my 2 cents

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The World Eaters not only used to have bolters, special weapons and heavy weapons squads, they also used to have Chaplains and even Librarians (back in the old RoC days, the World Eater Librarians were blessed by Khorne so that they functioned to nullify psychic energy wherever they went, in a very similar fashion to how the Sisters of Silence function in the more recent background). There was a time when Khorne was depicted far more elaborately and (IMO), satisfactorily as the God of hate and WAR in all of its aspects; not just the god of close combat.
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Okay, i took the time to do the research and there is a warband in IA7 (Seige of Vraaks pt3, pg 138) called "The Sanctified" clearly depicted as armed with a bolter, and who use advanced daemoncracy to open the warp portal to Vraaks and allow the Daemonic incursion to escalate, and eventually summon The Unbound, mightiest of Khornes Daemons.


They are described as "having possible ties to the Word Bearers legion" BUT who are credited as one of "Three Khorne worshipping warbands, all World Eater sub-factions: Lord Zhufors Skulltakers..the Sanctified and the Berserkers of Skallathrax".


As we can see, teh Sanctified ARE astartes of the World Eaters Legion who use bolters and are so favoured by Khorne as to be able to summon his hosts.Clearly the WE have always been able to use bolters, s infered by the Sanctified being WE and therefore already lobotomized and so ALL WE and berzerkers are most likely able to use bolters.


Happy hunting :rolleyes:


I disagree with this (although not with World Eaters having bolters, I like the idea and have no particular objections to it). That list doesn't make a whole lot of sense as it lists The Purge is listed as a Death Guard sub-faction, but there is no conclusive evidence to their origins. The main obstacle I see though, is that every other piece of fluff points at a Word Bearers off shoot, and it is one that makes sense given their speciality of daemonancy and their use of sorcerers. I think the list in IA6 was poorly made, as it lists The Faithless and the Black Brethren as "non aligned" when they are obviously aligned to their own legion. To me it makes more sense if you think of them as not "sub-factions", but rather as aligned with that Legion. Just my 2 cents




Problem solved!.


Turns out the Sanctified dedicated itself to Khorne after a massive defeat to the Fire Angels chapter (IA9) in a series of assaults and counter-assaults in the 147 years previous to Vraks.


I guess all the close quarter combat gained a large amount of favour from Khorne, and in my fantasy these sorcerous pansies saw the brutal truth of Khornes supremacy first hand and follow Him still.

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The World Eaters not only used to have bolters, special weapons and heavy weapons squads, they also used to have Chaplains and even Librarians (back in the old RoC days, the World Eater Librarians were blessed by Khorne so that they functioned to nullify psychic energy wherever they went, in a very similar fashion to how the Sisters of Silence function in the more recent background). There was a time when Khorne was depicted far more elaborately and (IMO), satisfactorily as the God of hate and WAR in all of its aspects; not just the god of close combat.



I also found a picture in the 1999 CSM codex on pg 5 of what is clearly a Khorne Bezerker firing a bolter with 2 hands.




The chaplains also used to count the tally of the slaughtered - a nice touch IMO.

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There are old World Eater/Bezerker sculpts with Bolters, even one with bunny ears firing as pictured. Many of the Bezerkers I painted up that are OOP have bolters in one hand, you know it is a bolter as they have a second sidearm holstered and in their off hand have an axe or some other CCW. I've yet to field them, but they are clearly Khorne Bezerkers which means they have bolt pistols under the current rules but if you wanted to go all World Eaters and almost all 'bunny ear' you definitely could have Khorne Renegades if not World Eater Legionnaires armed with something other than a pistol and a CCW.



WE Assault Marine in Nefarious Fire Colors by Muskie McKay, on Flickr



OOP Khorne Bezerker #5 or 7 by Muskie McKay, on Flickr

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By all means use bolters, I am sure some worldeaters love blowing holes in people and can just take the skulls from them after the battle is over. All that matters is blood keeps flowing and a large bullet(s) to the chest will sure enough cause blood to paint the area around anyone it hits.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Another vote here for the do what you like faction.


The other point not yet touched on is any of the warbands from the original WE companies will have had 10000 years to recruit new troops - then train and arm them as they see fit.


Pics of my Bolter toting Khorne CSMs below:





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