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Army composition help


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HI, everyone im new to this forum so hopefully i posted this right hehe and thanks in advance for any tips or strategies :P



so to start this long story. ive been playing blood angels on and off for about 6 months and i have only won 1 game. i dont know if im being cheated against or my army, rolling, tactics suck. probably a combination of all of them haha. i hate losing to 10 year olds lol. i really love the fluff and background of the BA i been looking around for some guides to help with strategy and synergy issues cant seem to find any. the only thing i keep seeing is gotta have a theme and concentrate on 1 aspect of attack. okay, so i picked jumper army. had about 50 jumpers still lost alot. then i bought 2x squads of Sang. Guard. didnt change the pattern, so i bought a box of grey knights painted 5 of them and went back to BA. was trying to decide a paint scheme for my BA and i went to strip the old paint off (bought them used) and melted all my 50+ jump troops. DONT USE GOOF OFF!! here is the remainder of my army:





termie Librarian





5x ass. terminators

5x sternguard vets

2x Sang. Priests

10x Sang. Guard.

1x Furioso Dreadnought

1x Furioso Librarian



10x Ass. Marines with JP


Fast Attack

5x vanguard Vets

1x Baal Predator


Heavy Support

5x Missile Launchers

6x Lascannons

3x Plasma cannons

2x Multi melta's

3x Heavy bolters


that is everything i now currently own. with that army what points should i play at to be competitive? and what should i concentrate on purchasing to make my army effective as soon as possible. i really would like to play a Sanguinary/Dante type army although im kinda getting used to the idea i might have to go mech. though that would take much longer to accomplish.

thank you all for your input. i appreciate your help. also my paint scheme is different that the codex all red. im using like a bleached bone armour type with deep red helmets and dwarven copper for highlights, was trying to get an ancient vampire type look. maybe i post a pic of dante if i can figure it out to get some feedback. thanks!

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the only thing i keep seeing is gotta have a theme and concentrate on 1 aspect of attack.

Given that you've only been playing BA for 6 months I'd say you have been slightly ill-advised here. Have you played 40k before/with other armies? For a starter with a new army, I'd suggest its actually more sensible to start with a more balanced army/model list since you dont know the army and how it will siut you. An all-jump pack list can be good, but it might not be right for you, a mech or semi-mech might be better, heck, you might be able to work a foot-slogger list better...

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Ahoy! I feel like a bit of pimp constantly saying this, but check out the battle reports in my sig. I have a good tourney/competitive success rate and I don't subscribe to the "spam, DoA or lose" approach that seems to permete the intrawebs.

Take a look at the batreps and builds and feel free to ask any questions. Tactics are obviously as important as list building, but a solid list is more forgiving in the hands of a novice player.


BA are exceptionally powerful, and options are plentiful in our design capability.

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