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Baals in a jump heavy list?


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Hi All,


I've not used a tank bigger than a razorback since my IG army from 2nd/3rd Ed. The R'back is the biggest tank I've used in a marine army full stop.


I usually run 2x 10 RAS, a 'Raven with DC and DC Dread, small scout/dev squad, couple of priests and two speeders. I like that almost everything is fast and flying.


However, despite that, I'm really tempted by a Ball Pred or two.


My question is, to those of you more experienced with our secret tech, do you think they'd fit in to a fast, reactive force as above; or would I be better off saving my pennies?


Also, what are the general opinions on turret weapon and whether to bother with sponsons or not?

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Baals are one of the few tanks I can see in a jump list, due to outflank. You want something either really fast (StormRaven) or something that can appear where it needs to be.


Personally, I think the assault cannon is by far the better turret, more generically useful. The flamestorm is ok but the range is so short.


For sponsons, I go with the idea that a Flame baal gets no sponsons, the assault cannon gets heavy bolters.

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I have one of each. One flame and one AC. Depending on who I'm facing, each has it's benefits. Both are great against squishy armies and the AC works wonders against other Marine armies.


Generally I run a Mech heavy list, I love my armor support. But I can see the usefulness of Baal's in a jump list. You need something fast, and Baal's are indeed fast and provide a good base of fire support for your maneuver elements.

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Baals are one of the few tanks I can see in a jump list, due to outflank. You want something either really fast (StormRaven) or something that can appear where it needs to be.


Personally, I think the assault cannon is by far the better turret, more generically useful. The flamestorm is ok but the range is so short.


For sponsons, I go with the idea that a Flame baal gets no sponsons, the assault cannon gets heavy bolters.


Spot on!

A Baal is also one of the few vehicles that can be in the enemy lines wrecking havoc in your turn 1. I usually use only the flamestorm cannon. If you use magnets you can fairly easy switch between configurations. Rare earth magnets. ^_^

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Cheers chaps.


I went to buy one just now after reading JamesI's post but there were none in stock (I might have accidentally bought assault termies instead for now)


I'm hoping to fit at least one in my list for April's Throne of Skulls in the UK so I'll proxy along the lines of your wise words and see how that goes for now.


If anyone else wants to chime in still then feel free!

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I'm going to be running a Mech/Jump Infantry list myself in an upcoming 1850 tournament.


The list I'm bringing is:


Librarian w/ Jump Pack, Shield, Fear

5 Sanguinary Guard w/ 2 Infernus Pistols, Power Fist, Banner

Sanguinary Priest w/ Jump Pack, Power Weapon

Sanguinary Priest w/ Jump Pack

10 Assault Marines w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns

10 Assault Marines w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns

5 Assault Marines w/ Meltagun

Baal Predator w/ Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Assault Cannons, Dozer Blade

Baal Predator w/ Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Assault Cannons, Dozer Blade

Baal Predator w/ Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Assault Cannons, Dozer Blade

Predator w/ Lascannon Sponsons, Autocannon

Predator w/ Lascannon Sponsons, Autocannon


Total : 1850

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I ran a pair of AC/HB/SB Baals often when taking a jump heavy list. The speed, firepower, and fear factor complement a jump pack-heavy army. They're not going to last long against a really tooled up army, but the key is to minimize return fire which outflank and scout enable.


-- Outflank helps you deploy closer to your jump pack troops for good support from the start.

-- It sounds obvious, but shooting two of these really helps in the assault phase. It is much easier to determine who to charge with your jump troops after a round or two of shooting. Proper positioning of the vehicles force your opponent to react to you.

-- Scout moves can help isolate or split off parts of your opponent's army which can make effective charges without an easy countercharge the next turn.

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I recently fought a chaos marines army with 2 baals with good results. I also use a lot of jump infantry. I got first turn, so I started both baals on the board and scout moved them 12 inches forward. Then during my actual movement phase, I moved both 6 inches forward to be in range for the main cannon and heavy bolter sponsons. They mowed down a demon prince with full wounds first turn. Since I also had devestators in my backyard, and my subsequent DoA-ing units in my opponent's backyard, both of my baals attracted no fire what so ever. They finished the game by shooting at a defiler's front armor. The AV12 required that I roll a 6 with the TLAC to glance, but with rending, I would automatically penetrate. I got two such shots, and succeeded in exploding it. Pretty good support for jump infantry I would say, even if you are deep striking all the way to the other side of the board.
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Being a treadhead myself, I have really come to love the Baal Predator.

Standard army for me is a pair of Baals (see what I did there) with twin ass.cannon and heavy bolters, and a pair of Autocannon/Lascannon Preds as Heavy backup.

If there is going to be alot of enemy firepower, the outflanking thing is a great save for not being shotup.

As well, a third AC/LC with Hunter-killer is a quick switch with the Baal, same points value.

Besides, I just think a minimum of one Baal is what makes this army a fun choice for tank fans, even at a low 1000 point game.

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