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my first WIP also LPC entry


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Okay so this is going to be my first WIP topic as well as my first forray onto this board.


To start things off:


I, twofour878 of the Black Templars, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 10 Neophytes, 10 Initiates, 1 Rhinos, 1 Attack Bike, and 5 Terminators on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.



Now that that's done with.....


I recently unpacked and started playing 40k again after a hiatus of about 10 years. I really like my Iron Warriors but have decided that I really wanted to start a SM army too. My obvious choice was the Black Templars because, well, they're awesome. I also really wanted to improve my painting skill as I'm a slight perfectionist and if I'm going to field an army I want people to be at least mildly impressed with how it looks arrayed in front of them (I don't need any jaws dropping, just good tabletop quality).


As a reference point I have some pictures on Dakka under my profile. The Iron Warriors are what I painted before I started learning and the Templars are what I could do after I started doing research and watching tutorials to improve me techniques and tools.

Here's a link to my gallery http://www.dakkadakka.com/core/gallery-user.jsp?u=51134


Now as I said I wanted to improve so my goal with this thread is to make something better than what is already posted in my dakka gallery. I will post up as many pics as I remember to take along the way and would really appreciate and C&C you guys could offer.


I will be getting starting pics up when I get home from work in the morning and then this race will be off!

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Okay so the first pics are.......(I'll make sure the actual pics of progress are a little bigger and better)

the whole shebang ready to start (kind of)


Initiates and Neophytes (not all of them, some are still on sprue)




and the rest waiting to be assembled


Update for work done tonight.

Sooo many mistakes tonight. Got everything glues together then sprayed with basecoat. Unfortunately I did not do a very good job spraying so there was ALOT of brush work to fix it up. Then not thinking I started to mix some white, for what I'm not sure as it's not time to do white yet. Not only that but I thinned it out waaayyy to much. After that since I didn't want to waste the white I did a first coat of all my white after an initial coat of grey.

Well a quick pic to show what the table looks like.


The reason I'm going to be posting so many pics is that I really want to improve so if anyone reading my post sees somewhere I should possibly change my steps to make it turn out better please let me know so I can try it out next time.


Small update time. Haven't gotten much done (having motivation issues). I got my test rhino almost done and finished one initiate. I'm foregoing to normal assembly line method I use since these guys have so much more variation to them with the templar bits I used.

Here's the pics of him



Sorry for cell phone pics but it's honestly better than my digi cam. I need to set up a lightbox.

Once I get them all done I'll probably borrow a good camera from one of my many family members who love photography (or maybe just ask one of them to do some photos in exchange for food :lol: )

  • 4 weeks later...

Okay update time. Took a long time but couldn't get my camera to work. As you can tell by the Marine pics I fixed some settings and got my light area set up better.

Pics are a bit blurry but at least they're here.

Rhino DONE!




10 Initiates DONE!






Also, just to prove I haven't been quite as lazy as it seems...





I anyone really cares and wants me to get a better pic of anything lemme know and I'll give it a shot.

  • 4 weeks later...

Okay bigger update this time, almost done the vow.

15 identical Neophytes DONE! (what can I say...I don't like the model so I spent less time on them)


5 Terminators DONE!


some closer shots




That just leaves the attack bike left and hopefully I'll get time to do that soon.

  • 3 weeks later...

Some very cool work done here for your vow! Very jealous of your Contemptor Dread. The giant sword looks very very sweet. :)


Best of luck with completing the vow brother! I'm looking forwards to seeing these guys fully finished.




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