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Grotsmasha's LPC 2012 W.I.P Thread


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Here we go....

I, Grotsmasha of the Dark Angels sub-forum, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 1 x Razorback, 1 x Custodian on Jetbike & 1 x Contemptor Dreadnaught, on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.

I know, I know, still haven't submitted my article from last years failure !!! It's written......but the Librarium is STILL closed...

Anyhoo, this year I've not made the mistake of vowing to paint a model I haven't built yet....and here's this years vows...


1=> A True Scale Razorback


[ If things go well, I may get the magnetized Predator attachments done as well, but no promises ]

2=> A Custodian on Jetbike


3=> Contemptor Dreadnaught




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@ Ah-a-nothepsis:



What amazing conversions, I'm a little stunned. Have those Scibor custodes-type helmets?


Yep, this is the "Sergeant", and sold holding his helm (I've still got another four to go).


Off-topic, but OMG your Thousand Sons. <3


<_< Thankyou, I really do need to get back to them...




@ Olisredan & GrimDarkness: Thanks guys, and good luck with each of your own vows.


Quick question, I've the sudden desire to paint the Contemptor as a Custodes contemptor, leaving my vow 2-1 against the DA's. Does this really matter? Or should I add some more DA's to my vow and risk another vow failure?




VOW UPDATED 05-01-12

I fear my initial vow had become alittle Custode heavy, additions in Red

I, Grotsmasha of the Dark Angels sub-forum, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 1 x Razorback, 1 x Custodian on Jetbike & 1 x Custodian Contemptor Dreadnaught, 1 x Assault Sgt, 1 x Tactical Sgt.....and....THE LION HIMSELF !!! on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.

So, the additions to my vow...

1 => Assault Sgt


2 => Tactical Sgt Mikael (My entry into Maverick Primes' Sgt & Stories contest)


3 => Last, but certainly not least, Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you Lion el Jonson, Lord of the 1st !!!


(obligatory scale pic)





VOW UPDATED 05-01-12


I fear my initial vow had become alittle Custode heavy, additions in Red


I, Grotsmasha of the Dark Angels sub-forum, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 1 x Razorback, 1 x Custodian on Jetbike & 1 x Custodian Contemptor Dreadnaught, 1 x Assault Sgt, 1 x Tactical Sgt.....and....THE LION HIMSELF !!! on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


I think the additions are unnecessary, brother, but if you feel more Dark Angels is required, then so be it. So long as it's completed and in the name of a particular forum, I doubt the ratio matters much. :(


Nice conversion for Mikael. Very much interested in seeing him completed. :rolleyes:

@ Oliredan: Maybe not necessary, but not unwelcome either ;)


@ Brother Immolater: Thanks, Our revered Primarch is a "Velard" eBay purchase, and I'll be saving him, and the most time, for last.


@ Brother Kovash: Cheers !! I had to head out to pick up some paints, I'm totally out of Chaos Black and Tallern/Elf flesh, which is needed to paint the Custode, otherwise he'd be finished. With any luck he and maybe the Razorback will be up later today. Everything else is at least undercoated now.




Give the bike a wash it should tone down the shine. The bike rider power pack needs to be changed/tweaked since it's the same colour as the bike.


I know, but what colours, red/orange? Or wash to change one of them?


I wouldn't say that it's too shiney but the Custode's armour seems to get lost in all that gold. Something to help split them up perhaps?


Looking good though!


I was thinking the same thing, but should I go the whole-hog and change the bike to another colour?




I loved your entry in the MP's conversion contest. Really top notch.


However, I'm a Custodes kind of guy and so I'm really wondering, does your vow count towards DA or Custodes (as GK?). Obviously, I'd vote for the GK. Not to slight your chapter of choice, but I think the Custodes should band together as a voting bloc. :D


Also, I heartily approve your Comtemptor as Custodes...it's the natural thing to do. lol.



Cracking minis mate! Love your GS work. Very nice looking TS marine. Love the picture showing the scale of the Lion compared to the other two marines. Very impressive work so far!


The jet bike . . hmm. I guess if you added some battle damage to it & added some other details it wouldn't look too shiney. If you got some chesnut or black wash into the recesses it would break it up a bit. Perhaps even adding some skull white in areas might help?

I have found a picture that could help you with the jetbikes colour (Google helps a lot ;) )


Custodes Jetbike


I hope this will help getting rid of this mass of gold :D


Thankd Timboli, I have seen that pic before, but was unsure about the grey. I think I'm going to assemble and paint another jetbike in grey (maybe black with gold trim?) and see how it goes.


I loved your entry in the MP's conversion contest. Really top notch.


However, I'm a Custodes kind of guy and so I'm really wondering, does your vow count towards DA or Custodes (as GK?). Obviously, I'd vote for the GK. Not to slight your chapter of choice, but I think the Custodes should band together as a voting bloc. ;)


Also, I heartily approve your Comtemptor as Custodes...it's the natural thing to do. lol.




As a vow, the DA's out number the Custodes 2-1, so I guess it'll stay a DA vow. The Custodes actually belong with my counts-as GK Dornian Heresy Thousand Sons.


I'm really keen to see who Mav chooses, my fav was abraxus' Deathwatch marine



Update Time !!!

I guess I should explain my paint scheme....as it is clearly not traditional Dark Angels.

For Dornian Heresy timeline, they are Loyalist DA's being pulled to the "Herald of Vengeance", (a Contemptor character I'm working on) whom some of the DA's believe to be Lion el Jonson. (Story in DA pt 2 in my sig). The red on their arm closest to their primary heart symbolizes their anger/rage at betrayel and devotion tovengeance.

For Horus Heresy they are a DA successor of unknown founding, who's function within the Unforgiven is intel gathering.

These are all very W.I.P. still,



Assault & Tactical Sgts


Cheers, C&C welcome as usual,



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