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=I= 2012 Librarium Painting Challenge =I=

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I just made my vow :)


Get on it my Chaos brethren! I'm looking forward to seeing everybody's progress. Maybe we should all post our threads in the CA forum. It would be good to have them all together, uncluttered by any Loyalist trash.


Good luck all ;)


My LPC Thread :)

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A good showing from the spiky boys around here so far :)


For those left wondering what all the fuss is about, here's the official looking announcement


The 2012 Librarium Painting Challenge


It's the start of a new year and we all know that means it's time for the annual Librarium Painting Challenge (also known as the 'LPC'). Functioning as a chance for board members to make a New Year's Resolution to get some models painted by the end of March, the Librarium Painting Challenge offers both positive and negative motivation. The positive motivation is the promise of a newly minted Vow Complete signature, not to mention the glory and camaraderie of participating, while the negative motivation is the infamous Vow Failed signature and the requirement that you do an article for the Librarium (which is quite simple, really not much of a punishment;) ). So for anyone who received some models (board appropriate ones of course...) this Christmas and is yet to make a serious start on them, this is the perfect challenge for you :P


For full rules and information on how to enter, please click here. This is also the thread to pledge your vows. Please don't post your vows here, they won't count!


Once again, the Librarium Painting Challenge is also hosting a challenge within a challenge. This is the LPC Subforum Challenge. In this, every subforum is pitted against one another in competition to see who can get the most completed vows. The winning subforum receives the title of LPC Champions (and bragging rights of course :D), not to mention a subforum-specific Vow Completed signature. So get on board now and support your subforum! Remember that only completed vows count.. Will anyone be able to unseat the reigning champions, the supremely talented Blood Angels or will the fanged pretty boys (;)) have another year to lord it over the other subforums? You can make a difference!


If you want to view the fun, mayhem and camaraderie invested in the Librarium Painting Challenge, check out the previous year's Challenge. Don't miss out on this once in a year chance! So what are you waiting for? Sign your board name here, grab those dusty paints, open those Christmas boxes of space marines and join in!

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The 2012 Librarium Painting Challenge

It's the start of a new year and we all know that means it's time for the annual Librarium Painting Challenge (also known as the 'LPC'). Functioning as a chance for board members to make a New Year's Resolution to get some models painted by the end of March, the Librarium Painting Challenge offers both positive and negative motivation. The positive motivation is the promise of a newly minted Vow Complete signature, not to mention the glory and camaraderie of participating, while the negative motivation is the infamous Vow Failed signature and the requirement that you do an article for the Librarium (which is quite simple, really not much of a punishment;) ). So for anyone who received some models (board appropriate ones of course...) this Christmas and is yet to make a serious start on them, this is the perfect challenge for you :)

For full rules and information on how to enter, please click here. This is also the thread to pledge your vows. Please don't post your vows here, they won't count!

Once again, the Librarium Painting Challenge is also hosting a challenge within a challenge. This is the LPC Subforum Challenge. In this, every subforum is pitted against one another in competition to see who can get the most completed vows. The winning subforum receives the title of LPC Champions (and bragging rights of course :lol:), not to mention a subforum-specific Vow Completed signature. So get on board now and support your subforum! Remember that only completed vows count.. Will anyone be able to unseat the reigning champions, the supremely talented Blood Angels or will the fanged pretty boys (:P) have another year to lord it over the other subforums? You can make a difference!

If you want to view the fun, mayhem and camaraderie invested in the Librarium Painting Challenge, check out the previous year's Challenge. Don't miss out on this once in a year chance! So what are you waiting for? Sign your board name here, grab those dusty paints, open those Christmas boxes of space marines and join in!

Okay, I know a lot of you have already started on this, but this is something of a reminder and encouragement for everyone else!
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The Imperial dogs think we will roll over and die? That we will give in to the mincing, sparkling Blood Angels without putting up a fight? Never! For we are the sons of Chaos, the one truth in the universe!


Okay, what am I talking about? Why the LPC of course! Blood Angels are way out in the lead for now (again, ugh), but we are towards the top of the pack.


We need more vows! I exhort you, brothers, don't let them win again.


If you haven't made a vow, do it! Even if it is only one or two models. Every little bit helps!

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Given that this is the fourth LPC-related thread in this subforum now, I believe the word is sufficiently spread. :)

I have an idea. Why don't you and the other leading forum decide to join forces to beat the Blood Angels? Say... 'hurriedly checks LPC vow' Dark Angels? Half of them are Fallen anyways :devil: And perhaps pick a neutral forum to coordinate your efforts for, such as Horus Heresy, or even the Librarium forum (which would amuse me greatly)?


Just a suggestion, if you really don't want them to win :)

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Beating the orphans of the winged mutant would be nice, but every Chaos army with more painted miniatures is a victory of at least one kind in the face of the "shiny new codex" crowd. When our shiny new codex comes out you're going to want to have your army painted for "4th edition survivor" street cred... ;)
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