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Sons of Horus

Wolf Lord Mjolnir

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Here is the start of my pre heresy Sons of Horus (XVII company) army, hope you like them.


Sorry can't the picks. I have a four month old boy which doesn't give me much time to crack out the lighting and backdrop


Captain Trajan Nerva of the XVII company stands ready.






Just need to add a transfer to the left shoulder pad.


He was fun to paint and my first finecast based conversion.



Samael, envoy of the Primordial Annihilator



My first sergeant

Thanks for the comments. I decided to keep the black crest.




The gold is brighter than it appears in the photo.


Once the army is finished I'll base them all and apply these transfers (the final version will have the XVII company markings.).


The actual pdf is of much better quality, this is just a snapshot.



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THat depends on when you think the heresy started. If post Istvaan then this army is pre heresy.


It will be designed to be a pre heresy army which with subtle model options can be mid and post heresy too (the addition of a daemon prince being one of them).


Nerva's back pole has a human (Commissar) on it but it could just as easily be the body of some breakaway human based society.


The fluff says the lunar Wolves\Sons of Horus were recruited from hive gangs and were full of murderers and other such things so I think it some cases they would display rather grisly trophies which got worse as the heresy progressed.

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These guys look menacing.


Pre-heresy Ultramarines are just trying to look like the Luna Wolves, oops, Sons of Horus but will never pull it off. B)


Did you put green stuff in the Ultramar gold pieces dangling or just gob extra paint on them to fill 'em in?


I love how the Eye of Horus stands out in the armor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is...this is amazing :tu:


Great job, 10/10 (and I *never* give 10's) :)

BY FAR the best SoH I've ever had the pleasure of seeing.


Next, a question: How the heck do you get your gold/bronze?! It's absolutely perfect, I must have this recipe.


And, of course, my obligatory complaint:

You can't just leave us hanging here.

That's just not nice.




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I love what I'm seeing here. They look amazing.


Most people seem to be raving about the colours but how on earth did you get that Commissar stuck on his Trophy Pole? I'd love to use it for one of my models.


Unless I'm very much mistaken, it's from the forge world lord zhufor model.

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