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Chaos Draft

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So these are some ideas my friends and I came up with.


What you'll need:


1.) A local Black Legion player

2.) A Chaos army of your own.

3.) Just kidding, you don't need a Black Legion player.. but he worked in our case.


Provide "allies" or "mercenaries" to a player before he goes up to your local store to play. Let's say it's our Black Legion friend's turn. He asks for "help" from other warbands. Now let's say he's got two friends who play chaos. We provide him with something that he can use in an army list, but he can't edit it in any way. He asked for help.. Can't be picky when another Chaos Lord offers what he can spare, now can we?


So, he might have a friend hand him a squad of Thousand Sons with Warptime on the sorcerer mounted in a Rhino.


Another play gives him 10 Possessed with an Aspiring Champion and a Land Raider.


He now has to make a list including those two choices, whether he is good with them or thinks they're good or bad choices.


Now that we've played around with this sort of thing, we're gaining experience with options that we might not have considered before. The other day I used two defilers for the first time.


The whole idea is that you have someone else control what goes into your army list, and you have to adapt. Fun!



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It would be a good way to introduce some of the less optimal units into someone's army, give them something else to play anda tinker around with.


I too see this working well for a campaign, say your army starts out at 1000 points, then you recieve reinforcements or upgrades in 250 point increments. I wouldn't want to do much smaller than that because we don't have many good low cost units.

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Or any for that matter, we can't get anything for 50pts, unlike other armies, especially of the fast moving variety.

The idea sounds really good, the only thing I would say is that if you have any cult units or characters or units with a mark, you can't be given ones with an opposing one/cult of an opposing god. ie if you use Tzeentch marked units or Thousand sons, you can't be given Nurgle marked units or plague marines , if you have slaanesh/Noise marines you can't be given Khorne/berserkers. Perhaps have a bonus like an extra 50% pts or a universal rule to units that have the same mark as your HQ choice?

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3 chaos players walk in to a club [which by the time of 3 chaos players is already a fairytale or the playgroup is 60+people] plop out armies .

one gives 2 DPs

other 2 zerker units

third 2 pm 5 mans

each one gives 2 oblits .


that is how i most cases it would look like .


as for trying to make a chaos army with singles . like a single unit 1ksons , single unit of NM , it does not work well not only the point costs of other mix then zerker/pms dont like each other[it is as if Thorpe actuly made a 2DP zerk/pm mix +oblit army and forgot there are other units too] , second of all what would you do if one dude bring raptors another a termicid and the third one a 5 man rhino chosen unit and the list is illegal because it doesnt have troops.

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I actually laughed at that jeske, but I'm pretty sure all of the players in question are going to ;) with each other and stipulate possessed, god-banner terminators, bloodfeeder lords on juggernauts, etc. It would actually be fun for joke games if it didn't involve having to entrust your expensive models that you put hours and hours of work into to other people. I still remember when a friend of mine accidentally dropped his tape measure on my converted destroyer lord back in third edition (I had a Necron army for a while along with Chaos), god I was angry, now I don't let anyone touch any of my models, or hold anything above them, or even roll dice near them, damage your own stuff thank you very much. The other wrinkle is that you could get lucky and your possessed could roll power weapons and actually be a very cost effective assault unit against Meq, hey, it could happen.
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I think it's a great idea, and since a lot of people outside the internet can enjoy games where units are taken for other reasons than their competitiveness, even a crazed dreadnought or a group of mindless spawns can be a welcome addition for the coolness factor. Contrary to belief, you might not face Long-Fang-Spam or Grey Knight Clones at every time you play, so if you stumble upon the Tau Empire or a Swooping Hawk shrine, you might want to give your obliterators a pause and add something completely different.
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I think it's a great idea, and since a lot of people outside the internet can enjoy games where units are taken for other reasons than their competitiveness, even a crazed dreadnought or a group of mindless spawns can be a welcome addition for the coolness factor. Contrary to belief, you might not face Long-Fang-Spam or Grey Knight Clones at every time you play, so if you stumble upon the Tau Empire or a Swooping Hawk shrine, you might want to give your obliterators a pause and add something completely different.

Here here...


Now If only I knew someone who could lend me a giant mobile church fortress thing...

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I think it's a great idea, and since a lot of people outside the internet can enjoy games where units are taken for other reasons than their competitiveness, even a crazed dreadnought or a group of mindless spawns can be a welcome addition for the coolness factor. Contrary to belief, you might not face Long-Fang-Spam or Grey Knight Clones at every time you play, so if you stumble upon the Tau Empire or a Swooping Hawk shrine, you might want to give your obliterators a pause and add something completely different.

Hey! I use Swooping Hawks in my Iyanden Eldar! :D They are not that bad, but people have called me crazy for still using Thousand Sons and Swooping Hawks.

Perhaps to ensure a legal army list have a rule where the basics, a Hq and two troops must be covered by the player receiving from the others?

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o if you stumble upon the Tau Empire

which will be 2x3 broads 1 hammer or 2 hammers 1x3 broads , suits , suits , kroot for screen 2 fish for screen[and you have to take more then 2 troops because of how scenarios work in the 5th].


I have been playing all around the main land europe all 5th ed . I have yet to see[and no I dont mean tournaments] those mythical chaos armies runing spawns and possessed or sm runing venguards . I havent seen thme in germany , havent seen thme in italy , havent seen thme in italy nor madrid . And remember I play an EC army[which more or less sucks hard] if people are "good chaps out there just for fun" they wouldnt have to put down tournament builds to play against me . Yet strangly they didnt .



you might want to give your obliterators a pause and add something completely different.

because broadsides are countered by a chaos army in a different way then any other long range high str support unit . Your like countering them in a different totaly out of the box way. like hit them with high str ID weapons or hth. oh wait thats shoting them with oblits lascannons or melta taping and charging with our other units. bummer.


And as hawks go . they are not countered . they are ignored . If someone takes them then he is doing the chaos player a favor . wasted pts on a unit that is A fragile B doesnt do enough damage to warrent its cost.





They are not that bad,

comparing to dragons or banshees ? or maybe to war walkers with scatters ? Or is this one of those "they arent bad vs other swooping hawks" . they werent good even for that short time when they did deep strike and extraction on the same turn .

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Jeske makes a point about trusting your minis to someone else. When I first read this I was picturing more of saying, "I send you a squad of Possessed" and then the player using his own models (probably blowing the dust off them or actually finishing putting them together).
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The other player you're borrowing stuff could even be there watching anyways, and just move/shoot his own units. Sort of like a merc being told what to do, as is the point. Not so much a team game as a "hey come move your stuff" if they have a problem with you messing with their minis


Jeske I have an OT question. You're the one who got me to use Oblits.


..but what happens when yours roll 1's and 2's for lascannons?


Mine do. So I dropped some from the list and haven't looked back

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o if you stumble upon the Tau Empire

which will be 2x3 broads 1 hammer or 2 hammers 1x3 broads , suits , suits , kroot for screen 2 fish for screen[and you have to take more then 2 troops because of how scenarios work in the 5th].

I have been playing all around the main land europe all 5th ed . I have yet to see[and no I dont mean tournaments] those mythical chaos armies runing spawns and possessed or sm runing venguards . I havent seen thme in germany , havent seen thme in italy , havent seen thme in italy nor madrid . And remember I play an EC army[which more or less sucks hard] if people are "good chaps out there just for fun" they wouldnt have to put down tournament builds to play against me . Yet strangly they didnt .

Good sir, you have a standing invitation to the populated part of Sweden, where you risk to face some fierce mythological players. Not only the Tau expedition that shunned the broadsides for being ugly, but some of these gentlemen as well...

"Deathbringer Doomwheels", my first in the year first turn assaulter that ate and scared away a unit of fire warriors, but was later gutted by some kroot reinforcement that decided to claim the wood.


My "Gatebreaker" is a Dreadnought with a 60% insanity record, that died in a fire frenzy to a tau piranha in the same battle.


While I almost always field my Word Bearers alone, there are times when I call upon support from my Iron Warriors brethren from the Goblin Green Ages. The only ones to hear the call are the plasmacannoned dreadnought and these frothing lunatics


Here you can see them wrecking the sistah's stolen ride. At this time the SoB-player didn't own a single meltagun (now he just bought some though).

If you should visit, be sure to pack some garlic, blastmasters, blood feeders and wooden stakes. :tu: You are welcome!

Now If only I knew someone who could lend me a giant mobile church fortress thing...

I'd like to borrow that thing too. If only someone around here had one....

Oh brothers, this opens up a new area of discussion. Are there any models in your collection that you would lend to a fellow chaos player with the same ease as with your credit card or only child? :) I myself have my

locked down in a secret place and only bring it out with full personal surveillance, since that time at the FLGS's apocalypse game when someone toppled down the bell tower with his elbow. :)

What about you? Any models that are taboo for your nurgle-fingered gaming friends to move around the battlefield?

/The Prophet

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