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the Rise of the Ghost Knight Updated 30/4/12


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Hey everyone finally got around to making up my models I brought on Boxing day so here is my first ever warhammer 40k model it is going to be a chaos dreadnought in my Ghost Knight army a Nurgle based army. The parts I used are form the Zombie dragon kit, chaos space marine kit and the ironclad dreadnought, I use it as armed with heavy bolters and a dreadnought arm with heavy flamer, I am really proud of my first attempt though the annoying thing is that I used up the rest of my glue so I have to wait 2 weeks until the newly opened comic shop in my town gets glue and paints, have to get some green stuff as well so I can touch up some gaps on it and make it look more like a Nurgle dreanought. My next project will be a squad of Plague marines and a Nurgle Sorcerer though will use the Sorcere as a count as Necrosius as I really like stats for him as he is a true Nurgle Sorcerer.

I hope you like my first model and apologise for any bad quality pictures





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This thing is ridiculous. I mean, there are still some mold lines (Hurrican Bolter) but I love this. This makes me want to rebuild my C:SM army... But I won't... HERETIC


I'd love to see what you have in store for the future.

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They are the Zombie dragon neck skin though I used them as they look like ribs as it gives it a more zombie feel, some green stuff should make it a lot better. The paints I am probably going to use are Rotting flesh, bleached bone, Dheneb stone and a rusted looking color hopefully it turns out good as I am not that much of a good painter.

Thanks for your feedback. Also does anyone know a cool name I could call the Dreadnought??? I came up with Khublub Dragon Bile but don't really know if it is a good Nurgle name.


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  • 3 months later...

Hey sorry its been ages since I last posted but thought

Hey everyone been a while but finally got around to making up a few of my models here is what I have done so far though I have wait for some more green stuff to model the plague marines and sorcerer some more as well as the tanks.

Chaos Sorcerer Michael Vilepox








Chaos Spawn


Land raider







Thousand sons/ Zombie Marines

gallery_59703_6825_89670.jpg Aspring Sorcerer

The Zombie marines





Plague marine squad "Spectres of Death"








Still have a lot to do but hopefully I can make them a great army. Last week I took them to my gaming club where I played a small 1250pt game against space marines where my Thousand son squad managed to hold off 2 dreadnoughts, 2 tactical squads in close combat as well as weathering 6 turns of shooting being reduced to 3 thousand sons including the aspring sorcerer to contest the objective earning a draw sadly my dreads, rhino and Chaos lord with plague marines didn't survive falling prey to my opponents dreads, storm shield wielding librarian as well as his lascannon predator ( note I did not use the spawn but managed to successfully use gift of chaos twice, the chaos lord is my sorcerer I just wanted to try out the lord with the daemon weapon )

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Very nice looking army so far. Might look better with paint on it :)


Your spawn looks like you got a glob of green stuff, put it on legs and starting sticking random bits on... I love it!


Thanks, I pretty much did exactly what you said I used a Tyranid warrior I got off Trademe for the legs and just stuck spare zombie arms on it, I am thinking of doing a couple more just so if I use gift of chaos successfully a couple turns I want to have more than one chaos spawn plus I found they are really good at distracting enemy squads. I am going to add 2 more squads of 7 plague marines with Rhinos and 3 Obliterators, I am also highly tempted to convert one of those big Warhammer Fantasy spider to use as a Defiler. By the end of this week (hopefully) I will post a couple pics of different test models just to see which of these new paints look good as an army scheme, I am trying to get 2000pt worth assembled in 2 weeks as I might be playing against sisters of battle at my wargaming club.

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I can really tell how much you enjoy converting and posing things in your army.


Keep it up.


Oh, and great "Thousand Sons".


I am sure you have a lot to work on yet, but if I may offer something- People's eyes will already wander like crazy when they look at the details on your stuff. Drilling the bolter barrels out with a vice drill will greatly enhance your look and would not take long at all.

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Hey everyone here are two new Plague marine Squads I have converted from some Khrone Beserkers and Dark Angels I have included both Plague champions armed with power fist and power weapon for each squad so If I don't really need the fist I can use the power weapon instead plus I got bored and wanted to assemble another few guys. Also now since I have gotten a large amount of green Stuff I am add some more conversions to most of my other models ( mainly the tanks and other Plague marine Squad)

"Pestilent Wraiths"








"Revenants of Decay"







So far I roughly have about 1700pts I am looking to add two more rhinos for the plague marines and 3 Obliterators though still haven't decided how to do themI have to wait for the hobby drill which I ordered to come to drill the gun barrels I think I might of used too much Green stuff on the Plague marines but doesn't really matter as I found a Green Stuff alternative which you get 5 times as much than the game workshop one and is roughly the same price plus I found it was easier to use than the Game workshop one here it is



I have a 2000pt game this week against sisters of battle where I am borrowing 3 Obliterators and a couple of rhinos from another gaming member so hopefully it goes well.

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Looks like warhammer fantasy zombie bits to me.


Honestly? Your gs needs serious work. I can see fingerprints in almost everything. Get a cheap pack of dental tools, which are fairly easy to find at most grocery stores, and go to town while the putty is still curing. You'll have 100% improvement, just experimenting, over moving some greenstuff around with your finger.

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Just a quick question, mate:

Where did you get the zombie bits from? Your zombies are awesome and so are the bits ...


Cheers, JT


I just used the warhammer Zombie kit and the space marines battle force to do them I am planning on painting the zombie marines different than the rest of the army so people know they are not plague marines and try and make each zombie marine from a different chapter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey finally got around to painting some of my models there not expert painted but am happy with them




















I painted them with the new paints using deathworld forest, nurgling green, usabatai bone and astrogranite the robes are done using tyrant stone (sorry if I spelled them wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I feel that since you've done such good conversion work, you'll probably want to spend longer on the painting. As stated, picking out lots of the smaller details will make them "pop", and do consider a variety of inks to add tone and depth to the models - you want people to see the work you've done!
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Yes I am planning picking out the small detail just have to wait for a small detail brush any idea what inks I should use also I am going to do something with the flag I am planning on painting the icon of Nurgle on it with the Ghost Knights written on it though have to wait for that brush, any good tips for rusted metal, bone or making the green they are look better and I am not that good with paints how does thinning work????
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Thanks for the advice I will get those paints right away on another note after I paint up all the stuff I have I am planning on adding another Land Raider, another dread possibly a Contemptor and a squad of 7 flamer Plague marines converted from Thousand Sons
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