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=][= Librarium Painting Challenge 2012 =][=

Sigismund Himself

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The 2012 Librarium Painting Challenge

It's the start of a new year and we all know that means it's time for the annual Librarium Painting Challenge (also known as the 'LPC'). Functioning as a chance for board members to make a New Year's Resolution to get some models painted by the end of March, the Librarium Painting Challenge offers both positive and negative motivation. The positive motivation is the promise of a newly minted Vow Complete signature, not to mention the glory and camaraderie of participating, while the negative motivation is the infamous Vow Failed signature and the requirement that you do an article for the Librarium (which is quite simple, really not much of a punishment;) ). So for anyone who received some models (board appropriate ones of course...) this Christmas and is yet to make a serious start on them, this is the perfect challenge for you :)

For full rules and information on how to enter, please click here. This is also the thread to pledge your vows. Please don't post your vows here, they won't count!

Once again, the Librarium Painting Challenge is also hosting a challenge within a challenge. This is the LPC Subforum Challenge. In this, every subforum is pitted against one another in competition to see who can get the most completed vows. The winning subforum receives the title of LPC Champions (and bragging rights of course :D), not to mention a subforum-specific Vow Completed signature. So get on board now and support your subforum! Remember that only completed vows count.. Will anyone be able to unseat the reigning champions, the supremely talented Blood Angels or will the fanged pretty boys (:P) have another year to lord it over the other subforums? You can make a difference!

If you want to view the fun, mayhem and camaraderie invested in the Librarium Painting Challenge, check out the previous year's Challenge. Don't miss out on this once in a year chance! So what are you waiting for? Sign your board name here, grab those dusty paints, open those Christmas boxes of space marines and join in!

Come on Liber, we've normally got a good showing!
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Signed up for the honour of the Liber Astartes!


My DIY chapter, the Scions of Dorn, have not been getting enough attention with the Dornian Heresy having monopolised my time of late, so I have taken the plunge and pledged to paint a biker force composed of a Sixth Company biker captain, along with his command squad and a squadron of attack bikes. If things go well I may extend it to include a biker librarian as well, but don't want to over-extend.


The bikes themselves are coming along nicely, and the attack bike squadron (three - all heavy bolters) should be complete by the end of the week if I stay motivated. Then it will be a matter of keeping the momentum going for the command squad figures themselves. I also have to come up with some backstory for the units in question...


So, is anyone else pledging for the honour of Liber? We can't have the Blood Angels winning again this year! :tu:



I have already pledged a Captain, Tactical Squad and Predator tank for this year. They will be in my new DIY colours (did test mini last week) and I will finish them this year :tu:


Only thing stopping my progress at the minute is the crappy weather. In this wind I'll get more spraypaint in my eyes than on a marine!

I myself have also pledged for the honour of the LIBER, with building my shiny new chapter the Vanquishers. :D Their WIP thread be here if you want to observate my poor efforts.


Come Brothers and Sisters of the LIBER ASTARTES! Uphold our honour and take the challenge. It's a great motivator for building your armies. :D



  Chapter Master Ignis Domus said:
Great, I can't decide between the Liber and Space Wolves. Maybe I'll paint up some Purifiers or something...


You know you want to do the Purifiers CMID. Begin the Purinator crusade for the Liber!



In a fit of reckless bravado - the best kind of bravado! - I have extended my vow!


The biker captain and his command squadron will not only take to the field with a full heavy bolter Attack bike squadron, but will also be accompanied by an anti-tank biker squadron made up of a sergeant with meltabombs, two bikers with meltas and an attack bike with multi-melta.


The attack bike squadron itself is nearly complete, including bases, and the background for the Scions of Dorn force is coming together. They are from the Sixth Reserve Tactical Company, which has been severely depleted in numbers following the chapter's actions in the defence of the Cadian system during the last Black Crusade. Many of their brothers have been transferred to the front-line battle companies, and the tactical squads that remain are largely fresh out of the scout company.


Added to this, the Sixth company still bears the scars of the Black Crusade, where they fought on Vigilatum. Where most curse the planet's name as a place which fell to anarchy, and hordes of mutants and cultists over-ran the all-too few defenders, the Sixth remember it as a time of determined, hard-fought victories snatched from the rising tide of darkness. Much was lost, among it the Sixth's Company banner which had been inviolate since the chapter's inception. Many a taunting tale of what has become of the banner have been investigated by the Scions, and in particular the Sixth Company, and until it is tracked down, reclaimed and reconsecrated a burning sense of shame drives them on from warzone to warzone.


Hehe, I'm enjoying this. :)

Just a reminder gents - there's one week left to make your vow. So there's still time to do it.


If you've already made a vow, please make sure that it is accurate and that any thread you've created to show your progress is linked to in the first post here.


Thank you!


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