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flesh tearers painting advice


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I want to paint and convert a squad of flesh tearers for a diorama and I would like some advice on what would be the fluffiestly accurate in terms of weapon combos, jump packs or not,armour types and popular vehicles/dreds and their weapon combos. Many thanks in advance
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Bolt Pistol and Chainsword is best for most. There are no rules for it but we also use a weapon called (lovingly) a Flesh Tearer. It's like a couple of wrist mounted circular saws. You can see one in "How To Paint Space Marines." Baring that, anything choppy or close ranged shooty. Don't be afraid to make the wargear a bit messy. Flesh Tearers leave maintainence as a second or third concern compared to most Space Marine chapters.
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Flesh Tearers are first and foremost assault juggernauts. I remember one thing the Codex mentioned was that they preffer armoured assaults, so maybe equipping them for a rhino/rzbk deployment role would make them a little fluffier. I also remember they only have 1 baal pred in their armoury.
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I went on Forge World and picked up the Flesh Tearer etched brass, and the Blood Angels water slide transfers, which have a large FT section (because circular saw blades are a bother to freehand). Etched brass on the vehicles, water slides on the brothers themselves, and voila! Instant assault death!


I've got mine kitted out with a lot of Rhinos and Razorbacks, a LR Redeemer, Baal Pred and drop pods. For painting/modelling advice: don't go nuts on the details, like you might with other BA-related armies: a couple of BA trinkets per squad will do you best, for the most part. Flesh Tearers don't seem to really have time for nonessential ornamentation, since they're more interested in killing things in grisly, gory ways. I have an Assault Squad with jump packs, but my other Assault Squads are drop pod borne ground-pounders or stuck in a Rhino. Basic bolt pistol or chainsword for armament. Most should look like their only real desire in life is to charge forward and kill something. Most of my non-jump infantry Assault Marines and Death Company have bare heads, so they can rip their enemies' throats out with their teeth (the airborne guys have helmets, because, hey, jumping out of a Thunderhawk without a helmet just isn't safe!). Chapter colors, a waterslide transfer on the pauldron, and as much blood or battle damage as you like, and you'll be on your way.


Send pics when you're finished!

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With the tearers "issues" with the inquisition would they be less likely to plaster vehicles and armour with the imperial eagle, when compared say to the ultramarines?


Nope, the Flesh Tearers issue is that they get a bit carried away with the old eviscerating - not that they don't do it in the Emperors name.

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