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A Merry Blood Angels Christmas


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Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone had a good day with eggnog, turkey and some family time. Most of all I hope you all hot some additions to your armies you might've been looking for. I will start...


I got a Storm Raven! I can't wait to put it together and start gaming but off to the parents place I go. Merry Christmas everyone, the Emperor protects!

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As a new guy in the hobby, I got the AOBR. I have already assembled the Dreadnought, drilled storm bolter and multimelta and added battle damage to the hull and arms (my Lamenters are going to be pretty intense when it comes to damaged armour). Next is probably Space Marine battleforce, since I'm not ( at least, not yet) doing DC anyway.


Also, merry Christmas to everyone!

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As a new guy in the hobby, I got the AOBR. I have already assembled the Dreadnought, drilled storm bolter and multimelta and added battle damage to the hull and arms (my Lamenters are going to be pretty intense when it comes to damaged armour). Next is probably Space Marine battleforce, since I'm not ( at least, not yet) doing DC anyway.


Also, merry Christmas to everyone!


Not to go too far off topic, but I too am starting Lamenters. Do you by chance have a WIP blog or anything?


Nothing GW-related for me this Christmas other than a few pots of yellow paint as I really need to paint what I have before obtaining any new models.

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As a new guy in the hobby, I got the AOBR. I have already assembled the Dreadnought, drilled storm bolter and multimelta and added battle damage to the hull and arms (my Lamenters are going to be pretty intense when it comes to damaged armour). Next is probably Space Marine battleforce, since I'm not ( at least, not yet) doing DC anyway.


Also, merry Christmas to everyone!


Not to go too far off topic, but I too am starting Lamenters. Do you by chance have a WIP blog or anything?


Nothing GW-related for me this Christmas other than a few pots of yellow paint as I really need to paint what I have before obtaining any new models.

Not yet, but I'll probably start one in WiP froums as soon as I get my hands on new brushes and paints (my old brushes are now only good for drybrushing). Seems like Lamenters became quite popular recently ;).

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Merry Christmas.


I am much too old to expect to receive any 40k as a Christmas gift.


That being said, I realize this and had ordered myself some for the holidays.


2 Vindicators

2 Predators

1 Baal

Command Squad

CC Terminators

Land Speeder

and a highly disappointing Vanguard Veteran Squad - the Finecast range is absolutely horrible.

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My reinforcements included the Sanguinor, a Sanguinary Priest, a squad of Death Company, and an Assault Squad. I supplemented that with another Assault Squad and an Attack Bike that I requisitioned myself. I'm most excited about the hot wire foam cutter I received though. Now I can start making terrain for my table. So far my Blood Angels have been taking cover from daemons and heretics behind common 3rd millennium household items.
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