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khorne loganwing-style specewolves fluff?


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ok... i love the idea of a terminator army, and allways have. and thanks to the dornian heresy, i also gained interest for the idea of wolves falling to khorne (it just makes so damn much sense, the first time i even read through the wolf-dex, i was slightly chuckleing and thinking "wow... khorne would love this")... i have the basic concept down, but so far no actual background at all... heres what i got:


so the idea is to focus on the "martial prowess" and psyker hate sides of khorne (goes extremly well with what wolves allready are), and more or less ignore the berzerker aspect... the idea is a smallish band of warriors, sworn to khorne and eachother through the classical viking blood-brother thing (mixing blood through a wound). iam gunna try not fielding anything not wearing TDA, use juggernauts for thunderwolves, obviosly logan for Hq, absolutly no psykers, wolftails anywhere possible for that extra khorny anti psyker, also i can see muself filling the last HQ's out for wolfpriests (as sorta khorne-priests). and last but not least lonewolves with fenrisian wolf companions


the lonewolves are the only ones i actually have any background ideas for, being that they are those showing psychic potential. however, not being frothing maniacs their bloodbound battlebrothers does NOT just slaugther them outright, they do the reasonable thing and give them a true khornesmans burial, that in the blood and corpses of foes on the battlefield. accompanied by two fleshhounds to act as his sort of "guides to a glorious death"



so now comes the hard part... how in hell do i actually explain theese guys from a fluff point?..

dont get me wrong, its not like i wanna exploit a codex and just have an excuse or anything, the idea and theme just really really appeals to me (and ive actually allways disliked khorne, even). and for perhaps the first time ever, i have a army concept that i know 100% what dex fits the most (unlike my exodites and dark-mech marines... i seem to reconsider what dex fits best 2 times a week for those, lol)


tldr: fluff ideas for khorne loganwing that are not berzerkers???




forgot to ask for colour ideas, too, if any have some. right now iam leaing toward dark and dirty grey, or deep and dark red as the main color

PS: the whole lot will be truescaled (iam currently scratchbuilding basic termies that ill cast)

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Yes, they are the Space Wolves who killed their own brothers and submitted to Huron Blackheart, who rewarded them with their own battle barge. As far as I know the two pages in the CSM codex is the most extensive writings we have on that, so why they decided to murder their own brethren in cold blood and fight for Huron is really wide open.


I would say a fall to Khorne would be perfect in that situation: flames and death all around as their ship is being taken right out from under them, the veteran Space Wolves become enraged at the inability of their lesser Space Wolf battle brothers, and the curse of their gene-seed begins to warp their minds. Their situation hopeless and their pride struggling with their rage, the call of the Blood God seizes on their mutating gene curse and corrupts their souls. After butchering their own comrades, Huron finds them and helps make their fall complete, playing on their hubris and blood lust. Looting the reliquary of their battle barge the newest warband to join Huron's cause take all the best equipment and arms for themselves, defiling and rededicating Space Wolves holy TDA to Khorne and heading out among the stars to rampage for the sake of rampaging.

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much of that does very much against the non-berzerker theme iam trying to get on... but i still quite like it. the idea of the veterans having enough with the unskilled and (in their eyes) unworthy of acceptance into their ranks (perhaps this was provoked by khorne himself? speaking to their pride?). its merciless, yet not that looney. being now very few, and very skilled, yet having still the same gear at their disposal as before, they all don their favored wargear, best of armors, and khornes blessings, plundering and killing from their barge in search of greatness and honourable foes


thanks :P finally got my brain started ^_^

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much of that does very much against the non-berzerker theme iam trying to get on... but i still quite like it. the idea of the veterans having enough with the unskilled and (in their eyes) unworthy of acceptance into their ranks (perhaps this was provoked by khorne himself? speaking to their pride?). its merciless, yet not that looney. being now very few, and very skilled, yet having still the same gear at their disposal as before, they all don their favored wargear, best of armors, and khornes blessings, plundering and killing from their barge in search of greatness and honourable foes


Now you will just have to come with a epic backstory explaining why a crazy powerful chaos lord (on the level of Logan Grimnar) is leading them around. :huh:

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yep... thats the thing, but the basic concepts are laid out it seems. some wolves (what are their organizations even called? i cant remember that on top of my head) allready priding up over the newcommers, being sweet-talked by something khornate, to finally turn it around and make a very elite force focusing on martial prowess





hmm... well. personally i dislike the red corsairs for some reason, i cant really put my finger on it, i guess its just a question of taste

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I really like the idea. GW had a Chaosy Space Wolves army featured in their blogs. I'll try and search up that link, but as soon as you mentioned that, the first thing to come to mind was a Lone Wolf with Flesh Hounds following him. Very cool idea.


Ahh, heres the Link. The Blood Wolves




Space Wolves are pretty Berzerkerish, so it may be difficult to get around that. But either way, I wish you luck!

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