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Planning on running Thousand Sons Army.


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Anyone who doesn't let you pre-faq it is silly, and probably doesn't have a fully painted army anyways. :) So ****** 'em.


My sentiments exactly! Though I find using warptime > wind of chaos > force weapon is my standard choices.

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And i guess this means that you allow your opponents pre-faq interpretations when they wish so?

Well naturally, if an FAQ utterly shafts someone like it did Ahriman then of course. I'm not saying Ahriman is bad, he is still very awesome but the FAQ nerfed him and he is very expensive...

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Why would you have 4 disembarked squads? All close together. At the beginning of your opponent's turn. Even though you can double tap and charge. I don't understand your army.


Edit: nevermind derp moment. The squads probably WERE in combat hence the proximity

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Tyranids need all the help they could get pre-FAQ, let alone after it ruined them even more... They badly need 6th edition to sort them out somehow.


But anyway, to stay on topic I would say all squads of rubric marines have to be 9...for 3.5 codex sake even though it means nothing now. Keep it real people! :D

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Tyranids need all the help they could get pre-FAQ, let alone after it ruined them even more... They badly need 6th edition to sort them out somehow.


But anyway, to stay on topic I would say all squads of rubric marines have to be 9...for 3.5 codex sake even though it means nothing now. Keep it real people! ;)


Agree with you on that mate, and I currently plan on running at least 2x to 3x Squads minimum in games around 1750 to 2000 points, with each having an Aspiring Sorcerer in the sqaud, however I usually give them Doombolt since it is a cheap 10 points to use, and though the Bolt of Change allows me to hit tanks, I dont think its worth it since I plan to run anti-units for that purpose and leave the troop killing stuff for my Rubric Marines. Saying that however, I have been tempted to run a squad of Havocs as one of my anti-tank units but are they worth the points or are they even worth it at all? Because if not, I will be going with Obliterators and maybe a squad of infiltrating Chosen Marines with Meltaguns as my anti-tank.

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Tyranids need all the help they could get pre-FAQ, let alone after it ruined them even more... They badly need 6th edition to sort them out somehow.


But anyway, to stay on topic I would say all squads of rubric marines have to be 9...for 3.5 codex sake even though it means nothing now. Keep it real people! ;)


Agree with you on that mate, and I currently plan on running at least 2x to 3x Squads minimum in games around 1750 to 2000 points, with each having an Aspiring Sorcerer in the sqaud, however I usually give them Doombolt since it is a cheap 10 points to use, and though the Bolt of Change allows me to hit tanks, I dont think its worth it since I plan to run anti-units for that purpose and leave the troop killing stuff for my Rubric Marines. Saying that however, I have been tempted to run a squad of Havocs as one of my anti-tank units but are they worth the points or are they even worth it at all? Because if not, I will be going with Obliterators and maybe a squad of infiltrating Chosen Marines with Meltaguns as my anti-tank.

I would say go with obliterators and/or chosen depending on how many points you have spare. I just like the tactical flexibility that obliterators bring and the shock/threat value that outflanking chosen bring to the table. With chaos being so much more static than half that armies out there you need units to be threatening flanks and rear table areas and those two units do it nicely. That said, my obliterators rarely deepstrike but it's nice to have the option.

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Wasnt planning on deepstriking my Obliterators but to have the option to do so is nice, however I was planning on doing that for my Chaos Terminators instead. I plan to run a Squad of 10x w/(1x) Champion w/Mark of Tzentch, PW, SB, (2x) Reaper Autocannons, PW, (2x) PF, SB, (5x)PW, SB, and though its expensive this squad can dish out a lot of damage in both CC and in the shooting phase, as well as fit into the Thousand Fluff really nicely in my opinion. The plan is to give each of my Thousand Son troop Squads a Personal Icon, and though they dont need it for Moral Checks, its a cheap 5 points to allow my Terminator Squad to deepstrike wherever they are needed most and I have seen the only other Chaos Player at my store run this every effectively with his Khorne Army so its worth a shot. With the Chaos Terminators, I plan to run a Chaos Lord w/TA, as well as the Tzentch Demon Weapon and the Mark of Tzentch, and with this combo, not only does he have the ability to have 9x CC PW attacks, he also can be effective in the shooting phase, especially since he will be shooting with AP3 which will come in handy since there are a lot of Marine Players at my store.
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Wasnt planning on deepstriking my Obliterators but to have the option to do so is nice, however I was planning on doing that for my Chaos Terminators instead. I plan to run a Squad of 10x w/(1x) Champion w/Mark of Tzeentch, PW, SB, (2x) Reaper Autocannons, PW, (2x) PF, SB, (5x)PW, SB, and though its expensive this squad can dish out a lot of damage in both CC and in the shooting phase, as well as fit into the Thousand Fluff really nicely in my opinion. The plan is to give each of my Thousand Son troop Squads a Personal Icon, and though they dont need it for Moral Checks, its a cheap 5 points to allow my Terminator Squad to deepstrike wherever they are needed most and I have seen the only other Chaos Player at my store run this every effectively with his Khorne Army so its worth a shot. With the Chaos Terminators, I plan to run a Chaos Lord w/TA, as well as the Tzeentch Demon Weapon and the Mark of Tzeentch, and with this combo, not only does he have the ability to have 9x CC PW attacks, he also can be effective in the shooting phase, especially since he will be shooting with AP3 which will come in handy since there are a lot of Marine Players at my store.

Agreed. If you have anything key to your army, like 10 terminators, that will be deepstriking then icons to guide them in is vital. Nothing worse than losing them all on a mishap.

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How have people handled the new Grey knights? My flatmate has just told me he will be bringing his Grey knights with him to uni this term, and as the one game I had against wit them went so badly/was so unfun (it was with my Iyanden Eldar) that I am going to be trying to use my Thousand sons against him, was thinking horde squads of Thousand sons may work as the less aspiring sorcerers, is good and the actual rubric marines are probably the best in the codex in combat against the grey knights. (Mainly because of halberds ect)
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Drop the Storm Ravens, ignore the paladins until you can melta/lascannon them


TLAC dreads look like they can be ignored, but get rid of them fast


Razorbacks are meh when people put 3 henchmen inside them just for the razorback purchase. Send a Prince at the razorback and wreck what comes out.


Power armored squads need to be baited, people who play purifiers sometimes get over confident so if you sacrifice a squad to them and have 3 left over in waiting, they get 'sleepy' real fast.


It's imperative that you have vindicators or obliterators to kill paladins. Warptime Thousand Sons squads of 9 are perfect to throw at regular units of terminators who deepstrike next to your force, however. You should win combat every time if there is no librarian present. Melta bombs are an auto-include for the amount of walkers/razorbacks that will likely be on the field and you are bound to be encountering a few that are immobilized for that perfect melta bomb hit if you run Oblits.

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Grey Knights are good in many ways, however the standard Grey Knight has a 3+ Armor save, meaning that our Thousand Sons should be able to mow down his infantry with too much trouble, but I havent played them myself yet but will be this upcoming weekend for the first time with my Thousand sons so it should be interesting to see what happens. Saying that however, it will be an Escalation League starting at 600 points so it will be interesting to see how both my Thousand Sons and Grey Knights fair at that point level.
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Could small squads of either 3 bikers or 5 raptor with either 2 melta guns, 2 plasma guns or 2 flamers be any good? with either weapon I can see them being quite usefull as support for Thousand sons due to their speed and special weapons. Has anyone had any experience with them?
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Concerning raptors, I've been using this lately with great effect:



5 Chosen Melta x5, Rhino

9 Tsons, Warptime Rhino

9 Tsons, Doombolt Rhino

9 Tsons, Doombolt Rhino

5 Raptors Melta x2

5 Raptors Melta x2

2 Oblits

2 Oblits


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 choices.




Edit: 120pts for 2 meltas that can hide behind all those vehicles/4+ invuls are too good to pass up.

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That looks like a really nice and fun list, taking the discussions on anti necrons, what I have am building atm, I have come up with this anti necron list.


Chaos Lord with mark of Tzeentch, Daemon Weapon, Combi weapon (flamer) and Melta bombs 160pts (Pyre)

6 Chaos Terminators with Heavy flamer, 4 Combi weapons (am thinking all plasma) , Chainfist, 2 power fists and an Icon of Tzeentch 260pts

Aspiring Sorcerer Ptolemy Theta with Warptime and a personal icon with 8 Rubrics in a rhino with Havok Launcher 324pts

Aspiring Sorcerer Belshazzar 60pts with Warptime and personal icon with 8 rubrics in a Rhino with Havok Launcher 324pts

3 Chaos Bikes with 2 melta guns 119pts

10 Havoks with 4 autocannons and aspiring champion with combi plasma 255pts


The main idea is that the rubric squads and bikes rush forward into the necron units supported by the havoks, and then the terminators deep strike in, gun down a squad (hopefully with a sp in it) and then either assault the survivors or another squad next turn. If I drop the havoks down to 6 men, I would then have 118pts to spend, Which could either get me a raptor squad with flamers, a dread with plasma/missile launcher, a squad of 9 lesser daemons or some extra bikers or terminators. Also I looked in the codex and main rule book, where does it say lesser daemons can deploy the turn they arrive?

Am also Starting to think this list could work well against grey knights (though I would not take the lesser daemons if I was going against grey knights) and other armies, what do you think? EDIT: Just thought, would a predator with autocannon, heavy bolter sponsons and a hovok launcher be any good? The amoutn of shots it could put out would be very painfull to squads and light tanks.

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funny, in my local gaming store I recently heard the following discussion:


"I want to start a new army. I want it to be a bit elite, you know. Not too many models to paint".

"well then, grey knights all the way!"

"No, I don't want grey knights. Noone plays against them anymore, because you just place them on the table, shake hands with your opponent, and walk away with victory. That's not fun."


I don't frequent the gaming store that much, but I know there's quite a few competetive gamers in there (which is why I don't go that often, I'm more of a fun gamer), and if even they refuse to play vs grey knights... something has upset the balance :P

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