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Fighting New Necrons

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Chosen, they are your friend against necrons. Outflank is amazing. Yes it is a reserve roll but it will keep you from getting hit with lightening and it will also get you REAL close. A scout move is also pretty amazing as well.


Bullets, lots and lots of bullets kill necrons. If you have a heavy bolter. grab it. The auto cannons are amazing ideas as well. Preds although not being the optimized choice can be good as well..


Annihilation Barges are a pain with gauss and tesla wielded on them they can be a pain in the butt to kill just remember that you only have to get one pen past the quantum shields (AR13) to make them AR11 and they are opened topped. Assault them stupid. Bring power weapons and fists. Remember when you assault or if you are assaulted pay attention to your consolidation. be aware that warriors and immortals have T4 and most other things have T5.


If he gets first turn again. Laugh at him and deploy in reserve. I am suprised he didnt give you first turn since Imotekh steals init on 4+.


Imotekh is well worth every point. he may not be a CC kinda guy but he is no slouch by any means. he has a ton of special rules and provides a lot of tricks for generals to use.


Landraider is not the answer to Necrons. With their average soldier able to glance you on a 6 and the typical necron list is full of the same gauss weaponry its way too easy to either lock it down or take it out.


Priority Targeting. Use your troops on his scarabs, if you have templates use them. Str6 or better also instant kills the bases. anything str5 or lower hit his troops with. if you can lock his guys up they may drowned you out but he will not be able to take on target priority. Necrons are very much a water warrior army (they play reactivly). When playing necrons you walk in with a goal and a box full of ways to achieve that goal.


oblits are a great choice, Plague marines are a great choice, pretty much all of our troops choices in one role or another are a good option. chosen for the mass special weapons are good too, just know that you will have to get off the punch with them. They are too expensive to throw away.


Believe it or not. A daemon weapon isnt a bad option here either. Lots of attacks at initiative. Sure it might eat you but statistically the chance is pretty low. you "should" be able to get out a fair amount of attacks before they do. If you can win combat by a decent amount they are super easy to run off the table. Remember the average warrior's threat range is 30 inches. 24 inch shot with a 6 inch movement. Imotekh gives them relentless. be aware of your placement. If you have to lose units feed him things that wont hurt your overall plan. LSD (lesser summoned daemons) are amazing against necrons because you can summon them and then assault with them. They also score.

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I wasn't aware that lesser Daemons could assault the turn they arrived, I really need to make those horrors.


Only ours do. Actual Chaos Daemons don't get to, a fact I find laughable in one of those "Do they even playtest anymore?" sick little giggles that tread the line between hopeless pleading and scathing derision.

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I wasn't aware that lesser Daemons could assault the turn they arrived, I really need to make those horrors.


Only ours do. Actual Chaos Daemons don't get to, a fact I find laughable in one of those "Do they even playtest anymore?" sick little giggles that tread the line between hopeless pleading and scathing derision.


When they require an Icon or similar device to Deploy on the board, then they can get that rule (though, to be honest, I'd be happy if they just kept that rule as part of both Icons).

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