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Template Vote!


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I just want to hold a debate free vote here, either vote option 1 or option 2 please. If you need clarification, feel free to ask :D


Option 1: The intent of the word "Template" under the word range on a template weapon profile is to indicate that I use the template to determine the range of the attack. If I place the template and the target unit has 0 models covered, the attack does not resolve hits because the target unit is outside of it's maximum range.


Option 2: The intent of the word "Template" under the word range on a template weapon profile is to indicate a special rule set for the weapon, where I do not need to check range. If I place the template and the target unit has 0 models covered, the template may be rotated and placed anywhere else as long as it still touches my base, even on other, non-target units that are within range, behind full cover and out of LoS.

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By RAW or by RAI? :)

I ask because this is the +OR+ forum where RAW is king...


It would be more how you've played them in the past. So I guess the answer is neither :D How do you play it?

Ah, in that case : I have always played it by RAI - Option 1.

Although,as an additional caveat - while I have always played it by Option 1 in the past - the debate by has altered my thinking on how it should be played. I will be discussing this with my usual opponent's at our next open gaming night.

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I just want to hold a debate free vote here

This is a pointless request on an Internet forum :D


Anyway, the answer to your problem is choice no. 1, and I refer you to this rules quote for the reason why:

(…) place the template so that [it] covers as many models as possible in the target unit.

So the template must cover the target unit, and since you declare the target of a shooting attack before checking how many hits you get, you may not rotate it to cover another unit if it turns out you can't reach to originally-intended target, because then it wouldn't cover the target unit.

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By RAW or by RAI? :)

I ask because this is the +OR+ forum where RAW is king...

It would be more how you've played them in the past. So I guess the answer is neither :D How do you play it?


EDIT: To Gurth, the only reason I ask is that the debate is already going on the Templates and LOS thread, I just want an idea of how people play it.

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This is pointless. A vote does not determine RAW. Indeed, I will not vote because any such vote is pointless. This is the +OR+ forum, not 'Rules as we'd like to play them'.


And the opinions expressed thus far have no basis in RAW, but as this is not a thread for debate I will not do so here.


I will finally note that your questions are biased because you're playing to preconceived notions to get people to vote the way you want. The proper way to pose the question would be:


Option 1: The intent of the word "Template" under range is to be an actual Range as defined by the rules

Option 2: The intent of the word "Template" under range is to be a reference to a set of special rules for the weapon


You've ruined any purpose of the vote by working so hard to bias the nature of the options. Basic survey methodology - participants in a study should not be aware of the consequences of their choices.

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This is pointless. A vote does not determine RAW. Indeed, I will not vote because any such vote is pointless. This is the +OR+ forum, not 'Rules as we'd like to play them'.


And the opinions expressed thus far have no basis in RAW, but as this is not a thread for debate I will not do so here.


I will finally note that your questions are biased because you're playing to preconceived notions to get people to vote the way you want. The proper way to pose the question would be:


Option 1: The intent of the word "Template" under range is to be an actual Range as defined by the rules

Option 2: The intent of the word "Template" under range is to be a reference to a set of special rules for the weapon


You've ruined any purpose of the vote by working so hard to bias the nature of the options. Basic survey methodology - participants in a study should not be aware of the consequences of their choices.

Sir, if you're not interested in voting then please do no disturb the other voters. I feel that people should know exactly what they are voting for, and I feel that my questions convey that. This vote is not being held to determine RAW, because that would be silly. I just want to know how people play the game. If you would like, you can feel free to hold your own vote.

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And the opinions expressed thus far have no basis in RAW
I'm guessing you missed this one then:


2 doesn't work because all models still have to fire at the same unit
"A firing unit can choose a single enemy unit that is not locked in combat as its target, and may not split its fire among different targets." (BRB p.16)
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And the opinions expressed thus far have no basis in RAW
I'm guessing you missed this one then:


2 doesn't work because all models still have to fire at the same unit
"A firing unit can choose a single enemy unit that is not locked in combat as its target, and may not split its fire among different targets." (BRB p.16)

And I'm guessing you missed this part, here:

I just want to hold a debate free vote here, either vote option 1 or option 2 please. If you need clarification, feel free to ask :P
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Option one, by RAW. Option 2 is just silly.


Might I ask what the intent here is?


You might regret asking but the full scenario is here.


Option #1 for me too by the way. And that applies both to the original question and the alternative question posed by Squirrelloid

Option 1: The intent of the word "Template" under range is to be an actual Range as defined by the rules

Option 2: The intent of the word "Template" under range is to be a reference to a set of special rules for the weapon

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Only vote here. And remember this is only fun and not in any way 'official'. It's the words in the BRB that count.


Please discuss the issues in the ongoing templates debate that Morollan (above) has kindly linked to.

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I agree Gentlemanloser: see my caveat directly above your post.


It can stay in the OR for the time being as it relates to an ongoing +OR+ topic but in future is not the sort of thing that should be started within the +OR+ that's for sure.




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Option 1 is really the only way to play it. if you cannot hit any models in the intended target unit, you miss completely. On the other hand, if you can even hit one target in the original targeted unit, then any other models will be hit as well.
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