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Color sceam help


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Ok so im having a bit of an issue with my colors im plan on having a silver color sceam with Black Trim, Now my issue becomes what colors to do the Helmets for veterans and sargents, I was thinking Gold for Vets and Black for sargents but was not 100% on it what would you all do? ((Sorry for bad grammar/spelling learning disability FTL)
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Hey, Alex here, First though , It depends on how much you care about fluff, if its a codex based chapter you could stick with normal colours, but this is jsut a thought and red or white would probably look naff,


second thought, I would stick with the same colour for vets and sarges because well, sargeants are veterans after all, games workshop do it differently which is theoreticaly correct, so two colour's for different things would work, I would probably say that you want a colour that stands out against silver, an example of this is how white stands out on ultramarines who are blue and gold that stands out on blood angels whoa are red, if you going for a dark silver then black would probably fit in with the model and work well but would'nt be a focus point for the model, where as for a bright silver take purifiers for example they are silver with white helms, I dont think gold would work well, but unless you try you wont know, I find that gold looks good against silver but only against another colour also, take astral claws for example gold shoulder trim on silver models, BUT the actual shoulder pad is blue, I dont know for silver, mabe a light grey-ish coloured helmet would work, for my vets I will probably use the same colour as my shoulder pads, which for you is silver so they'l look standard,


third thought, mabe a different indentifier would work? instead of a coloured helmet, mabe a stripe down the helmet, a different colour on the shoulder pads, a banner, mabe just use his wargear as a signifier?


Final thoughts, silver is a hard colour to judge because it is close to grey and the whole colour wheel of doom blah blah blah I dont think it fits on. These are just thoughts and dont take them as cannon but feel free to fire them out of a cannon!

Thanks alex they are supposed to be a Codex chapter (Or close to it) a successor chapter to the Imperial Fists i was thinking about doing red and white but i don't think White and red look good on silver :\ and its a dark silver color sceam I think im going to go with Black helms for both. and on a side note i was thinking of doing black for the chest Aquila as the gold just looks...odd on silver armor i must say..


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