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LPC WIP Thread


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nice model, good posture. For what it's worth two things i would like share two thoughts:


-bit more cleaning up of mould lines/glue, especially on the axe, would improve the model imo

-take this with a grain of salt :tu: but for my taste I would have the axe put in the hands under different angle so the blade is pointing out and down (±30 degree) instead of down, this could add more to dynamics of the figure


well done

Thanks for the feedback.


I will be doing some cleaning up here and there, the knuckles on the right hand in particular need work and I'm aware of that.


Not sure I understand the comment about the angle of the weapon though.


I'm kind of impressed with how he came out, myself, regardless of how useless he is as per the codex rules; but anyway.


While we're on it, I'm also open to suggestions about how to give him servitors.. I'm particularly interested in tracked servitors with servo arms or weapons on top; kind of like Wall-E but more grimdark I guess? Any ideas about what to scavenge for bitz? I was thinking the thunderfire cannon body could be nice but it would be expensive as heck to get 3-4 of those.. So what else?

I think he means that it is normal to hold an axe with the blade pointing away from the body. It doesn't look right with the way his right hand and forearm are positioned. Bladed weapons should always be held with the edge at the same angle as the forearm. You wont cost yourself time have to shift the blade in your hand to attack with it, or defend yourself, and you are a lot less likely to hurt yourself with it.

You would have to either make the haft longer or cut off the power cable to fix that though.

3rd WIP photo (edit and 4th WIP photo with armor highlights) added to updated first post.


Highlighting the red and painting the metallics next. I am realizing I should've been a lot tidier when gluing the servo arm, I shouldve pinned probably, and I'm sort of tempted to scrap this, but alas, it's a vow so I'm still painting, albeit discouraged..

Coming along well. Still agree with the other comments about the position of the axe blade but turning out well.


Thanks for the comment, nice to know someone still checks my thread :tu:


I modelled the axe as it is because this felt more natural to me; if you ever handled an axe you would know that the heavy axe-head would point down if held naturally. True, a warrior would hold it towards the enemy to strike fast, but I wanted to model a natural pose with the Techmarine watching, not an aggressive pose where he is going into the fray (you'll notice that his weight is balanced on the rear leg as well..)


Also, I updated the original post with a 6th WIP photo, and the last I think I'll make this wekend. All that's left are the purity seals, servoskull and loincloth (which I'll try my hand at painting a chapter symbol on, for the first time.. Wish me luck!)

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