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There are plenty of bare headed marines on the BA and SW sprues. Generally, if you are a super soldier with autosenses, NOT wearing a helmet which augments those senses seems silly. Of course some characters don't wear one (they may have power fields or other structures to protect them) and it looks more heroic. FInally, if you've ever worn a helmet, it is FAR more comfortable to wear one over a closely cropped or shaved head than over long hair
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Bits, trade with people. I have multiple different types from scouts, marines, half android, etc. Im sure you can find some or someone to trade with if you want to go that route.


As far why they come in a same expression, majority of them would come with helmets because the thought would be that most gamers would leave the helmet-less figure as the sergeant of the squad. But that is my best guess.

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I generally don't like using helmetless heads, so end up with a few spare. Your best bet might be the sanguinary guard box which comes with 15 heads: 5 deathmasks, 5 ornate mk VII and 5 helmetless. They are also not bald, but sporting rather fashionable short hair cuts.
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There are actually a whole bunch of kits that have bare heads:


The Space Marine Commander kit contains two.

The Space Marine vehicle accessory sprue (found in every Rhino-based kit) has one.

The Command Squad kit has one or two.

The Terminator kits have one.

The Assault Squad has one.

The Landspeeder has one.

The Devastator kit has one (with a flat-top hairdo!).

I believe there is also one on the Land Raider accessory sprues.


Then there are the chapter-specific kits:


The Black Templar upgrade kit has one.

The Dark Angels chapter upgrade kit has one (plus one hooded helmetless head).

The Ravenwing upgrade frame has one hooded bare head.

The Blood Angels Death Company kit has three (with hair!).

The BA Sanguinary Guard has four!

The Baal Predator kit has one.


You can also find a couple usable heads in the Imperial Guard kits. One standard IG Sergeant head will work (from the basic Guardsman box). Many people also like to use the bare heads from the Catachans for Marines.

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