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=I= 2012 Librarium Painting Challenge =I=

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The Imperial dogs think we will roll over and die? That we will give in to the mincing, sparkling Blood Angels without putting up a fight? Never! For we are the sons of Chaos, the one truth in the universe!


Okay, what am I talking about? Why the LPC of course! Blood Angels are way out in the lead for now (again, ugh), but we are towards the top of the pack.


We need more vows! I exhort you, brothers, don't let them win again.


If you haven't made a vow, do it! Even if it is only one or two models. Every little bit helps!


You have my power sword.


I started reading this thread thinking "but I wanna finish my orks! I just got started on them and I'm making such good headway!", but then got more motivated as I read on, thanks guys!


I think my vow will consist of a Daemon prince I've been putting off since last year (I'm not finished sculpting him... It's nearly scratchbuilt) a squad of berserkers, and maybe a squad of vintage models I'll be picking up wednesday. Or maybe I should paint a theme? All iron warriors, thousand sons or my homebrew? I'll figure it out soon.


Come over to the IA forum, we need some more pledges. Go on. You know you want to. :)


Foolish scum, we're supposed to corrupt YOU, not the other way around!

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I pledged a scout squad since my 1Ksons are pre-HH...but we all know how that turns out...

Progress is in my WIP thread HERE


Not a lot of minis, but most of my games are against loyalist marines in my area (squashed some ultra-terminators last weekend) so I hope you don't mind a pre-Heresy oath in the CA.

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I think my vow will consist of a Daemon prince I've been putting off since last year (I'm not finished sculpting him... It's nearly scratchbuilt) a squad of berserkers, and maybe a squad of vintage models I'll be picking up wednesday. Or maybe I should paint a theme? All iron warriors, thousand sons or my homebrew? I'll figure it out soon.

Nah, themes are overrated. Go with whatever faction is best represented with the model and you'll be fine ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a reminder gents - there's one week left to make your vow. So there's still time to do it.


If you've already made a vow, please make sure that it is accurate and that any thread you've created to show your progress is linked to in the first post here.


Thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Final Subforum Tally


Dark Angels - 42 (81%)


Blood Angels - 24 (40%)


Black Templars - 21 (44%)


Index Astartes - 15 (41%)


Chaos Ascendant - 10 (32%)


Legio - 9 (53%)


Space Wolves - 9 (43%


Liber Astartes - 9 (38%)


Ultramarines - 7 (58%)


Ordos Inquisition - 5 (24%)


Homegrown Rules – 1 (100%!)


Adeptus Mechanicus - 0





What happened? ;)

Perhaps next year, with a new codex and models, we'll do better.

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What happened? :(

Perhaps next year, with a new codex and models, we'll do better.


School :) This is my last undergrad semester, and it hasn't been the easy jaunt it should have. But still, the goal of working on unpainted minis was accomplished, even if I fell miserably short of my hysterically unrealistic goal. Who knows how much longer I would have played with primered tanks? I'm still plodding away at my vow, thankful at least it's getting done.


And I owe my Chaos brethren a diorama depicting the nature of my failure, as vowed as extra punishment, so at least that should be fun to create and present...

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