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A Wolves Fellblade

Pall Ironbear

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After seeing the other Fellblades that Machinator had built elsewhere on the web, I decided to have a crack at making one of my own. Or maybe I'm too impatient to wait for Machinator's build :(


So ordered some of his resin pieces and set about putting it all together. So far my conversion-fu was limited to kit bashing bits that glued together easily, so this is a pretty big task for me at the moment.




I'm learing all the time with this build, finding parts I should have trimmed/adapted before they got glued together. My intention was to scratch build the the sides of the FB, but my first attempts were lacking. So it's back to the standard parts with additions for now




The robed Scribor relief gives it too much of Dark Angels feel, so it's getting used for the mock-up, but will be replaced by their Celtic plates eventually


And all this to be completed by Feb 29th for the painting oath to be completed



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A good start Pall Ironbear. :tu: The only way you learn when converting is by trial and error. Many a time have I glued something down to then realise, I should have completed another part first :lol: ! Milliput is a wonderful tool to cover any mistakes!


Macinators' fellblades certainly have inspired me also. I am in the process of buying bits to make 2 fellblades myself and will be starting them sometime this year (after current projects are finished first - Another New Years resolution I will certainly break!).


Keep up the good work,


Brother Morgan

  • 2 weeks later...

Hoping to get a few more bits for this in the next couple of days, attempt some green stuff sculpts and then it's time for the tracks. Magnetise some of the weapons and then start the paint.


Colour is going to be RT era grey.I just can't get my head round a baby blue wolf ;)

  • 1 month later...

After an enforced absence eating hospital food, a quick update.


I had some trouble deciding on weapons that really made it stand out as Space Wolves. So the answer was magnets....and extra sponsons. I pinned the side armour plates together so that this can run in games with 4, 2 or no sponsons on board.







The Celtic reliefs haven't turned up yet, so the robed ones will have to stay so I can get the painting vow completed. I used some Scibor Dwarf shields (they have some celtic knotwork designs on) with some pieces from the Forge Worlds etched brass to create some detailing on the sponsons. The weapons choices at the moment are:


Hull mounted TL heavy bolter or TL assault cannon

Flamestorm or TLHB in the sponsons

Las or TL Auto cannons for the sponson turrets.





Still more GS/Milliput work to do along the side skirts, need to tie the wolf and plates together somehow, without ruining the look when it's fitted with all the sponsons. Can just see in the background a Contemptor that keeps sidetracking me :D

Woaha, that is a lot of ass kickery you've got going on there Pall!


Now I love beaucoup weapons as much as the next guy, you only need look as far as my own Fellblade but I would choose a specific task for the weapons load out. Now me, with that rather splendid long barrel battle cannon, would go for the long distance, armour destroying, titan bothering heavy infantry slaying bad boy!


Lose the the rearmost turrets, move the front ones back, keep thr TL/AC in the front and this would be mega! To make it Wolfy, stick with the Celtic scrolls, lots of wolf pelts, maybe a large wolf skull at the Base of the barrel or similar, either way, looking great and keep up the good work!



My googlefoo is weak right now.... mind hooking us up with a link for this fellblade addon stuff?


This is looking really nice!



It's in Machinator's sig here in the post. It goes to his ebay store. I am anxiously awaiting his making of the Flame attachment so I can start work on my Salamanders Fellblade.

I like it :) . but your gun placement is off. the flamestorm in the rear sponson.. not useful ;)

Still working out what armaments to go with, I'm stuck as to which variant of the Fellblade to go with.

Looks awesome! I've been waiting for someone to build a Glaive variant of the Fellblade as I need a pic for the datasheet. :)

Uh-oh, now I'd better try and make a decent job of the paint. Also, I'm looking at some of the options on the Lancer spec sheet aswell.


Where is the like button when you need one?? Where did you end up getting the "track Guards" located @ the front of your tank right above the treads??? Did those come with the tracks??

The white bits at the front are made from plasti-card. The rivets are taken from the contents of an old water filter, as shown in IA Model Masterclass.


My googlefoo is weak right now.... mind hooking us up with a link for this fellblade addon stuff?


This is looking really nice!

DibbZi has already answered that one for me.


Thanks for all the c&c so far, always helpful.

  • 2 weeks later...

Small update.


The Celtic reliefs finally turned up and have been changed over. Started to finally lay some paint on the model.




Added a muzzle brake onto Machinator's Fellblade cannon



Started on the weathering. First time I've tried it, and learnt to sponge the damage on before sticking on the ladder at the rear. Now has a clear coat on the main hull, ready to start with the weathering powders. Sponsons and alternative panels still to be finished in base coat, but it's getting there. Thanks for the comments :lol:








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