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Drop Pods and Falling Back


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So we came across an interesting situation last night and I hope that someone can provide some clarification. Here was the situation.

It was round one of a Space Wolfs vs Crimson Fist Annihilation game.

Crimson Fists go first and deploy a Drop Pod slightly behind and next to so Space wolf Termies roughly 10" from the table edge. Keep in mind that the drop pod was not blocking a falling back move.

During the shooting phase 2 units of Crimson Fists fire on the termies (1 Las Pred and the drop pod marines) and cause 30% casualties on the termie squad (good rolling for me, bad save rolls for him)

At the end of the shooting phase the termies fail their moral check that was forced by the >25% casualties and are forced to fall back. This is where we get a little shakie on the rules.

Now while falling back the termies pass the drop pod (which have troops all over it) and stop their fall back roughly 6" away from the table edge and 4" away from the drop pod and troops.

During the space wolves shooting phase all but 2 of the drop pod troops are killed and run away but the drop pod has not been destroyed. Keep in mind the terminators are still within 4" of the drop pod.

Now we understand that the terminators could not regroup since there was an enemy unit with assault range, but since the troops ran away and abandoned to drop pod, could the termies regroup if the drop pod is within 6"?

I said that they could regroup since the drop pod cannot assault and I felt bad cause I didn't want his termies to run off the edge of the table (wanted to kill them), he said that the drop pod is within 6" so they have to take a fall back roll and that caused them to fall off the edge and die.


So who was right?


I might have to do up a graphic on Vassal to better explain this.

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Also, his terminators should have fallen back twice before his shooting phase - once in your shooting phase due to failing morale. And once at the start of his turn when they were unable to regroup. From the distances you gave, it sounds like they fell back a total of 4" in 2 fall back moves (!!!) or they didn't fall back the second time like they were supposed to.


(On average, the terminators in that situation should be off the table before he ever gets to his shooting phase. 4d6" averages 14")

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A side note here:

A friend of mine and I house-ruled that drop pods can only contest objectives and force fall-backs if they still have a functioning weapon. It's not RAW, but it just made no sense to us that an immobile metal frame could do anything other than get in the way. Still had to be destroyed to get the kill-point though.

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Have to watch how you create house rules...next time it would be an immobile unarmed rhino...the tactic of dropping empty pods to help force opponents to continue to retreat is a viable and real tactic.
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Have to watch how you create house rules...next time it would be an immobile unarmed rhino...the tactic of dropping empty pods to help force opponents to continue to retreat is a viable and real tactic.


I guessed they overlooked the immobile no weapon vehicle thingy.

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