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Imperator Vult!


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While I was waiting for all the various kits to arive I bussied myself with writing the background for these guys. Now that the kits have arrived it is time to get cracking with the hobby knife and some glue.


I give this warning to all people that like to stick to the bacground as close as possible and are admirably loyal to their chosen chapter and codex. This will not be such a force nor is that the goal. Current Dark Angels codex is the base of my inspiration since my Chapter is part of the Unforgiven but I will build the force in such a way that it can be used with any other Space Marine Codex (CSM codex/codici not withstanding as I am building a World Eater force alongside this as a side project) with the intention of converting units that will match the equipment of Grey Knights and Sanguinary Guard but match the imagenary of my chapter.


So without further delay (names to be decided as I paint the guys and produce some background for each guy aking to what can be found in the codici):



Counts as Azrael or Chapter Master with Comb-Plasma and Relic Blade



Counts as Pedro Cantor or Chapter Master with Storm Bolter and Power Fist



Counts as Tigurius or Epistolary with nothing



Assault Veteran Sergeant with a pair of power fists






Company Standard Bearer



Veteran with Power Weapon and Storm Shield - backgroud wise he will be the Company Champion but I won't use the rules



Veteran with Thunder Hammer and Sorm Bolter



together + apothecary







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First unit constructed and another pair of characters.



Sicarius and Shrike




Fist Sergeant and his Squad




Now to paint that squad.

And first model is done also bearing the name of the hour when he/it was completed.



Squad Rahab – Brother Tarthys

14 Years of Service









Nothing fancy, no highlights, blendings, drybrushing or any of such stuff. Just a little bit of black wash to kill the shine of metal and a little bit of Devlan mud on the parchment. The goal is to get a coherent looking, neatly as possibly painted army as quickly as possible as I would really like to start playing again and I made an oath not to play with unpained models.



Have a happy and healthy new year :cuss

  • 10 months later...


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