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I'm in your base


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Probably pretty generic, but I'll be building a Death Guard army with the following units. I'm sure it's not very competitive but it seems fun to paint and is quite a change from what I usually run.


MoN Lord- Demon Weapon, Combi-Melta

Dread- TLLC, Extra Armor, Heavy Flamer

7 PM's- Melta x2, Rhino, Pfist

7 PM's- Melta x2, Rhino, Pfist

7 PM's- Melta x2, Rhino, Pfist

7 MoN Bikers- Melta x2, Pfist

3 Vindicators- Demonic P


I found out today how to mix plastic glue with red wash and I want to use this effect on all the close combat weapons and maybe even a fist or two. FW bitz on the way. :P


I'll still be in the Tzeentch section more. ;)

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The Bikes are a huge mistake, since when the one Bike with the Icon catches the killshot you lose your T4(6) throughout the unit and just become normal Bikes to die to a hail of small arms fire. They won't survive long enough to make up their cost, and they're not very Death Guard-y to boot.


The Dread is a gamble with all its crazy, but it's hard to argue against it on fluff grounds alone. I'd dump it just because it's unreliable and might shoot my Rhinos in the butt and trash what mobility I have. Still, if you like it, keep it, it might not betray you.


3 Vindis. . .BS 3 from the Daemonic Possession isn't a total game-killer, and they'll wreck face on anything that gets within range. Sounds nice enough, though I'm still a bigger fan of Oblits.


Anyway, were I you, I'd drop the Bikes and either spam more melta PMs in Rhinos or pick up a winged Nurgle Prince to back that Lord up and draw some fire while your squads and the Lord close into melta range. Alternatively, you could always spend the Biker points on a bunch of personal Icons and a horde of Lesser Daemons and flood the field with cheap Troops. That's how I'd go with it, but that's me. Definitely interested to see how yours plays, especially if that Dread treats you nicely. :huh:

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I'm still a bigger fan of Oblits.


Yeah, same here. I've got painted Oblits for my Thousand Sons, I suppose I can "hire" them for a future tournament.


I'll keep what you said in mind and might only use the bikes for friendly games. and I'll be sure and post pictures eventually.


Probably won't get everything assembled til mid-Jan :\

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