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Flesh Tearer LPC Vow

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Hi there, frequent lurker and infrequent poster here who has come out of the woodwork to take part in the LPC. I took part in the one two years ago and managed to complete it on time (minus the WIP) and have decided to do better this time, hence why I am starting this thread with pictures of what I will be working on (and hopefully finishing) over the next three months.

So first up is the 5 Sanguinary Guard I will be painting


Next up is the pair of Sanguinary Priests


And finally my counts as Dante


As you can see i have already started bits and pieces of these models but there is still a whole lot to do. Once they are finished they will be the final models added to my 3000 point all infantry army. This army has been slowly built up since the last LPC I took part in and I am looking forward to finishing them!

Anyway good luck to everybody else taking part and i look forward to seeing your work take shape over the next couple of months.

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Thanks, I have had the Seth model and the backpack sitting in my bits box for about a year and a half and it was only during my time of work at xmas that I finally got round to removing his head and starting work on him. The hands are from the Grey Knight boxset (I think) and the axe is obviously from the Sanguinary Guard. The backpack was from Paulson Games and I am glad I got it when I did because it seems he has stopped making them now.


All I have to do is get them all painted in time, which with a three month old in the house isn't easy!

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I know what you mean, I don't mind a bit of gold sprinkled around the army but solid gold figures just look too gaudy for my liking. All my Flesh Tearers are in the chapters colours except for the Chaplain and the Librarian. I am just trying to work out how to paint my count as Dante, I am currently thinking chapter colours with a gold death mask.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everybody, I am back with some of my work in progress for the LPC. I haven't done as much as I would like over the last few weeks, but having a three month old baby and trying to organise a restructure at work will do that I suppose!

Any way here is my progress since my last up date


First up a group shot of everything I am working on for the challenge.


My counts as Dante, still needing a lot of work as he will be a centre piece.


The two Sanguinary Priestss, can you guess which squad the one on the left will be joining?


Probably this one I think, my Sanguinary Guard.

As you can see there is still quite a way to go, but I think that I should be able to finish them in time.

Also as a bonus here are my two Devastator squads which I finished just after this challenge started. I would have included them but there were already nearly finished.




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Many thanks, I think it really makes the army stand out a bit more and I'm glad that somebody else likes it. If you look at the first Devastator picture you can see in the background one of my Priests who have the same design but in red/white. It helps them stand out and it reminds me of old school barber shop poles, which is fitting as barbers also use to be surgeons.
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