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Zincite's LPC 2012 WIP.


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I, Zincite, of the Dark Angels, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least three Veterans, a Company Captain and a Librarian, all of the Guardians of the Covenant; Cypher the Fallen Angel; A Devastator Squad of undecided chapter, and both Skull Taker and a Greater Daemon of Khorne on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two five WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.

I further vow, for the glory of the Emperor, Khorne, myself, and any other being of god-like power that makes itself apparent, to balance this vow with my half-painted Xenos army project, neglecting neither, though the sights of such scum shall be left from this most glorious of boards.

Good grief... I do believe I actually said that. However, I can hardly regret it, since I really need to get that stuff done. My Guardians of the Covenant have slid to a halt, it's odd to think I only updated the thread in October, so it'll be nice to get those out of the way. I hope. Though I didn't include it in the vow, I also aim to re-base my entire Guardians force in the much nicer basing method I've found since.

And, even if I've watched it, I've never accepted the challenge before. Possibly, I've thus pushed myself more than common sense says, but even if this fails, the extra motivation will be worth it.

Pictures, though, eh?


The entire Vow, which looks surprisingly small there. Note the Devastators, which suddenly switched from "Undecided chapter" to Imperial Fists. Sneaky little bastards. Skipping Cypher and the Khorne demon, which aren't really that interesting yet...



Imperial Fists. They are yellow. They are annoyingly hard to assemble after a month or two of Xenos. Little else.


And the Guardians of the Covenant. These scare me more from the fact I see several areas where I've improved since, even if they weren't done at the time, and I'm going to have to go over them again.

Sooooo... Not much else, yet. Enjoy the Photos of my undercoated, unassembled, or badly painted models. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to ye both, and I return it. (Grimdarkness, you haven't entered? You may want to use your luck for other things, such as winning the lottery, prize raffles, and reducing the number of pieces of toast your toaster burns, all of which are admirable aims but only examples.)

Update No.1. Progression! Right up until the 'wash' stage, I was rather concerned about how these guys were turning out, but with a good amount of Badab black and Gryphonne Sepia, they're looking good. A few highlights and corrections should sort them out nicely.



And Cypher's assembled and basecoating has begun. Really nice model, and I look forward to painting him seriously. Also not his purple robes, which proves his hardness.


Got some Tyranids to pay attention to, but I may be able to assemble the demons over the weekend.

Your vow will require a steadfast devotion to the Emperor!


I absolutely love your progress so far. My favorite Chapters alongside the Imperial Fists is actually the Dark Angels and their successors, and I've always toyed around with the idea of making some Fallen. Your vow combines all of my favorites into one huge pot. Good progress so far. I'll be keeping a keen eye on this one! Good luck!

  • 2 weeks later...

Update No.2!

Sadly, my current situation is meaning I'm only getting the time to check up on B&C once every two to three days currently. But the painting carries on, and the Devastators are finished.






Possibly one of the most awkward things I've ever had to take photos of, but there you go. I'm pretty pleased with how they've come out in some ways, not so much in others. The Heavy Bolter marine on the left is probably the worst, monsieur Melta the best.

To take a cliché; So many Tyranids to paint, so little time...

  • 2 weeks later...

Great progress so far Zincite! Love your work - especially the GotC and ESPECIALLY the guy with the skull-like helmet! I'm generally in two minds about the IF's especially the bright yellow ones - but looking at your mustard-colored ones I kind of warming up to them. :)


We have set up a progress thread of all the Unforgiven brothers that have taken the vow - you can check it out here: LPC - Phase II If you like you can post your completion rate there! :)


Good luck with your vow! You are doing pretty well already!

*kicks Zincite in the backside to get some updates*


Your Imperial Fists look really nice :tu: Looking forward to seeing this vow completed ;)




*kicks Zincite harder!*


This is great stuff Zicite, let's get it finished! ;)

*Gets back, only to be punted up the backside*


Ouch! :lol:


Been busy painting Tyranids the past... two?... weeks, getting ready for a tournament last Tuesday. However, they're now satisfactorily done and I can process my vow unhindered. I got Cypher completed at some point, but he's in my store's cabinet so I'll need to steal him back and get some Photos.


I plan to make a start on the Daemons today, with any luck. ;)


... And as a randomly excited off-topic point, at said Tournament, I got my hands on a fricking signed copy of Void Stalker. I've finished it. It's amazing. *Giggles in a very undignified fashion*


What's this thing then, Cap' Semper? A collection of the DA WIPs in one thread?

First off I deeply envy you with the Void Stalker business... I WANT IT!!! NOW!!!


Well, as regards the LPC -Phase II thread, it's more than just a collection of the WIP threads. It is an attempt to keep the DAs together and manage to finish first as a subforum. That way you may look at this thread and try to "encourage" (sometimes using the blades of reason) and support our brothers to see their vows through! I beleive we can win the top position this year - especially with all the talent the DAs are displaying (your work is a good example of that). It's good fun! :P


If you want and you have an estimate of how close you are to completion (that'll be a percentage - say 50% for example) let me know and I'll update the thread accordingly!


Really looking forward to your GotC! Keep walking :) :P :D

Hi, any progress?

Now that you mention it...

Update No.3!

Was going to wait until the Blood Thirster was complete, but I was taking photos for eBay, so I did it anyways. I would like to note that whoever designed the slots for the wings was obviously a true discipline of Khorne, considering how angry it makes you.


Asmodia says, "Hi!"


Skulltaker was fun enough, though I've no idea how he was supposed to stick to the base properly. I ended up milliput-ing it to death, and I'll leave it black, so with the addition of flock nobody should notice he's hovering slightly. ;)

Ayeyiyiyiyi. Another wing to pin...

Was going to wait until the Blood Thirster was complete, but I was taking photos for eBay, so I did it anyways. I would like to note that whoever designed the slots for the wings was obviously a true discipline of Khorne, considering how angry it makes you.


I can imagine... I always thought GW could have done a better job with the Greater Daemons moulds. It's a pity really, such iconic models too...


Ayeyiyiyiyi. Another wing to pin...


Not envying you mate... Good luck with that! Can't wait to see paint on them! ;)

  • 3 weeks later...

Update No.4!

Righty-oh. Skull Taker's done and finished.


"S'cuse me, do you have a spare skull?"


Just got the Highlights to do on the GotC, too. Blood Thirster's basecoated save for the bronze, which I need to mix up, and then onto his wash (I.e, easy) stage.

Soooo... We've got, what, two weeks left? Little burst of painting, and I'll be thar. I'll grab Cypher on Thursday and take a photo.

*Stares at Tervigon. So tempting.*



This is top notch stuff there Zincite! This Skulltaker is amazing! Excellent work on the skulls and the skin! It makes me look forward for his bigger sibling. :)


Now, move slowly away from the Tervigon...

Cheers all!

Last required update! I've become addicted to

, and they've provided some good motivational music as I work.




I've decided I can't paint Space Marines. I could do more work on these, particually the last two, but I'm getting depressed every time I go near them. This is as finished as they're ever going to be.

... Tried to get Cypher, but I walked in on Thursday and found a temporary manager filling in. I know better than to try sorting things I've talked with to one manager to out with another, so I'll pick up Cypher today.

Hopefully. :)

You decided you can't paint Space Marines, or you can't paint any more Space Marines?


They look more than fine mate... Sarge and the two red-robed ones are great looking - nothing wrong with them whatsoever. Except the traitor helmet that is... ;) same applies for the Apothecary. For the Librarian all I'd add would be some more detailing on the staff (after the LPC is over of cource ;)) and again he stands his own ground beutifully... I think you are waaaaaaaaaaay too hard on yourself. Seriously. Purple sword's a nice touch btw...


So let's see:


Three GotC vets? done!

Captain? done!

Libby? done!

IF dev squad? done!

Skulltaker? done!

Cypher? Pending

Greater Deamon of Khorne? pending (does he have his remaining wing on? B))


It seems doable to me! I'm sure you'll be done on time! Would you say 80% there now?

Marines: Great, librarian looks to be reading from a book with no words which smacks of heresy, but great


He is in fact, an athiest.


On topic, That skulltaker looks awesome, as do your marines. Its very hard to pull off metallic armour, but you've managed it.

You decided you can't paint Space Marines, or you can't paint any more Space Marines?

A mindblock, I think. They look okay, but I just can't get them nearly to the level I can get other things. Oh, and as to the Bloodthirster...


:D. About 90%, I'd say.

Marines: Great, librarian looks to be reading from a book with no words which smacks of heresy, but great

Another one of those, "Guuuuhhhhhhhh. No. No more painting." Moments. :P Cheers all!

So, I finally managed to procure Cypher back....




Some furious Highlighting to be done on the Bloodthirster, now, methinks.


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