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My Gre...err Blue Knights gallery. Now with full army pics!


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Hi all, i thought i should start a thread for my GK army that i've been collecting and painting for the past few months.


And first off we have my Dreadknight that i just finished tonight:









I really disliked the whole babycarrier thing on the DK because it reminded me of those Austin powers movies with Dr. Evil and mini-me.. So i decided to marry my DK with a venerable dreadnought i had and added a metal rod at the end of his sword to give him a halberd. I also had to cut his hip joints a bit and pin the legs on it in order to get a more dynamic pose compared to the original.


Hope you like it, i will probably post more pictures of the army next year. I still have lots to paint and to fix, since i just recently gave new weapons to some models and made all kinds of modifications to them so i need to repaint those bitz before i can show them to you.





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Moar stuff i finished today ;). These are the guys that needed just some repainting here and there after i had changed some of their weapons etc..



First off my Strikes, unit 1 of 2:






And here's their transport:






My one and only unit of purifiers:






My two Ordo malleus inquisitors in termiarmors w/ d.hammer & psycannon






My servo-skulls, 2 of 3:





Terminator squad 1 of 2:





Terminator squad 2 of 2:







They aren't meant to be showcase, just quickly made for the basic tabletop quality, but hopefully you still like them B).




What i still have unpainted:


8 Terminators (so i will end up with 2 squads of 10 termies)

5 Strikes + their razorback



What i still have to buy, assemble and then paint:


A transport for the purifiers, which will either be a rhino or a stormraven

A second Dreadknight perhaps? Or then some dreadnoughts.. ... Or maybe both, not sure yet.







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Can I get a recipe for that silverish blue, brother?




-black undercoat

-cover all of the armor parts with chainmail

-add a layer of asurmen blue

-after it's dried up, add another layer of asurmen blue.





Btw, thank you all for your nice comments. I honestly didn't expect these to get so this much positive attention ;).


Currently i've been bit busy in school but i should finish off my other half of the strike squad today or tomorrow so pics to follow.. I also ordered a second dreadknight which will be converted with dreadnought parts aswell, but it will be different from the one i allready built.




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I REALLY like the blue steel. It's very distinctive, different, yet still conveys Grey Knights to me.


Overall, I think the army looks quite nice.


What really piqued my interest though is your Dreadknight. You've convinced me that something interesting can be done with the model from a posing perspective. Thanx for the clever ideas.


BTW, "since" you are going to paint a bit more for this army, have you made a vow for the Librarium Painting Challenge? You only have to paint one figure between now and March 31st.


You can make your vow in the General Painting forum.


Your brother knights need you. B)


Excellent work so far.



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I REALLY like the blue steel. It's very distinctive, different, yet still conveys Grey Knights to me.


Overall, I think the army looks quite nice.


What really piqued my interest though is your Dreadknight. You've convinced me that something interesting can be done with the model from a posing perspective. Thanx for the clever ideas.


BTW, "since" you are going to paint a bit more for this army, have you made a vow for the Librarium Painting Challenge? You only have to paint one figure between now and March 31st.


You can make your vow in the General Painting forum.


Your brother knights need you. ;)


Excellent work so far.





Thx for the info, i'll definitely check it and think about making my vow :P. The dreadknight indeed can be reposed but it requires some cutting bitz, pinning and regluing. For example, i broke the leg joints, reposed the into different way and then pinned and glued them, so they would hold. Also the arm joint was cut a lot, the edge of the "cup" where the arm is put into was cutted off pretty much completely so the halberd arm would bend back enough..




Out of curiosity, how many points is this?



What you now see painted is roughly 1400-1500pts. It's going to be a 2000pts list when i'm finished.




If anyone is interested on the list:


Ordo Malleus Inquisitor
Terminator armour & Daemon hammer, Psycannon, 2 Servo-skulls

GK Purifier squad (10)
6x Halberd, 3x Psycannon, Knight of the flame w/ Halberd

GK Terminator squad (10)
Terminator Justicar: Daemon hammer, Storm bolter 
Terminator 1: Brotherhood Banner, Storm bolter
Terminator 2: Halberd, Psycannon 
Terminator 3: Halberd, Psycannon 
Terminator 4: Daemon hammer, Storm bolter
Terminator 5: Halberd, Storm bolter
Terminator 6: Halberd, Storm bolter
Terminator 7: Halberd, Storm bolter
Terminator 8: Halberd, Storm bolter
Terminator 9: Halberd, Storm bolter

GK Terminator squad (10)
Terminator Justicar: Daemon hammer, Storm bolter 
Terminator 1: Brotherhood Banner, Storm bolter
Terminator 2: Halberd, Psycannon 
Terminator 3: Halberd, Psycannon 
Terminator 4: Daemon hammer, Storm bolter
Terminator 5: Halberd, Storm bolter
Terminator 6: Halberd, Storm bolter
Terminator 7: Halberd, Storm bolter
Terminator 8: Halberd, Storm bolter
Terminator 9: Halberd, Storm bolter

Strike squad (10)
2x Psycannon, Daemon hammer

GK Dreadknight
Nemesis Greatsword, Heavy incinerator

GK Dreadknight
Nemesis Greatsword, Heavy incinerator

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Okay so, sorry for taking so long i've been busy with school but i finally finished the other half for the strike squad that i posted earlier.










Still waiting for my other DK to arrive in the mail.. Hopefully during next week it arrives so i can start working on it..

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Hi guys, been a long time since i last updated, sorry for the delay. I've been busy with building&painting my WHFB Daemons of chaos army, painting a commisioned WHFB vampire counts army, school and playing TES: Skyrim... But now, i finally have some blue knight done! 8 terminators (bringing my total to 2x10 man squads) and two rhinos for my puriefier and strike squads.



Here are the pics:



The termies:





The rhinos:






Now i only have to finish building my dreadknight #2 and then paint it, which should be done by saturday/sunday. After which, my 2000pts army is finished and i will provide a group shot of my entire GK army.




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YAY, finally i'm done! Just finished the 2nd DK and with that i also finished the whole army :P.



Here's latest addition to the force:





Overall picture of the finished army: Invicti imperatoris militibus 2000pts (KP:9, Scor: 3 (6))




Termies 1:



Termies 2:



Purifiers & Strikes:



Commander of the Army, Inqusitor lord Repertor Bellator



The Big Boys:





And that's all folks, army is now complete took me about 5-6 months to complete, though my painting was quite slow and irregular. Quite happy with how the DK's turned out, those were my first bigger conversions that i've ever made :).


Thanks for watching,



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