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Death Guard WIP

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Hey all. Here's whats going on in my neck of the woods. Waiting on Forgeworld bitz to arrive, but there's tons of stuff I can do before then like drill out bolter muzzles and convert some arms. Hopefully I will have all this done by late Jan, when there's a tournament. If FW doesn't arrive on time, I will have to play the Thousand Sons because I don't use unpainted stuff.



Nurgle Lord

3 PM Squads



3 Rhinos

7 Bikers

3 Vindicators

FW Dreadnought


I'll be using a corrupted Grey Knight nemesis force halberd as a demon weapon with a combi-melta attached. Is it possessed with a demon or is it in a constant struggle against its corrupted wielder? You decide






I'd imagine that Nurgle's forest has animals in it, yes? This one looks harmless enough..



Bolters, some Plague Champion stuff like a fist and combi-flamer. Don't think that pinning is just for metal!!!!




And some Thousand Sons terrain. :huh: Like it?






Enjoy. Updates soon. Damn you Forgeworld! Hurry up.

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You should greenstuff a bigger stomach and half its face shifting into the other part. That would be wicked to see.


I ordered 7 bikes, 20 chaos marines, 2 extra sets of legs and 30 FW death guard bodies. So I am not sure I will even need my custom torso. If I do, I will put more on there for sure!


Terrain looks awesome. Very Egyptian. GS skills are pretty nice too. Daemon weapon is a good idea by the way. Lookin forward to more.


Thanks TH, I am excited to show everyone.


Next up will probably be some green stuff on the vehicles, and maybe Chopper bikes. Or maybe both :lol:

You should greenstuff a bigger stomach and half its face shifting into the other part. That would be wicked to see.


I ordered 7 bikes, 20 chaos marines, 2 extra sets of legs and 30 FW death guard bodies. So I am not sure I will even need my custom torso. If I do, I will put more on there for sure!



I was refering to the owl. You can't have a perfect looking owl on a plague marine...that's heresy in itself! :P

Well, I got some stuff in the mail to start on. This is my simple 'work desk'. (yes, *it* is bound.) Also note the bike bases. Love 'em.



Like I said before, I pin everything. This Apothecary (Nurgle Icon Bearer for the bike squad) backpack is no different. I don't want stuff breaking off later.




Had some extra sprues. Chopper. I rush, so it's simple and tacky for speed.



Hopefully FW bitz will be here the week of the 28th (tournament...).



Today I watched the Alien trilogy while I built vehicles. I hate rhinos so much.



Yeah yeah yeah.. The Siege shields aren't on.. Who cares? It will look bloody.



The bike squad's "Mark of Nurgle" Icon Bearer. I guess he's an apothecary of sorts who keeps everyone's nasty juices flowing.



I know this stuff isn't power armor, but it is mine.. and I want to give everyone a "teaser" of what's to come in my Nurgle army as soon as the FW order arrives: BLOODY CHAINSWORDS. Practicing the effect so that by the time I get the plague marine kits and my dreadnought complete, I can grace you all with plenty of nasty gore.





Please get here, FW stuff! :[

Nurgle bikes. Ho man, jeske would not approve. Neither would I of course, but he is much cooler. That said I like the gold on your warsphynx, very clean and even looking without being thick (like on your Thousand Sons which I'm guessing are considerably older) nice job.

Thanks, boys.


Jeske already hates my Tsons list, he will probably avoid commenting about the bikes here lest he has a seizure


<3 you Jeske :lol:


Oh and a small update without pictures: I've cleaned all the chainswords/plague knives/bolters/arms/legs in preparation for the FW conversion bitz. Hopefully the only thing I will have to do is clean them and start the super glue process (hate that). I am happy to have the vehicles out of the way first, and I'm even happier that I used plastic glue.. By the way, does anyone have tips on what I should do as soon as I get my FW dread/plague marine bitz? As far as soaking them. Ordered everything from FW on Dec. 30th, and hopefully this won't be another "Lord of Change" incident.


There's a reason this is only my 2nd FW order in years.

Jeske doesn't read this forum, whatever his wife doesn't paint for him he just applies three colors to, so you're safe from his censure. Too bad Nurgle bikes still suck though. Course I only came here because of your Chaos forum post, which are an anemic section in of themselves with all of like seven posters.


Oh and just wash the FW bits in warm water with a little hand soap, just like any GW model ever. The only problem is that the flash takes forever to remove, especially these weird little nobs of resin right in the cup on the bottom of the chestpiece where the legs would attach to. Oh and the little helm spikes are obviously a total ***** expect some to be broken off before the box is opened, on the plus side, they take paint far better than the old pewter and are not as bizarrely soft as Finecast. Which I hate. Too bad wracks only come in FC and I love wracks. Oh well, such is life.

Thanks, boys.


Jeske already hates my Tsons list, he will probably avoid commenting about the bikes here lest he has a seizure


<3 you Jeske :)


Oh and a small update without pictures: I've cleaned all the chainswords/plague knives/bolters/arms/legs in preparation for the FW conversion bitz. Hopefully the only thing I will have to do is clean them and start the super glue process (hate that). I am happy to have the vehicles out of the way first, and I'm even happier that I used plastic glue.. By the way, does anyone have tips on what I should do as soon as I get my FW dread/plague marine bitz? As far as soaking them. Ordered everything from FW on Dec. 30th, and hopefully this won't be another "Lord of Change" incident.


There's a reason this is only my 2nd FW order in years.



This is the resin article I have used in the past and it seems to work. Looking forward to an update. :)

Thanks guys.


Kassill, did you ever play at Hobbychest?


I present to you: "Funny Fists". I used to make fun of GW for all the skulls they put on old miniatures, namely Arkhan the Black (you know what I'm talking about). Anyways, I think all the skulls look "derpy" for some reason. Was a fun conversion. Just slice off some skulls from spare imperial/chaos bolters with a modeling knife.. but be careful, will ya? I messed up. Where do you think I got the gore for the above pictures? Just kidding.



I picked out all the chaos backpacks and shortened them. Figured that the Thousand Sons already have the extended backpacks so I guess it's time to do something a little different. I have the 3 chaos backpack "types" organized into different squads. 7 of each type, and the 7 bikers will have a mix of whatever was leftover. There's a couple will-be plague knives in the picture. Hopefully Plague Marines will have poison next codex! I will make them real nasty, in hopes that it comes true.



For the hundredth time, I hope the FW stuff arrives soon. Have a nice day everyone.

When I was stationed there I played a lot, Mr. Dan rocks.


..and might I add that the background picture on your blog makes a tear roll down my eye.





Oh cool. Yeah, he's a pretty good dude.


I'm sorry you feel that way, but thanks for checking out my blog.


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