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Free DC?!


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In scourging the internet to better understand the various strategical options available to a blood angels commander, I came upon numerous seemingly reputable forum posts on countless different sites all indirectly remarking how death company are free but "indirectly paid for". An example is in a small 500 pt. BA list that runs 3 JP DC w/ Lemmy (need to get that model!) and the point count only lists the 3x 15 points for the 3 JP but does not list the cost of the DC themselves. It's possible that the author made a mistake but I doubt it and I cannot find anything in the codex that explains the cost shenanigans. Any clarification would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Doc
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In the old BA Codex before the PDF, You got 3 DC included in the points cost of a Chaplin (only the first chaplin if you took 2...I think). In addition after you picked you army list, but before the first turn is taken, you rolled a dice for each squad you fielded. On a 5 one (not the sgt) became a DC (removed from the squad and added to the DC squad). On a roll of 6, you could opt for the sgt to become DC including his power weapon if he had one, and you re-rolled the dice for the same unit.

You still had to pay for jump packs if you wanted them. And if you didn't have enough DC models, you still had to roll the dice for each unit, and any models you couldn't replace with a DC model was just removed as a casualty. bummer.



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Tiberius almost remembers correctly.


In the 3rd. ed. addon codex. Chaplains were accompanied by d3+3 death company models, and could not be accompanied by an honour guard.

In addition you rolled a die for each squad in your army.

1-3 nothing happens.

4-5 one model joined the death company, even the veteran sergeant. If you decided to put the veteran sergeant in the squad, you could arm him with a power weapon or fist for free.

6 same as above, but roll again.

The squad could then be put in a rhino or armed with jump packs for free.


In the pdf. codex it changed drastically. We now paid overprice for most of our squads. Around 30 points for tacs and asm squads, 0 for terminators. and for each squad of marines taken, a model could be added to the death company for 'free'.

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IIRc the " variable" point cost DC was the pdf version?


The list you mentioned is almost surely one of those, as you had to pay for the jP' s in that one, got a DC marine with just about any squad (you could buy them seperatly if you so wished as well) and lemy was a god-like hq option. costing the same (or 5 points more, dont recall) as a generic chapy with jumppack but having alot better stats and wargear :D


so uh...your an codex edition to late for that list :lol:

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