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Flesh Tearers


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Hey guys! I havn't posted in a while but I have been meaning to start a new army for some time ;) I've always enjoyed Blood Angels so I figured I'de go that route but do a successor chapter to em'. Flesh Tearers tickled my fancy so to say :HS: These are the 2 test models for the army/scheme. Lemmee know what ya'll think. I might enter this army into Armies on Parade this year since Gamesday is in Chicago again... Anywho the pics:

Marine #1


And #2...




I decided to rock the GW FT shoulder pads, to make my life a bit easier :Elite: I know fluff enforcers will notice I put the squad number on the right shoulder but I thought it better than the company number, because what marine doesnt know what company he's in, right? Also there were enough white blood drops floating around to give you the idea of company designation. Anyways, C&C greatly appreciated!

EDIT: I should also have mentioned the red on their armour looks quite washed out in these pictures; in real life it is not. It is simply red gore for those of you that can picture that deeper red instead of this watercolory crap :HQ:

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Wow, thanks guys! I suspect I am going to keep the scheme as is ^_^ as for the red recipe, it is pretty easy. I prime the model white follwed by a couple thin coats of mechrite red followed by another couple thin coats of red gore; it makes the red gore a bit darker than going straight over white. The shading is done by wahing badab black into the recesses (only the recesses because it would be a pain to clean up black on red it I doused in the model in it).

The highlights are a bit of a pain simply for the fact that the 2 highlights I used are mixed. Annnnd I mixed them at no particular ratio, just until I thought they looked right :huh: But in general I would expect the first, broader highlight is about a 2:1 mix of scab red to bleached bone; should look quite a bit like a fleshy color and in retrospect I probably should have looked for a GW-esq color highlight like dwarven flesh or somesuch. Anywho the second thin, on the upper portions highlight is about 2:1 mix of blood red to bleached bone; when its mixed it should look reallll peachy (for lack of a better visual :)).


Hope that helps someone!

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While I think the paint quality is great in cleanliness and application, I am not thrilled by the color, it is a bit to "magenta" I think for Flesh Tearers, Vallejo produces a great color called Black Red, it is a great hue and one that I think is a little closer to the Flesh Tearer color.



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Thanks guys! I think I will keep posting my finished models to this thread :huh:

@Redfinger: Thanks man, yeah I know about the color. In my defense, the color is a much deeper red in person; less magenta-y. The base color is actually red gore.

@Darkmark: Thanks! I see what you mean about the torsos looking a bit strange because of how much they are turned on the legs, but I think it is necessary to get a more animated pose; I think the main problem is the belt since it's turned, and people dont pivot on their belt, it's more in the abs.

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  • 1 month later...
Sorry guys! I am still pursuing this! But unfortunately I am back at school until spring break (mid march-ish). Sorry to say there wont be any new pics until then :P Thanks for all the feedback though! I will get a lot done hopefully over break and there should be many pictures to post in that time! Thank!
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