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their legacy begins with snow blood and fire


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As of this week I have the first makings on my doom wilds. 1 space wolfs battlion box and A 10 man unit box of csm. This will make my first 30 rogue marines. Then I shall expand with transport and allied warriors they pick up in their travels. I'm thinking some berserkers, plague marines, thousand sons chosen and oblits.


I shall post u.p some painting schemes soon.along with war band fluff






This post was sent via smart phone forgive the misspellings.

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Will do and thanks. It's going to take me some time with the.build and conversions. Evenen though they easy I'm putting a lot of thought into the. Naming of my troops standerds colors and such. I'm hoping to have the troops hq and transports ready for the spring.
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ok only a taste of the fluff I'm working on.


The doom wolfs are a band of wolfs made up from 3 companies during the Last Greate hunt. Not long after they left fenris and jumped into the warp did they found themselfs caught in a tidelwave of warp energy, Which not only knocked them off course by a huge margin but also cause them to go under changes which forced them to make a choice.


Thats it for now because most of this is in my head and has been circling around for the last few months........6 months actually. They will embody the true nature of space vikings.....raiding space hulks for equipment and plundering worlds for their need for glory, fighting emperium, xeno, and chaos. But also siding with those they find gain from.

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Wolves man, wolves not "wolfs". By the way there appears to be a canonical group of renegade Space Wolves called "Skyrar's Dark Wolves". Not much fluff about them other than a picture of one in the Gavdex and a caption that says that they were sighted in the Fenris sector (wink wink nudge nudge). Oh and having cult marines in an army like this probably wouldn't make sense if you want to keep to fluff because it takes a while to become one, and generally only the cult legions and Black Legion have the necessary implants/sorcery/blessings to do it. That said berzerkers could probably skate by ok in a traitor SW force because they are kind of crazy anyway and adding in Khorne worship would only make them moreso but plagues and 1k sons don't make sense to me but do what you want.
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oh just give me time. I have sneaky thoughts on how to imcorperate what I need and want in my force's. as as for skyrars dark wolves.....well there are others working on those chaos pups. as for me I'm going to work with mutation of the wulfen curse and other warp taints. plus if you ever think about it if there is a warband that raids space hulks as a pastime then you can only imagine what they would find.
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Ah god to hear. Though the painter didn't get the grey dark enough. I do think the minimalist scheme is the best route. Thought my officers will have alittle more flash. Of course when your working with a mix of space wolf and chaos bits you'll have to feel with crap loads of detail. But I think I will muddy it with wash to make the details look like their being worn through battle after battle.
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long long work with the models and prepping them. thank god for liquid green stuff. These first 25men are almost ready for basing and assembly. Their daemon prince is ready to be based. Now armed with a CSM codex. I will be working on the dual creation ( if this confuse's you it will be made clean in time). as soon as I have the first 20 assembled and based I will look into transport and option HQ.
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I had a random thought as I was turning in last night. Battle sisters to be my zerker unit. If your think .about it how crazy and blood thirsty would they become.once they broke from thirty order. Even as they are in general fluff their pretty battle crazy to begin with.
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