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Flesh Tearer Question


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So I'm currently working on my FT strike force, and I had a bit of an idea. I'm sure it has been done before, but the general idea is to have my squads composed of marines from seperate squads. Everything would remain normal, but I thought I would put different squad numbers on each marines shoulder pad. Meaning in Alpha squad I could have marines originally from something like 3rd, 5th, and 6th squads, but after some sort of unsuccesful orbital attack or somesuch, had survivors of remaining squads re assigned. So my question is, would it look wierd to have several different numbered shoulders in 1 squad? Especially if one didnt know the background? I'm not sure if I'll do it, but it was just an idea. Anywho, ideas greatly welcomed cause I'm pretty on the fence! :tu:
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The Flesh Tearer example in the codex has a red drop and tactical arrow on the shoulderpad and a 2 on his kneepad ~ I figured the drop was the company and the 2 was the squad number. I see no logical reason why they would retain the tactical marking but do away with the squad number, whilst the opposite would make a lot of sense.


Addendum: it would make sense to ditch the number and keep the tactical marking if they had kept all companies active with only one squad of each type in each company, but we know they didn't do that.

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