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Dumb and Funny Mistakes


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Just wondering what the funniest/most stunned mistake you've made has been with the Blood Angels?


I had a game against Orks last week, and decided Fear of the Darkness would be useful. Then proceeded to use it on a mob of Boyz. It wasn't very useful.

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well with my BFG fleet (blood angels so relevant :)) an opponent did something dumb and funny... he rammed his already crippled ships into one of my strike cruisers. i braced to avoid damage (yet received none so kind of a waste...) whilst he turned his own ship into a wreck :D


as for 40k... i once had a vindicator shoot, and have the shot scatter about 10 inches landing on itself, penetrating its armour, causing it to blow up and the resulting shrapnell blowing up a few of my assault marines B)


and i was playing orks.... i expected someone else to do dumb and random stuff :)

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Dumbest mistake? Consistently forgetting my Red Thirst rolls, regardless of all the reminders I make for myself. Including the huge, bold, all caps RED THIRST notes I add next to each unit in my army lists.


Yeah I second this one.


It was only compounded the last time we played each other. It was what, turn 3 before we remembered?

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Dumbest mistake? Consistently forgetting my Red Thirst rolls, regardless of all the reminders I make for myself. Including the huge, bold, all caps RED THIRST notes I add next to each unit in my army lists.


Yeah I second this one.


It was only compounded the last time we played each other. It was what, turn 3 before we remembered?


Yeah something like that. Wait til tomorrow... I may have more to post on here. I'm going to the shop at about 3pm so someone can try his Necrons against my Flesh Tearers.

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Funniest one I saw was at WHW last march. I'd gone with a friend who was partisipating in an Apoc game. 3 a side and the armies include a Marine army (using BA dex, but not BA), Wolf/Wing army and Guard on one side. Chaos and Orks on the other (I dont remember the 3rd on the other side)


For some reason everyone decided to hold their armies in reserve, so turn one, table was empty to start with. Execpt, the Imperial side took a huge building mounted cannon of some kind (not sure what the name is). And as it was a terrain piece, it had to be placed before the battle started. But where to put it? They decided to put it furthest point away from the enemy deployment zone as possible.


Turn one starts. Non Imperial won the toss and decided to go first. Ork player deep strikes or out flanks or something like that. Next think you know there are 10+ Ork trucks an buggies full of troops etc sat at the base of the cannon.


Somehow (I wasn't paying enough attention till this happened), the orks destroy the cannon and the owning player is almost in tears as it cost him a chunk of points and he didnt even get to use it. And a second later let out such a loud cheer as the cannon rolled a 6 on the catastrophic damage table! and the rolled two 6's and a 5 on the range, hitting everything withing 17" with a S9 AP2 hit!! Whiped out half the ork force, lol. Nearly everyone there came to see what was going on, lol.



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First tourney ever, my 1st game (4-5th game ever in 40k) i deep struck full LRC packed with a termies with priest in tda and tda /ss Libby on piece of hill. Lost almost half of my army right away... Almost everyone on that tourney begged me not to however i did (came up 15th overall). Last time i DS-ed a LR ;)
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First tourney ever, my 1st game (4-5th game ever in 40k) i deep struck full LRC packed with a termies with priest in tda and tda /ss Libby on piece of hill. Lost almost half of my army right away... Almost everyone on that tourney begged me not to however i did (came up 15th overall). Last time i DS-ed a LR :)


Did something similar with C:SM at 'Ard Boyz round 2 three years back. Moved a full bike squad with Captain up close to a BT LRC full of A.Terms and an Emperor's Champion. Ment to fire off the melta and hopefully get the jump on them. Forgot to shoot. Doh!

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Deep-striking unit left on top of the filing cabinet.


One we mention most often was Tycho deployed on his own without cover (I wanted him equidistant from two points he was going to make for..). Every lascannon on the board opened fire on him and he was reduced to slag in turn 1 without having done anything.

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I'll echo everyone else. I always forget my red thirst rolls until turn two or three usually. I usually forget about Dante's curse as well...


Probably the dumbest mistake I've made so far was charging my Sanguinary Guard with Dante and a Priest into a soul grinder... To this day I still can't figure out what compelled me to do it at the time. I knew the Grinder was AV13. Needless to say that squad was... Well... Grinded.

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A funny mistake that ended well, first Apoc match, I left Dante at the base of our sides Reaver Titan, forgot about him the whole match until said Titan, a Necron Pylon and a Stompa all had Apocalyptic Explosions... with Dante at ground zero for all three blasts. The Emperor's light was shining brightly on Dante that day. Passed three Invuln saves with flying colors. Moral of the story... move move move.
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A funny mistake that ended well, first Apoc match, I left Dante at the base of our sides Reaver Titan, forgot about him the whole match until said Titan, a Necron Pylon and a Stompa all had Apocalyptic Explosions... with Dante at ground zero for all three blasts. The Emperor's light was shining brightly on Dante that day. Passed three Invuln saves with flying colors. Moral of the story... move move move.

:| lucky bastard :D no wonder he lives to 1600 years :P


Id like to echo everyone else when they say they keep forgettting red thirst rules....


i think in all of my games ive forgetten (and most of the times renembered quite quikly) that i forget to roll. havent met an opponent yet who would let me roll anyway :)


its getting better now but i still forget from time to time :D

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Thinking it was the last turn in an Apoc game I disembark a full tactical unit and run them into an objective that had just been cleared out. This unit had a librarian and sanguinary priest attached.

It was the second last turn. The tactical unit then gets hit by a super-heavy pie plate and die instantly.

Oh well, at least my Stormraven survived the entire game.

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I think that I'm going to "win" contest for greatest mistake. :D

I was deep striking a Furioso Drednought via Drop Pod.

I thought that I've found the best place possible on the whole table.

Right in the middle of the enemies army. :devil:

There was just a little space left, but Drop Pod fitted perfectly.

Rolled for scatter, but it was reduced because of enemy.

Now I had to disembark Drednought and... I couldn't. There was just no space for it. ^_^

Game for my Dreddy ended before start. ;)

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