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Chaos TDA army


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Having only the 2 troops doesn't mean that you'll lose 90% of the objective missions, so long as those two troops can do the job.


Assuming that your opponent is not stupid - he will notice your weakness, and pushing everything just to slaughter or stop those 2 squads will do the job for him if he can hold at least 1 point.

Additionally, when you're taking large fat units it means that your opponent will have more units than you do, and that's enormous advantage on 5-points missions.


Using a Horde is different, not an inferior choice. Check out The Chaos Horde for testing being done.

That thread's discussing big expensive Troops squads, which are a very different proposition from big Terminator squads when it comes to objective games because Chaos Terminators are not scoring units.


Actually it deals with the use of Big Troops, supporting Big Terminators in many cases. It applies here because if people feel that one of the weaknesses of a Chaos TDA army is the troops, then it helps to fill that void.

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like being able to fire rapid fire weapons on the move as if they were stationary.


You mean "heavy weapons", dontcha? :P

Nope, I meant Rapid Fire.


Technically both count as stationary under Relentless (but not C:CSM) but Heavy Weapons don't have two different firing modes depending on whether the model was stationary or moving, so for Heavy Weapons there's no difference between "able to move and shoot" and "always counts as stationary for shooting." Rapid-fire weapons, on the other hand do have two separate modes so, as AekoldHelbrass spelled out, Chaos Terminators get no 24" shooting with Rapid Fire guns.


Actually it deals with the use of Big Troops, supporting Big Terminators in many cases. It applies here because if people feel that one of the weaknesses of a Chaos TDA army is the troops, then it helps to fill that void.

Missed the fact you ran big terminator squads; that's what I get for mostly skimming the thread.


Still, I think trying to run horde Marines and 3 10-man Terminator squads might be going a bit far. For starters, after upgrades you'd need to be playing at over 2000 points just to be able to afford the the five squads and any HQs. Once you're running around in the 2500 point range, there are a a lot of nasty things out there that could ruin your entire day.

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Still, I think trying to run horde Marines and 3 10-man Terminator squads might be going a bit far. For starters, after upgrades you'd need to be playing at over 2000 points just to be able to afford the the five squads and any HQs. Once you're running around in the 2500 point range, there are a a lot of nasty things out there that could ruin your entire day.


I agree that trying to fit in the third TDA squad would cause problems.


However, at 2000 pts you could run:


DP - MoT,Wings,Warptime,Bolt of Change

20 CSM - Champ, Fist, Melta, Autocannon, Icon

20 CSM - Champ, Fist, Melta, Autocannon, Icon

10 TDA - 2*Reaper, 2*Fist, Icon

10 TDA - 2*Reaper, 2*Fist, Icon

Defiler (or 2 Obliterators)

Defiler (or 2 Obliterators)

(altering load outs slightly depending on your gaming environment)

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Still, I think trying to run horde Marines and 3 10-man Terminator squads might be going a bit far. For starters, after upgrades you'd need to be playing at over 2000 points just to be able to afford the the five squads and any HQs. Once you're running around in the 2500 point range, there are a a lot of nasty things out there that could ruin your entire day.


I agree that trying to fit in the third TDA squad would cause problems.


However, at 2000 pts you could run:


DP - MoT,Wings,Warptime,Bolt of Change

20 CSM - Champ, Fist, Melta, Autocannon, Icon

20 CSM - Champ, Fist, Melta, Autocannon, Icon

10 TDA - 2*Reaper, 2*Fist, Icon

10 TDA - 2*Reaper, 2*Fist, Icon

Defiler (or 2 Obliterators)

Defiler (or 2 Obliterators)

(altering load outs slightly depending on your gaming environment)

Yeah, that's a workable army. Not something I'd field, mechanization-addict that I am, but I could see it working, especially since mechanized MSU being so big in the metagame makes footslogging hordes a bit more attractive.

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Khârn leading Thousand Sons makes Khorne cry.

when the dex became legal , JJ himself told us in a WD article that this is what makes the codex awesome . That you can have a khorn lord in a tzeench army.


Oh, well why bother forming my own opinion then? I'll just think whatever White Dwarf tells me to think.


I repeat, Khârn leading Thousand Sons makes Khorne cry. It is not awesome, it is an abomination.

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Yeah, that's a workable army. Not something I'd field, mechanization-addict that I am, but I could see it working, especially since mechanized MSU being so big in the metagame makes footslogging hordes a bit more attractive.


I think one of the main attractions of horse is that is just goes completely against the current meta, making it refreshing for both players.

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Oh, well why bother forming my own opinion then? I'll just think whatever White Dwarf tells me to think.

If JJ is wrong the the chaos dex wasnt awesome and well accepted by majority of chaos players and in fact GW droped the ball making it . But GW never make bad stuff , so it must be good.

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I repeat, Khârn leading Thousand Sons makes Khorne cry. It is not awesome, it is an abomination.


Aside from the fluff (where it is SOOO true), gameplay-wise it REALLY sucks. Khârn is supposed to close and get mixed in. Thousand Sons are supposed to slowly move across the board or stay camping on the objective. It's like putting a scope on a sword or a bayonet on a pintle-mounted weapon (yes, I know we have that, it doesn't make it any less stupid), they work at cross purposes and should not mix.

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Still, I think trying to run horde Marines and 3 10-man Terminator squads might be going a bit far. For starters, after upgrades you'd need to be playing at over 2000 points just to be able to afford the the five squads and any HQs. Once you're running around in the 2500 point range, there are a a lot of nasty things out there that could ruin your entire day.


I agree that trying to fit in the third TDA squad would cause problems.


However, at 2000 pts you could run:


DP - MoT,Wings,Warptime,Bolt of Change

20 CSM - Champ, Fist, Melta, Autocannon, Icon

20 CSM - Champ, Fist, Melta, Autocannon, Icon

10 TDA - 2*Reaper, 2*Fist, Icon

10 TDA - 2*Reaper, 2*Fist, Icon

Defiler (or 2 Obliterators)

Defiler (or 2 Obliterators)

(altering load outs slightly depending on your gaming environment)


Is anyone else a little concerned by the lack of Fearless in these huge units? I'm getting visions of a psyker battle squad and a battlecannon making large clumps of CSMs flunk Ld tests at, like, 3 or less and scurry off the board in refugee waves. :lol:

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gameplay-wise it REALLY sucks. Khârn is supposed to close and get mixed in. Thousand Sons are supposed to slowly move across the board or stay camping on the objective.


Who cares, I posted a friend's list who had 3 units of terminators. That is, after all, what this all about yes?


and tsons don't suck in cc with Khârn anyways but that's another topic.



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Still, I think trying to run horde Marines and 3 10-man Terminator squads might be going a bit far. For starters, after upgrades you'd need to be playing at over 2000 points just to be able to afford the the five squads and any HQs. Once you're running around in the 2500 point range, there are a a lot of nasty things out there that could ruin your entire day.


I agree that trying to fit in the third TDA squad would cause problems.


However, at 2000 pts you could run:


DP - MoT,Wings,Warptime,Bolt of Change

20 CSM - Champ, Fist, Melta, Autocannon, Icon

20 CSM - Champ, Fist, Melta, Autocannon, Icon

10 TDA - 2*Reaper, 2*Fist, Icon

10 TDA - 2*Reaper, 2*Fist, Icon

Defiler (or 2 Obliterators)

Defiler (or 2 Obliterators)

(altering load outs slightly depending on your gaming environment)


Is anyone else a little concerned by the lack of Fearless in these huge units? I'm getting visions of a psyker battle squad and a battlecannon making large clumps of CSMs flunk Ld tests at, like, 3 or less and scurry off the board in refugee waves. :P


Psyker Battle Squad and a Battlecannon can just kill Fearless troops the old fashioned way, so it's not that big a deal. Just different ways to die.


But if you really fear leadership tests you could always change the DP for Fabius, and pay for the upgrades (drop an Obliterator).

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I aint intend of going the Hordes way, my troops will be 2x5 el cheapo man, but only cause i need troops.


Maybe i should model them dead on there base, so the opponent will think they are already caualties :P



BTW: i have yet to encounter psyker battlesquads, i will deal with those when i meet them.

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I aint intend of going the Hordes way, my troops will be 2x5 el cheapo man, but only cause i need troops.


Maybe i should model them dead on there base, so the opponent will think they are already caualties :tu:



BTW: i have yet to encounter psyker battlesquads, i will deal with those when i meet them.

Only having 2x5 Troops is going to make any objective missions very interesting. With a list like that, you'll pretty much have to focus on tabling your opponents in objective games.


I can't help but think this army idea might work better as a counts-as list for a codex that gives Troops/scoring Terminators.

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Iam not one who is going the easy route (eg use another dex as stand in)


On a sidenote, i might postphone this idea due to a rumour about 6th edition. The FoC of 6th edition might get the Fantasy FoC treatment, than this army will be illegal as 90% is HQ/elite/heavy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have had good success in using TDA lists. I use a Slannesh termie lord with DW 2 5 man CSM w plasma and IOS in rhinos a deflier and a 4 man land raider riding IOS carrying PLC packing All champ squad and 2 6 - 7 man squad one with reapers and one with 4 PLC and IOS and a pred decked out as points allow. Run the raider and rhinos up drop the big termie squads on the icons and smash everything in the way frag objectives. I have found that IOS give chaos termies one heck of an advantage as only the fastest units go before them in CC. I have even had all transports blown out from under me and had to walk used terrain and wrecked vehicles for cover when I had to. Didn't win that game but there wasn't much left of my opponent either at the end, just two grey hunters parked on an objective i could quite assult b the end of turn 5.
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or any unit in any type of cover .


I play on tables with quite an abundance of terrain and I often find that when I launch assaults it's often against enemies that just happen to be out in the open due to events like their transport getting popped. Granted I don't use terminators, but I notice a lot of good situations where terminators would wreck people who make mistakes (not everyone using a brutal new codex is a top tier tournament winner).


I find it hard to believe that every single time a chaos player could assault something with Slaanesh terminators, their targets will be in cover thus making Slaanesh terminator not worth the points.




I want LRC/LRR's too jeske. <3

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