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Melekharn is still procrastinating....


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Ok, so I'm not going to make any promises on the honor of my chapter with this post because I know I will disgrace them if I do.

If any of you knew me in real life, you'd know that I have an abundance of models painted in the wonderful "Citadel grey" color scheme, as painting isn't my strongest point.
As a result, I am creating this Wip thread to try and force myself to actually sit down, make and paint my Chaos Warband, "The Flames of Change" before... Let's say, August.

The models I have built are as follows:
A Daemon prince
A Khorne lord with wings
A Tzeentch lord in termi armor with daemon weapon
A Terminator Khorne Lord with Daemon weapon
2 Ten strong units of Tzeentch marines, Heavy Bolers and plasmaguns.
2 predators (if memory serves me well, armed with twin lascanons and heavy bolters)
2 chaos dreadnaughts (both heavily converted from loyal dreads)
A 6 strong unit of nurgle bikers
A 5 strong unit of "fallen angels" which are simple head swaps and some weapon changes on sanguinary guard, to count as raptors

What I have yet to build:
A seven strong TS squad

I also plan on getting another 3 termie lords to convert to represent each of the remaining chaos powers with daemon weapons to create part of an apoc data sheet I plan on creating when I get the writing vibe.

When I get home from my holiday, I'll take some pictures of what I have to work with.
As I mentioned earlier, painting is not my strongest point (unlike my fiancé who not only paints better than me, but quite confidently wipes the battlefield with my army) so they won't be as detailed as some of the units I've seen while lurking this site. It's going to be washes, washes and more washes!

Wish me luck!


  • 3 weeks later...

I, Melekharn of the Flames of Change, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least one converted Terminator Lord and one converted Chaos Dreadnaught on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


So, I've finally got home (quite a while ago actually...) and finally found the models I have pledged.

There were a lot of tiny foam balls to go through, ok?!


Anyway, this post is currently here to keep you (slightly) updated on my process.


I will be editting it tomorrow night once I get my fiance's camera set up properly and adding photos of the models "as they stand" as of right now.

You'll also notice that I'll change the thread description to include my LPC Vow.


So, untill tomorrow....


Wish me luck!





Pictures finally!


First up is Lord Melekharn, Master of The Flames of Change.



He's armed with the Tzeentch Daemon Weapon, which I envisioned to give it's user the power to hurl bolts of Chaos rather than being some magical gun/sword as described in the Chaos codex.


There is some GS work needed on the flames to bulk them out and look more like the skull is a burning fireball.

Not overly keen on the base, but I've never been good at making them up with the parts I have floating around, so haven't bothered. We'll see how I go.


Next up, my Chaos Dreadnaught.



Quite a bit of GS here to go.

I plan on (trying) to sculpt daemonic faces pushing out of the plasma cannon arm, as well as a daemonette head on one of the yet to be added shin guards.

I'm also going to try and sculpt the spikes on the combat arm to appear as if they have broken out of the armour.


I'll start working on them tomorrow night.


Until then...





Oh... I apologise the pictures are on their side.

They are normal on my computer, and also normal on photobucket.

Not sure what happened.

Just a minor update to keep those of you who are interested in the loop...


For those of you who are excited about pictures, you probably want to hit the "back" button now.


I've found my unit of bikers and am starting to put them together.

When I eventually get around to painting them, I will paint them as "The Fallen" because they came from the Deathwing force box.

Being an off-shot of Dark Angels, this unit will contain as many plasma weapons as I can cram in (a whole 3) because, lets face it.... Dark Angels lurve plasma!


No new work as of yet on my LPC - I have tomorrow off as well, so I'll be fixing some things up then.



I plan on greenstuffing around the skull to try and bulk out the flames. I'll also add more flames to the bottom of those existing to emphasize it trailing fire.

With luck (and my fiances GSing skillz........) It'll look similar to your suggestion, just more burny!



Thanks! Imperial lap-dog. :)



I've re-considered the bikes... As much as plasma fits the fluff, I'm not sure it will be a smart option.

The possibility of losing wounds to my own weapons for a start is not all that great, particularly since its a 6-man squad, three of which could possibly melt down...

Secondly, equipping them with plasma would suggest I'm going to try and go termie hunting. Once these guys get into combat, they're not overly effective.

Sure, at T4(5) they're reasonably solid but termies generally pack powerfists/thunderhammers, which negates that lovely bonus.

If I gave them melta's, they'd be a nice fast tank hunting unit, but they'd also have to get close enough, and thats a very expensive unit to stick in front of a tank and hope a melta shot takes it out.

I've never used bikes before in a game (at least not Imperial... Ork Nobz on bikes with power klaws and Waagh! Banner are a whole lot of fun!) but from what I can gather, they're mainly for charging towards a low to mid toughness unit, unleashing a hurricane of bolter shells and then charging headlong into said unit.

This leaves me thinking that perhaps flamers are the best choice here. 6 twin linked bolters, 4 bolt pistols, and two flamers. Potentially a lot of hurt!

Add to that an icon of Khorne and they become very dangerous to units of Imperial guard/Scouts/Eldar Guardians



Alrighty, piccy time!

Meet Lord Slug. He'll be my Champion for my unit of CSM bikers.


The bike is still a WIP - I want to Chaos/Nurgle it up a lot more.

Probably add some blades or spikes, and maybe some rust. Not sure yet.

I've decided I'll skip the Chaotic Deathwing set up as mentioned in my previous post; Plague all the way!

Still no work on my LPC - laziness is really settling in.

Until next time!


  • 1 month later...

So, long story short, I have done nothing since my previous post showing a single biker.

LPC? Consider it failed. I'll start typing up an artical at some stage.


However, LPC or not, I'm determined to finish these models.


Well, I've never successfully completed a model from start to finish. I always get side tracked on some new project at various stages of the previous.

For example. My Chaos army started in...... oh I don't know. 2007? I'd built approximately 1000 points of models and started a number of over-ambitious conversions.

This then turned into an Ork Project, which then went back to Chaos, back to Orks.. Its just been a vicious circle.

Oh! Throw some Imperial Guard in! Forgot them. Amongst other fantasy armies and LotR. Lots of LotR.... 2000 points in Minas Tirith Soldiers to be exact.


Anyway, a whole of 15 minutes before I started this post, I finished this.

I've done some work on the dreads plasmacanon. The idea was to have a daemonic face pushing its way out of the armour. It ended up being more along the lines of some creepy alien thing.


Acceptable given my abismal GS skills.


Hopefully, I'll get some more stuff done.

I plan on following in the footsteps of Subtle Discord with his impressively armoured tanks by adding chaos striping to the shoulder panels.


*Takes a deep breath*


I hereby accept my defeat with the LPC... But I will strive to finish this army before I start anything new.



*Takes a deep breath*


I hereby accept my defeat with the LPC... But I will strive to finish this army before I start anything new.




Don't give up!!! Theres still most of March!!!! You don't have to do Golden Daemon quality, just TT. Then come back afterwards and add in the details and higblights and stuff.




Cheers Greyall - I've wanted to adopt a number of your pictures :lol:

However, I blame your art for the number of Chaotic images floating around in my head of what I want to do with some models.


Grot - I'll try! But I won't make any promises. I think I'm already going to break one vow as it is.


Anyway, a minor, pictureless update.


I've done some more "blending" with the leering face. I use the term losely because I've really just filled some space. Not even close to what I'm wanting to achieve, but lack of skills will do that. Practice, practice, practice... bin.


Also, I've added a daemonette face to one of the shin guards and started to build up a similar "pushy-outy" effect. At this stage, it just looks like a blob with a face.

I may have thought of the secret behind this though.... I *think* I need to add some "sausages" running at angles from the main piece and blend them parallel wih the face itself.

We'll see how I go.


Also, I want to start trying to cover the Sorcerers burny skull in flames tomorrow night.

As you can all see from a previous post, I have the "base" of this done using a rather generous donation from my Possessed squad.

Should just be a matter of building it up some, and blending it.


See how I go, shall we?

Minor Update, this time with pictures!

Well, a picture.


I've done some more work on the plasma canon - I've bulked out the crevass a little and added some "sinew" connecting the face to the armour.

I was happy with it... Until I started work on the kneecap.


The pictures don't really do either of them justice, but the kneecap is significantly more impressive.

Its quite amazing what you can learn in 5 minutes by changing your GS project!

The knee cap was purposely left messy, and I randomly(ish) placed the "sinew" as opposed to what you can see on the canon.


Anyway, here are the pictures

Please ignore the shoddy camera work. This one was done with my HTC Desire




Thoughts? Suggestions?


Critique? Please be critical! I won't learn if you're not critical!

I know your mum taught you not to say anything if you haven't got anything good to say, but I'm asking for it!

There's a difference

So, workng on my final addition before adding paint.

I've tried heating the plastic.

I've tried flexing with JUST glue to hold the item.

I even considered getting a heat gun just for this!


So... Here is my plastic warping "rig"





So far it's working. Just very time consuming.

So, I'm clearly in a posty mood.


The dreadnaught is *finally* ready for a lick of paint.

Both kneecaps are done. The shoulders and weapons are done.


There really is nothing left but paint.

Please ignore the quality of the photos.

A HTC Desire can only do so much :)




The sorcerer, on the other hand, is not even close.

I started GSing some of the flames to try and meld them into the plastic ones, but the skull fell off and I got grumpy.

Needless to say, nothing has happened since.


Comments? Critique?

Gimme critique!

There really is nothing left but paint.

Please ignore the quality of the photos.

A HTC Desire can only do so much :P


Think of it as "desiring" a camera? :P


Anyway, the words "Oooooh!" and "Aaaaaah!" come to mind when looking at the Dreadnought. Don't get me wrong, everything else looks good as well. Can't wait to see the sorcerer after the GS.

Think of it as "desiring" a camera? ;)



I have one. Just far too lazy to get out the right lens and set up the tri-pod.

Its a lot of work, you know!


Thanks for your comments Kol.


I personally feel the additions and changes I've made give it a more Chaosy feel.

Sure it had spikes before, but Chaos really isn't just spikes (As much as GW like to this it is...)

I like the GS on the Dread, especially the "alien" face ;)


I've never used GS before - when I last did any serious modelling (around 15 or so years ago) we had little alternative than to use Milliput and that is a Pain in the buttress to use!


Looking forward to seeing how the Dread turns out! ;)

  • 1 month later...

Yet again, I am distracted by another shiney modelling opportunity.

I recently dropped my (unpainted) Defiler and broke the torso.

Having never really liked the model, I wasn't in a huge rush to fix it.

That wasn't until I found my fiance had been hording leftovers from her two Soulgrinders.

This is the result.


A baby Brass Scorpion!

Now, I know real scorpions have 8 legs. I could not be bothered buying a second defiler and cutting the thing in half. Too much effort.

There is also still a lot of GS work to be done; mainly gap filing, but I also want to add some fleshy sections to resemble the daemons muscles.

C&C most welcome!


I agree.

The tail has two pivot points - when I position it correctly, its a lot more rounded and natural.

I was just too keen to get a picture up.


To make the tail, I've taken two defiler claws and joined them using two pivoting pieces glued together.

It needs GS to tidy the join, but works well enough!

Double post, BAM!

Anyway, I have a couple more pictures to show you all.

In this picture, I'm hoping the tail doesn't look as flat as it did in my previous post.

The autocannons have been made by attaching the autocannon barrels to heavy bolter bodies. Needs some tidying, and its probably over the top, but hey. Its Chaos. They were never subtle.


In this next image, you should be able to clearly see the underslung demolisher cannon, as well as two daemonic heads to represent the TL heavy flamers.





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