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Quick fluff check


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Might depend who's leading them. The present day Khârn is more a slaughterer than a conquerer (and prone to attacking his allies when he runs out of enemies) but there might be WE commanders who haven't succumbed fully to frenziedness.


In Execution Hour there's a World Eaters slavemaster on Abaddon's ship, for example.

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Zhufor's not a World Eater proper though- he was a sergeant in the Storm Lords chapter before turning to chaos and joining the World Eaters. His warband, the Skulltakers (formerly Berserkers of Kharadon) might also be a mixture of Khorne-worshipping renegades.
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Fluff wise no the WE where broken when Khârn earned the title betrayer. There numbers are to low to take worlds as a WE war band.


Dose not mean a champion could bring groups of like minded traitors together to from a large force to take a world.

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The fluff about the WE numbers isn't exactly the best to rely on. For example, the Foresworn, a WE warband was large enough to pilot a spacehulk, serve as an army for Angron, become fractured after the first war for armageddon and still send 400 berzerkers into the future. And the Skulltakers are a big fluff conflict because the Warband Zhufor was said to have taken over was WE warband and then there were the Berzerkers of Kharadon. And Zhufor himself was tortured by the WE and then went through Stockholm syndrome. And berzerkers are berzerkers. Not all WE have to be legionarres, that's the beauty of having renegades.
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Cool Thanks for the help, Cause i was gonna have him set up a planet where he turned the world into a khorne fortress of brazen fire and sparing pits with populations not only serving potential recruits for the world eaters but also slaves for there ships (his battle barge is known as the slaughterer) and also depriving the imperium of it's resources and once that place is dead of resources they move on a bit like orks but more organized
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I'll suggest looking into the Grey Knights books by Ben Counter. One of the books is about the Grey Knight Justicar's experiences on a... you guessed it, Khornate world :D The population is made up of daemons, humans, corrupted beasts, and Chaos Marines, and the whole world is a temple dedicated to the Blood God. :)
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If I may, in my personal opinion, it really depends on the Lord, and his quest.


Most chaos lords act out of a personal desire for more power. If Khorne sends your lord a vision, a vision of conquest over several systems, plunging them into war, then your lord will pillage his way across those several systems, in order to enrage Khorne enough to perhaps gain his favour! ^.^

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